Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Surf etiquette

Created by robdog > 9 months ago, 27 Apr 2009
WA, 7608 posts
1 May 2009 8:30AM
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I reckon we need to keep this thread alive especially for those wave hogs out there.
You know who you are...

QLD, 3338 posts
1 May 2009 10:37AM
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I'll name some ME,marty,jake that old dude on the blue board, come to think of it mainly the old dude and that other old dude Piros

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
1 May 2009 10:37AM
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QLD, 6992 posts
1 May 2009 10:44AM
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ianr64 said...

62mac said...

Worked down the Tweed today,and popped up to Snapper to see whats doing on the surf front. 3 foot sets out wide and around 50 shortboarders out and about 10 mal riders! I watched everyone dropping in on each other , the first thing that came to mind was this topic!It was dog eat dog,hey but thats Snapper etiquette,sorry none!

Hey Mac,
It was the same deal living at Crescent Head .Over the 30yrs I lived there I had to learn how to do big floaters over surge take off rock,just to get into a wave earlier than the mals.Had some unreal wipeouts but got into heaps more waves than them,
Other Robbooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Yeah there is no etiquitte at Snapper , it's dog eat dog and thats how it is and will always be.So why do we have to mind our manners so much....?
I think it's time us Suppers unite and take off 10 abreast and mow down these angry mongrels.

Just poking the Tiger.

Robbo thats a classic about the floater around the rock , now you have pull it off on a Sup

Jacko I think I should be on that list as well........

QLD, 3338 posts
1 May 2009 11:16AM
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QLD, 290 posts
1 May 2009 12:09PM
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Talk about wave hogs, at the alley this morning there was this dude on a white PSH board dropping into everything and burning me big time.

QLD, 611 posts
1 May 2009 2:53PM
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Ah Clarky you are just jealous......Get a PSH and you too will "feel the need for speed"

QLD, 185 posts
1 May 2009 2:58PM
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Hey Clarkie. I was at the Alley this mornin on a white PSH. I don't recall burnin anyone! I didn't get out till about 10am, Hope it was'nt me!

QLD, 611 posts
1 May 2009 2:59PM
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Have to agree about the old guy on the blue board.

Pulls up and parks in the disabled parking spot and gets out and goes surfing on his SUP and fades/drops in on everybody.

Pisses everbody off and gives us all a bad rap!!

NSW, 1516 posts
1 May 2009 3:06PM
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Brooko said...

Oh and while Im having a rant about this same place, Div what about the time you had rocks throwing at you by the "tough locals" because you and your mate were surfing well... try throwing a rock at me, I dare you

Where is this spot?

QLD, 290 posts
1 May 2009 5:43PM
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No wasn't you drewsta, I was in the water at 5.35 to 7.oo and couldn't believe it but there was about 15 guys in the water already when I paddled out.

QLD, 611 posts
1 May 2009 6:20PM
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Don't panic Drewsta , Clarky is having a poke at me cause I got more waves than him.

QLD, 4177 posts
1 May 2009 7:42PM
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Ive only managed to nearly decapitate two prone guys so far , both by the way weren,t my fault.How many time,s have you blokes caught a wave to have short boarders just sittting their looking at you and making no effort what so ever to get out of the way.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 May 2009 8:04PM
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Piros said...

Ben dover said...

I believe that because we are standing up constantly we stick out like dog nuts.

Therefore if u do something you stick out from the crowd and everyone see it.

I love watching all the gumbys at Alley go over the falls and clean up each other on mals it quite entertaining, and no one really thinks much of it.

But if someone was to go and do that on a SUP everyone would be having a whinge.

I agree Jake the Alley can have goat boaters , surf boats , clubbie skies , outrigger canoes , mal riders and lets not forget the jet skies but all the grief gets aimed at the sups.

Like Jake said you do the right thing and let the mal riders get the waves only to watch them drop over the falls like Lemmings.

hey boys, everyone has the right to go over the falls, i just wish those ####head sled riders would have a go at it.

camo hosk
VIC, 613 posts
1 May 2009 8:07PM
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Hey teatree,
I wouldnt call it "no effort" on the prone surfers part,but would say its an effort to block your run at catching the wave.A tactic that I also come across often as the line up gets busier.So I'm always looking out for it and searching for uncrowded waves.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 May 2009 8:35PM
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teatrea said...

Ive only managed to nearly decapitate two prone guys so far , both by the way weren,t my fault.How many time,s have you blokes caught a wave to have short boarders just sittting their looking at you and making no effort what so ever to get out of the way.

i,ve been noticing this sure if they really understand they are putting their well ,being at risk.what gets me is i,ll go somewhere by myself, get some sup waves and i know its a crap shortboard and its a sure bet out comes 2 or 3 guys. then they start doing the blocking thing and looking at you with snake eyes.i feel like saying i live here, you only came out because i was getting waves, if you try to block me again i,m going to run you over and i,m pretty sure you'll come of second best so f### off. okay now i,ll take 3 deep breaths. it not going to happen

WA, 725 posts
1 May 2009 8:03PM
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on a positive note - i caught my first real wave today - yay!

dutchies, 2pm, 4'+ maybe, smooth sea with a slight offshore still

me, a mal, and a 'goat boat'

anyway, mindful of what's what (and being a beginner) i did try and keep out of the other two's way on the bigger set waves - plenty left for me

it was nice to sit down while waiting for the wave, and nicer still to chat while passing the time

all in all, a very pleasant afternoon

WA, 252 posts
1 May 2009 8:22PM
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downwind said...

on a positive note - i caught my first real wave today - yay!

dutchies, 2pm, 4'+ maybe, smooth sea with a slight offshore still

me, a mal, and a 'goat boat'

4' + at dutchies today???!!!! You sure you were in the right spot Downwind? I surfed within sight of Dutchies (just a coupla hundred metres north); Dutchies wasn't breaking, went home at 12.30 'cos the swell was dropping. You might have been just south of Dutchies, where a couple of 2-footers came thru.
Maybe a tsunami came through at 2pm

WA, 725 posts
1 May 2009 8:28PM
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well it looked like 4' to me!

edumacated, again - i'll just halve everything in future

god its hard being a gumby

WA, 726 posts
1 May 2009 8:30PM
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Hey downwind
Thats what its all about. A few good waves, bit of a chat and move down the line when it gets too crowded.

WA, 243 posts
1 May 2009 8:39PM
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Iam with you downwind. Us gumbies need to stick together. Luvin my 11.2 ft mr easy. Dont have a prob with crowds down here. I've got the only SUP down here. and have been approached by a few of the local short boarders asking for a lend of it. they cant be all bad.

WA, 252 posts
1 May 2009 8:57PM
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sorry Downwind, didn't mean to rain on your parade, but I'm pretty sure that you were the other side of Dutchies, as I didn't notice dutchies breaking. Doesn't matter, as long as you had fun!!
The system of measuring waves doesn't appear to be very logical (measured from the back, thus a 2' swell may in fact have waves of approx. 4' faces. On this site the Cott swell this morning was recorded as 0.75m (2.5'), yet there were 4' faces at a couple of the reef breaks south of Cott groyne.
Just to confuse matters, you might hear someone say "it was double-overhead at my favourite secret spot today" ----- 12 foot (or 11' if you're only 5'5")?? Not so, maybe 8' (or thereabouts, give or take a foot or two! ).

WA, 725 posts
1 May 2009 9:31PM
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most informative md

so yes, i think they were 4' faces or even a bit more on a couple (i kid not) = 2'

and i was south of the groyne - on the reef - where we windsurf (so i got dutchies confused as well by the sounds of it)

NSW, 4188 posts
3 May 2009 12:24AM
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JB Mel is that the north end of 7 mile beach by any chance?


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Surf etiquette" started by robdog