Forums > Surfing Longboarding

10'+ Boards, let's see em..

Created by vanders1 > 9 months ago, 23 Dec 2016
TAS, 1925 posts
28 Feb 2019 7:00PM
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Told ya to take the glider out on the Cyclone swell Mac

QLD, 21884 posts
1 Mar 2019 6:16AM
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AndyrooMac said..
Told ya to take the glider out on the Cyclone swell Mac

Yeah yeah Andy that was his smallest wave,I was lucky enough to watch him on a couple of bombs the guy is super talented.

TAS, 1925 posts
1 Mar 2019 8:02AM
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Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..
Told ya to take the glider out on the Cyclone swell Mac

Yeah yeah Andy that was his smallest wave,I was lucky enough to watch him on a couple of bombs the guy is super talented.

I think the bigger issue would have been the paddle out and dodging the bombs on that board... But yeah, takes talent to do that.

QLD, 21884 posts
1 Mar 2019 7:14AM
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AndyrooMac said..

Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..
Told ya to take the glider out on the Cyclone swell Mac

Yeah yeah Andy that was his smallest wave,I was lucky enough to watch him on a couple of bombs the guy is super talented.

I think the bigger issue would have been the paddle out and dodging the bombs on that board... But yeah, takes talent to do that.

I was talking to our Uber driver last night who surfed Kirra on Sunday he said he paddled out from greenmount he said you could almost walk out and not get hit by waves I don't know how that happened but I'll take his word.

On another note the council had a guy on kirra hill taking pictures of all the jet ski rides and they have fined every one of them from not wearing jackets,going over 6 knots being to close to surfers.

TAS, 1925 posts
1 Mar 2019 11:08AM
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Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..

Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..
Told ya to take the glider out on the Cyclone swell Mac

Yeah yeah Andy that was his smallest wave,I was lucky enough to watch him on a couple of bombs the guy is super talented.

I think the bigger issue would have been the paddle out and dodging the bombs on that board... But yeah, takes talent to do that.

I was talking to our Uber driver last night who surfed Kirra on Sunday he said he paddled out from greenmount he said you could almost walk out and not get hit by waves I don't know how that happened but I'll take his word.

On another note the council had a guy on kirra hill taking pictures of all the jet ski rides and they have fined every one of them from not wearing jackets,going over 6 knots being to close to surfers.

Hahaha... That's awesome!!!

They totally should have to get permits for that so they can control the amount in the water... especially at the times when the paddle guys were out.

QLD, 21884 posts
1 Mar 2019 10:41AM
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AndyrooMac said..

Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..

Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..
Told ya to take the glider out on the Cyclone swell Mac

Yeah yeah Andy that was his smallest wave,I was lucky enough to watch him on a couple of bombs the guy is super talented.

I think the bigger issue would have been the paddle out and dodging the bombs on that board... But yeah, takes talent to do that.

I was talking to our Uber driver last night who surfed Kirra on Sunday he said he paddled out from greenmount he said you could almost walk out and not get hit by waves I don't know how that happened but I'll take his word.

On another note the council had a guy on kirra hill taking pictures of all the jet ski rides and they have fined every one of them from not wearing jackets,going over 6 knots being to close to surfers.

Hahaha... That's awesome!!!

They totally should have to get permits for that so they can control the amount in the water... especially at the times when the paddle guys were out.

Andy I'm not a fan of ski's but these guys all sat way wide were nobody was paddling in so it was fine,Mick Fanning has a Red Bull ski which stands out like dogs nuts

A few paddle in guys got in trouble so these ski guy went to their aid.

TAS, 1925 posts
1 Mar 2019 12:30PM
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Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..

Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..

Macaha said..

AndyrooMac said..
Told ya to take the glider out on the Cyclone swell Mac

Yeah yeah Andy that was his smallest wave,I was lucky enough to watch him on a couple of bombs the guy is super talented.

I think the bigger issue would have been the paddle out and dodging the bombs on that board... But yeah, takes talent to do that.

I was talking to our Uber driver last night who surfed Kirra on Sunday he said he paddled out from greenmount he said you could almost walk out and not get hit by waves I don't know how that happened but I'll take his word.

On another note the council had a guy on kirra hill taking pictures of all the jet ski rides and they have fined every one of them from not wearing jackets,going over 6 knots being to close to surfers.

Hahaha... That's awesome!!!

They totally should have to get permits for that so they can control the amount in the water... especially at the times when the paddle guys were out.

Andy I'm not a fan of ski's but these guys all sat way wide were nobody was paddling in so it was fine,Mick Fanning has a Red Bull ski which stands out like dogs nuts

A few paddle in guys got in trouble so these ski guy went to their aid.

I get that, and yeah, maybe get out and issue some warnings first... But I know the Hawaiians are all about controlling who is out on these big days and not just letting any shmo get out there with a ski... I guess my view is tainted as the jetski guys down here are all narcissistic f-wits who are just really dangerous around families and swimmers and the authorities rarely do a thing...

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
1 Mar 2019 1:54PM
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Guess Who?

QLD, 21884 posts
1 Mar 2019 1:14PM
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Oh hang on he dose not surf whoops

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
1 Mar 2019 4:31PM
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Nup not the big V but he might have liked him

QLD, 21884 posts
1 Mar 2019 3:35PM
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Al G said..
Nup not the big V but he might have liked him

Pup with hair

QLD, 21884 posts
1 Mar 2019 3:36PM
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Anyway someone got a new 10 footer today guess and it's not me.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
1 Mar 2019 9:56PM
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Its the one and only Rex"Moose"Mossop 1964

SA, 1739 posts
2 Mar 2019 7:45AM
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Yes received this big beast yesterday. Looks good except for the damage on the tail courtesy of the freight company. Should provide me with lots of fun. Some breezers may recognise the board and thanks to Mac for going for a drive and scoping out the board for me. Most appreciated.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
2 Mar 2019 8:47AM
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Nice one McH,enjoy
Yeah i spose that Mac comes in handy sometimes

TAS, 1925 posts
2 Mar 2019 9:34AM
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McHenry said..

Yes received this big beast yesterday. Looks good except for the damage on the tail courtesy of the freight company. Should provide me with lots of fun. Some breezers may recognise the board and thanks to Mac for going for a drive and scoping out the board for me. Most appreciated.

Nice outline dude, lucky you had that insurance... get her fixed and get her wet

QLD, 21884 posts
4 Mar 2019 7:41AM
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Congats McHenry and I agree the Cruiser has a beautiful outilne. My argument with mctavish at the time was they called it the wrong name its a real performer great board to ride.

Happy to help out McHenry it was too easy since it was not far away,great score.

Now since Vanders was the king of glide well way back in time and has since retired from all forms of surfing,its up to you to take over his legacy. It shouldnt be hard McH all you need to do is surf once every 3 to 6 months and the crown is yours

TAS, 1925 posts
4 Mar 2019 10:52AM
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Macaha said..
Congats McHenry and I agree the Cruiser has a beautiful outilne. My argument with mctavish at the time was they called it the wrong name its a real performer great board to ride.

Happy to help out McHenry it was too easy since it was not far away,great score.

Now since Vanders was the king of glide well way back in time and has since retired from all forms of surfing,its up to you to take over his legacy. It shouldnt be hard McH all you need to do is surf once every 3 to 6 months and the crown is yours

Perplexing really as MCT are generally very good with Marketing but the board doesnt appear as a "Cruiser" at all... very strange

QLD, 21884 posts
4 Mar 2019 9:57AM
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AndyrooMac said..

Macaha said..
Congats McHenry and I agree the Cruiser has a beautiful outilne. My argument with mctavish at the time was they called it the wrong name its a real performer great board to ride.

Happy to help out McHenry it was too easy since it was not far away,great score.

Now since Vanders was the king of glide well way back in time and has since retired from all forms of surfing,its up to you to take over his legacy. It shouldnt be hard McH all you need to do is surf once every 3 to 6 months and the crown is yours

Perplexing really as MCT are generally very good with Marketing but the board doesnt appear as a "Cruiser" at all... very strange

I found I was surfing it like a 9.6 evo with that in mind. But I'm your local hacker

SA, 1739 posts
5 Mar 2019 8:37AM
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I heard the original concept for the cruiser was for a guy in Victoria who wanted a board like that for big winter waves. Could be wrong but that's what I heard. I think their was a blog post about it when they released the board about the background of why they designed it.

SA, 1739 posts
6 Mar 2019 11:20AM
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I personally prefer the old description, but that's just me.

QLD, 21884 posts
6 Mar 2019 11:26AM
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Yeah McHenry thats the one

TAS, 1925 posts
8 Mar 2019 4:32PM
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McHenry said..
I personally prefer the old description, but that's just me.

Speaking of... you going to get her back for the weekend to break her in?

SA, 1739 posts
8 Mar 2019 6:33PM
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Umm not sure. The board has black stripes on the bottom that when I went to get the ding repair the ding guy said it was under the gloss coat. Then he rang me today saying they were added on after and could sand em all off for 50 bucks but couldn't guarantee they'd be done for Saturday. I told him to go for it and have a ummm.....few other boards I could use, so we will see.

NSW, 5510 posts
8 Mar 2019 9:02PM
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McHenry said..
Umm not sure. The board has black stripes on the bottom that when I went to get the ding repair the ding guy said it was under the gloss coat. Then he rang me today saying they were added on after and could sand em all off for 50 bucks but couldn't guarantee they'd be done for Saturday. I told him to go for it and have a ummm.....few other boards I could use, so we will see.

McHenry nice board, the guy who originally owned it had the shark deterrent stripes put on which ruined the look of the board in my opinion so I say go for it remove the stripes good luck

SA, 1739 posts
8 Mar 2019 9:25PM
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Yeah totally agree Asea, bit too bumble bee for me. The ding guy said t was only proven to be some what useful when it is a specific pattern which that wasn't.

So he'll sand with 800 then 1200 and all good!

QLD, 21884 posts
8 Mar 2019 10:35PM
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McHenry those boards go insane good luck mate I want another one .

SA, 1739 posts
11 Mar 2019 4:20PM
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Maiden voyage on the new cruiser yesterday morning. Surf was predicted to be small 2ft and offshore and Saturday was supposed to be the bigger day but the swell came in later than predicted and when we got there we have 3-4ft pretty solid surf on the set waves. As I am a very average surfer 4 ft is big for me. Anyways got out there and settled in and caught a few waves on the board and it felt great and then caught the biggest wave of my life as the last one and have never gone so fast in my life on a board, what a buzz, super stoked and very happy with the board!!

Looking to try it was a 2 plus 1 next.

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Mar 2019 4:29PM
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Awesome McHenry.

Set it up with small side bites and a 8 inch centre it will go nuts.

183 posts
11 Mar 2019 3:04PM
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McHenry said..
Maiden voyage on the new cruiser yesterday morning. Surf was predicted to be small 2ft and offshore and Saturday was supposed to be the bigger day but the swell came in later than predicted and when we got there we have 3-4ft pretty solid surf on the set waves. As I am a very average surfer 4 ft is big for me. Anyways got out there and settled in and caught a few waves on the board and it felt great and then caught the biggest wave of my life as the last one and have never gone so fast in my life on a board, what a buzz, super stoked and very happy with the board!!

Looking to try it was a 2 plus 1 next.

Pretty sure I was surfing that neck of the woods yesterday. Size wise it was a nice surprise arriving on sunrise and bloody fun conditions for what's an otherwise average wave.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"10'+ Boards, let's see em.." started by vanders1