Apparently, the longboard forum is having issues:
Weeeeell apparently in the 10' + boards let's see em thread, Andyroo Tux and Machenry or something like that argued with Mac about mctavish.
wait till I have another sip of my tea and drag on my winny blue
weeeeell McHenry said I'm going Mac said he was too andyroo now said nothing it's just a very sad affair Laurie.
with LL not posting because he hates longboards and all.
Laurie it's a girls dressing room ATM it's was only last week Pup run off with a 666er and AL bought a jap panel van the place has gone to sit.. another drag on the winny
you know Laurie that's why Roy don't post, ****n sooks the lot of them.
Currently on the mid East coast of Taiwan, was planning on a Taiwan blog but don't have the time this trip. Will post stuff up when I get home. The beer, food & waves are bloody good here. Two weeks will not be enough...
The cool gang got hurty feelings Laurie and they thought bullying would achieve their goal of owning the internet
Geez it got dead slow in here over the past few days noted, no posts for 19 hours at one stage, unheard off in these parts.
Well Laurie,you asked to share and again here it is,most of the trouble is this.Three weeks ago I posted why 8 to 10 members on here don't like coming on here anymore because of Chrispy's continual mimicking,bullying,Trolling of others posts and general inciting arguments(see some of this mornings posts by him as an example).No one seems to belittle you Chrispy so why do you constantly do it to others,is it really needed??Although I was told by you it was "FAKE" news 10 people can't be wrong surely???.Well we've all witnessed how quiet it got in here now over the last few weeks haven't we?Maybe not so FAKE after all???.We all know this will never stop unless he is banned so why bang our heads against a brick wall every day.btw who is the cool gang,most blokes I've met on here and surfed with are cruisers,Is that a jealousy thing,I don't know ?if so join in???
One thing I will say in Chrispy's defence though is "YES" he does have great posts and input sometimes and everyone does enjoy that side of it, but when he starts again with his Sh1t against other members we just get sick of seeing it,it's just simply unacceptable and or bad vibes,if this wasn't happening most of the time on here would be fine??
I'm a member of 4 forums car and surfing and this one is the worst one for incidents like this that I've come across,the others are fine,WHY???
It's up to you Laurie how you want this forum to go either have hardly anyone on here or have someone here like that,either way I don't care but it's a shame it's come to this?
As Cobra once said"It's not a pissing contest" so Sook,Whinger,Tough,Soft,Nerd,Skinny ,Fat,Religous,Old,Young,"whatever" it's all about surfing with mates and having fun like we used to do,Not personal stabs!...
btw Cobra,it was a Euro panel vanI don't do Jap sh1t
i thought that a moderators job was to manage this, not taking sides...i look often, but never touch
I'm pretty sure there are two slanderous remarks in his last post in the classic car thread or is that his opinion, within forum rules? Some people should show more self control and keep their opinions to oneself.Can I post without being trolled? So does one sit back and read his personal attacks ? for how long do you think people are going to hang around? surely last week the slowest week EVER is a example of where the forum is heading if this rubbish is not sorted out. Finally I would like to see everyone cut out the rubbish and move on and get the fun back in the place, thats why we are here right?