Pup your god is currently texting me,the only thing he is banging off is his Pinnacle is a keeper,oh and he will be surfing with me this Sunday
Yes I'm really looking forward to our trip,still tossing weather to take a board or hire one for the smash up derby
pleased to say macaha survived his 2 weekend in a row surfing.
at no stage did he look troubled.
there's even talk about pushing the boundries, into the unknown, uncharted waters, breaking on through to the other side,a out of body experience, devil may care, have a go you mug,mid life crisis, all the gym work paid off, i can do it if i believe ____surf tomorrow
I love logs....don't have 10fter...my shed is too small...biggest is a 9'7"...& another @ 9'6" triple stringer "D" fin