No Mchenry that board is the Involvement model mines the Noserider,just whacked it there for a talking point and see what reaction the bat logo received as I'm thinking of putting one on white bat on burgundy tint.?
I'd go with a full size selfie of yourself in some nice red budgie smugglers on the top, either that or a life size portrait of cobra
sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff ......... Macaha you have received this 5 minute warning ...... reveal your new porn or risk copping the bastard of all BEERFINES .... you know the caper old cock ..... porn or beer in the end of year PP Xmas debauchery kitty
No idea Vanders I just play the patient game now days it comes when it comes
That pic is a FB square not the Noserider same tint and stringer set up ,mine will
have some deck and fin patches.
Pup I've got nothing so I'll have to cope the fine