Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

wooden paddles design

Created by fatsurf > 9 months ago, 19 Mar 2009
QLD, 305 posts
19 Mar 2009 11:06PM
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does any one have a plan or design i can use ?

VIC, 17516 posts
20 Mar 2009 12:13AM
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I like this blade shape... .. are you going to make one yourself?


QLD, 305 posts
19 Mar 2009 11:26PM
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DavidJohn said...

I like this blade shape... .. are you going to make one yourself?


ill give it a go mate used to do a lot of work in wood see how i go

VIC, 17516 posts
20 Mar 2009 12:29AM
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Don't make the same mistake that Stoneaxe made with his first homemade wood paddle..


QLD, 305 posts
19 Mar 2009 11:35PM
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VIC, 17516 posts
20 Mar 2009 1:01AM
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I'm sure Stony will chime in and explain..


NSW, 665 posts
20 Mar 2009 9:10AM
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Currently making one out of balsa wood and epoxy resin will try to post some photos when in finished.

QLD, 2816 posts
20 Mar 2009 9:28AM
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Hey fat - took delivery of my new wood paddle this morning and it looks amazing. If you are interested i can post my thoughts on it after a surf with it this arvo and in the morning. my missus even commented on how beautiful the paddle looked and trust me my fox terrier has more interest in sups and paddles than she does.

136 posts
20 Mar 2009 10:54AM
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Leave it to my buddy DJ to draw attention to my stupidity...

Before I had started to SUP myself I made my brother PonoBill a paddle, made myself one at the same time since I figured I might give it a go. While they came out beautiful they weighed about the same as an oar from a viking longboat and I was stupid enough to think the blade acted like a scoop (backwards) so I shaped the handle accordingly. Brother Bill's is a very nice wall decoration in the Ponohouse on maui and the other was auctioned off for charity as art after I did a woodburning of a humpback whale and calf. Later paddles have come out much better.....

1st two

Mako Shark inlays

Book Matched blade

Wood burning for the charity paddle....Best thing about this is that I've become great friends with the guy that bought it and we planned the cape Cod Bay Challenge together

This paddle was fast and light but I snapped the shaft while surfing. I've changed my methods since.

Best paddles you can emulate are the Malamas IMO. Light, strong, and beautiful.
Heres how he makes them.

Have fun...definitely gratifying to paddle something you've made with your own hands. I have to admit though...I paddle carbon most of the time. You just can't match the weight with wood.

WA, 24860 posts
20 Mar 2009 7:22PM
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Paddle is the wrong word for those paddles Stoneaxe, PURE ART !

QLD, 305 posts
20 Mar 2009 8:41PM
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62mac said...

Paddle is the wrong word for those paddles Stoneaxe, PURE ART !

i second that opinion

VIC, 188 posts
20 Mar 2009 10:30PM
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That's some real talent Stoneaxe, beautiful woodburning art.


QLD, 305 posts
20 Mar 2009 10:05PM
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Ok well i think i can do one will get some wood on monday and start laminating the handle will keep you up dated guys once finished will need to find out who to get glass from as the kits are to small
once finished will ge one of you to try it out for me cool ?

could mean that i wont be on here every night LOL

WA, 24860 posts
20 Mar 2009 9:09PM
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Hey fat,ask Piros mate he has made some awesome wooden paddles,check his profile and you bumped into he at MMN
btw,your spelling is good today,lol
maced out

QLD, 305 posts
20 Mar 2009 10:12PM
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lol yes well no drinks tonight mate lol
thanks mac

WA, 24860 posts
20 Mar 2009 9:43PM
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yep fat i can see that,so your going to make a paddle, oh if I had the time
As I said before,they are art!


QLD, 305 posts
20 Mar 2009 10:45PM
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62mac said...

yep fat i can see that,so your going to made a paddle, oh if I had the time
As I said before,they are art!


whos had a few rums mate lol see above
probably get you to try it out

WA, 83 posts
20 Mar 2009 11:06PM
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Hi Stoneaxe,

What tool/device are you using for your wood burning?

I have been using a basic engraver from the hardware on wood products but that wouldn't allow the detail that you have achieved in the picture shown.


VIC, 17516 posts
21 Mar 2009 8:40AM
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Supsurfaust said...

Hi Stoneaxe,

What tool/device are you using for your wood burning?

I have been using a basic engraver from the hardware on wood products but that wouldn't allow the detail that you have achieved in the picture shown.


I'm sure Bob will answer himself but I'm pretty sure he did hot do the wood burning art himself.

It was done in an effort to action off the paddle and donate the money raised from it.


NSW, 698 posts
21 Mar 2009 12:06PM
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I'm sure Piros would not mind giving a few tips, remember his garage pics with that great looking double bend paddle, a real master craftmans job.


136 posts
21 Mar 2009 5:49PM
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Supsurfaust said...

Hi Stoneaxe,

What tool/device are you using for your wood burning?

I have been using a basic engraver from the hardware on wood products but that wouldn't allow the detail that you have achieved in the picture shown.


Actually I did do the woodburning. It was the 1st woodburning I had done since I was a kid. I'm a decent sketch artist and its a lot like drawing with pencil on paper. I googled images of humpbacks and found some I liked, combined the two and used them as models to sketch onto the paddle with pencil 1st then went over them with the tool. The tool is A Burnmaster Eagle Wood Burner by Mastercarver. It has adjustable temperature controls and a variety of tip sizes. I borrowed it from a friend of my daughters but after doing this I put this on my Christmas list and the wife got me one.

I blogged the actual building of the paddles on a woodworking forum I belong too if you're interested. It's a 6 part series. I don't do the shafts this way any more. I do them the same way Malama does.
The Save the Children Auction Blog

Once the weather gets warm (I do my woodworking outside mostly) I have a bunch of wood ready for some more paddles. I'm going to make some as gifts for family and friends. I'm going to try my hand at building an Alaia as well...also a gift. That should be interesting. I'm waiting for Tom Wegener's how-to DVD to come out. Supposed to be out this month. even weirder 1st
I tattooed my daughter.....after she begged me to do it. I was supposedly going over to help her paint her living room in her house. Then she surprised me with this. I refused at 1st but she begged and said it would mean so much to her. So I said OK thinking it was going to be some other day. Then she calls her friend the budding tattoo artist and tells him to bring his gear over. She already had it setup....knew she had Dad wrapped.

Still healing and a little out of focus but you get the picture. She said she wanted something to symbolize home. I planted a cherry tree when she was born and its now a large beautiful tree, the centerpiece of an asian inspired water garden her sister and I built together. So I skecthed a cherry branch with blossom and buds and she had me sign it Dad too. Very bizarre.

VIC, 188 posts
21 Mar 2009 8:43PM
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Nothing bizarre about that Stoneaxe, a little out of the ordinary maybe, but still a great Father- Daughter moment. Thanks for sharing. ( nice tat by the way )


TAS, 23 posts
22 Mar 2009 10:05AM
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I am currently making wooden paddles - up to paddle six so far. Check out

photos of last five. These paddles are made using Tasmanian wood. No snapped paddles yet. Any feedback would be appreciated.

QLD, 305 posts
22 Mar 2009 9:40AM
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what species

thought about some tassie oak but being very brittle dident think it would work ?

QLD, 156 posts
22 Mar 2009 2:36PM
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Wow! They look absolutely amazing. The whales remind me of the artwork in Lahaina Scrimshaw shop at Whalers Village on Maui. Why does everything remind me of Maui? Anyway, coming from someone who really is not very artistic I find I can really appreciate your paddles. I bet you get some cool comments when you take them into the lineup. Nice one

QLD, 305 posts
22 Mar 2009 2:58PM
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and so it begins

hope i have the angle right

next step

136 posts
22 Mar 2009 4:35PM
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Well it certainly felt a little weird to me to be tattooing my kid. It is kind of cool now that its done....all her friends want me to do one for them now. I've always been a popular Dad....

Beautiful paddles Clifton. What woods are you using? Nice combination of colors.

Here's a good resource for wood species for you guys especially...has a lot of Aussie species in it. A good way to check the strength/weight ratio. Very important factor is the MOE...modulus of far it will bend before breaking. The higher the number the better. I've started using a relatively low density but still high MOE wood for the spine of my shafts. Trying to maximize strength while still keeping it light. The rest of the woods are selected for density's below 400. Mostly I use cedar because its inexpensive, easy to get and comes in a wide range of colors right off the same rack. I mix in some exotics for grain and color.

This list shows some great woods down under for building paddles. Not sure how many are readily commercially available though. I'd love to get some of them. Bonewood sounds like it would make a great spine to a paddle.

Kind of a unusual wood reference...about building Noah's ark.

QLD, 305 posts
22 Mar 2009 6:24PM
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Kind of a unusual wood reference...about building Noah's ark.

these are available the others can be found just takes some phone calls

TAS, 23 posts
22 Mar 2009 8:55PM
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i am using boat building timber mainly houn pine , kingbilly pine a bit of western red ceder, but the softer the wood the more epoxy it soaks up and the heavier the paddle both houn and kingbilly don't absorb much resin the paddles weigh the same as my oxbow 2 piece cabon paddle

WA, 24860 posts
22 Mar 2009 8:21PM
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Yeh nice work fatsurf,keep us updated! Sure looks like art in the making!


QLD, 305 posts
22 Mar 2009 9:26PM
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might be a wall piece mate only working with one saw , one sanding grinder and clamps lol
sold all my gear years ago lol

but just won this at auction will help with next one

does anyone have a draw knife they want to sell or loan ?
like this if you dont know what they are see bellow


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"wooden paddles design" started by fatsurf