Forums > Surfing Longboarding

A disturbance in the force...

Created by laurie > 9 months ago, 17 Apr 2018
QLD, 388 posts
21 Apr 2018 8:46AM
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"Has some bees in his bonnet"
That's a bit like the Ar5ehole calling the armpit hairy

WA, 9675 posts
21 Apr 2018 6:51AM
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GWatto said..
"Has some bees in his bonnet"
That's a bit like the Ar5ehole calling the armpit hairy

Really? I only respond to whats in front of me as i have done right now. So yeh nah bro go fishing elsewhere

Watto did you read the old thread I commented on ? Or are you just being a troll?

484 posts
21 Apr 2018 8:22AM
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chrispy said..

Nozza said..
I followed a link on a post that doesn't seem to exist anymore.
I have just spent the last two hours back in 2012 0r 2013.
I can't believe I read the thing to the end.
Although I did skim the last two pages because I was worried it was endless.

I read it as well nozza. Sorta proved who the bullies are and what happens to people who do not agree with the in crowd ...some things don't change it seems

Mcguane has been the master of the delete.he has some bees in his bonnet but cannot seem to get it out,well he might have now it seems

Hiya Chrispy,
Yes, when The Drip started the lurkers thread, i was going to start a deleters thread, but i probably would've only deleted it. I dunno if i'm the master deleter, but i'm certainly on the podium.
I don't have too many bees in by bonnet, i just prefer the forum when it doesn't feature personal attacks or unnecessary aggro. I also prefer it without the girly pics.
Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy debate though. I'd hate admin to get too heavy handed and take all the colour out of the place, but IMHO they could get a little better at putting out fires.
Keep on rocking in the free world,

484 posts
21 Apr 2018 8:33AM
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chrispy said..

GWatto said..
"Has some bees in his bonnet"
That's a bit like the Ar5ehole calling the armpit hairy

Really? I only respond to whats in front of me as i have done right now. So yeh nah bro go fishing elsewhere

Watto did you read the old thread I commented on ? Or are you just being a troll?

I thought that was funny. And I'm the armpit.

QLD, 388 posts
21 Apr 2018 11:22AM
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McGuane said..

chrispy said..

GWatto said..
"Has some bees in his bonnet"
That's a bit like the Ar5ehole calling the armpit hairy

Really? I only respond to whats in front of me as i have done right now. So yeh nah bro go fishing elsewhere

Watto did you read the old thread I commented on ? Or are you just being a troll?

I thought that was funny. And I'm the armpit.

And your hairy

9106 posts
21 Apr 2018 10:49AM
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GWatto said..
"Has some bees in his bonnet"
That's a bit like the Ar5ehole calling the armpit hairy

Gwatto You in town Anzac Day?
lowtide about midday if you're interested
ill be at a point just down the road

QLD, 388 posts
21 Apr 2018 3:58PM
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Cobra said..

GWatto said..
"Has some bees in his bonnet"
That's a bit like the Ar5ehole calling the armpit hairy

Gwatto You in town Anzac Day?
lowtide about midday if you're interested
ill be at a point just down the road

Snake man driving up Anzac Day
Ill pm you to catch up

QLD, 21885 posts
21 Apr 2018 4:05PM
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GWatto said..

Cobra said..

GWatto said..
"Has some bees in his bonnet"
That's a bit like the Ar5ehole calling the armpit hairy

Gwatto You in town Anzac Day?
lowtide about midday if you're interested
ill be at a point just down the road

Snake man driving up Anzac Day
Ill pm you to catch up

Road Trip

WA, 3848 posts
21 Apr 2018 2:12PM
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McGuane said..
Hi Laurie,
So, there are no issues with any particular people being repeatedly reported for inappropriate behaviour (personal abuse, etc)?
You can check that but we can't.

The last report from you was in May 2016. Have you been reporting things, and us not getting them?

This forum seems to be populated by a fair few people who know each other in real life, and have fallen out with each other in real life, but still post in these forums, and thus there is conflict.

Is that what's going on?

QLD, 388 posts
21 Apr 2018 4:22PM
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Yep got a couple of days off been way too long since last got wet

QLD, 21885 posts
21 Apr 2018 4:24PM
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laurie said..

McGuane said..
Hi Laurie,
So, there are no issues with any particular people being repeatedly reported for inappropriate behaviour (personal abuse, etc)?
You can check that but we can't.

The last report from you was in May 2016. Have you been reporting things, and us not getting them?

This forum seems to be populated by a fair few people who know each other in real life, and have fallen out with each other in real life, but still post in these forums, and thus there is conflict.

Is that what's going on?

Yes I fell out with myself
But its all good I've learnt I'm not perfect and I'm at peace with that.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
21 Apr 2018 4:39PM
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Macaha said..

laurie said..

McGuane said..
Hi Laurie,
So, there are no issues with any particular people being repeatedly reported for inappropriate behaviour (personal abuse, etc)?
You can check that but we can't.

The last report from you was in May 2016. Have you been reporting things, and us not getting them?

This forum seems to be populated by a fair few people who know each other in real life, and have fallen out with each other in real life, but still post in these forums, and thus there is conflict.

Is that what's going on?

Yes I fell out with myself
But its all good I've learnt I'm not perfect and I'm at peace with that.

That's ok Mac,you're always self explanitory

484 posts
21 Apr 2018 2:45PM
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laurie said..

McGuane said..
Hi Laurie,
So, there are no issues with any particular people being repeatedly reported for inappropriate behaviour (personal abuse, etc)?
You can check that but we can't.

The last report from you was in May 2016. Have you been reporting things, and us not getting them?

This forum seems to be populated by a fair few people who know each other in real life, and have fallen out with each other in real life, but still post in these forums, and thus there is conflict.

Is that what's going on?

I was asking broadly, not just who I personally may or may not have flagged.

You created the thread and asked if there was an issue and for examples. I suggested that establishing which posts (and posters) have been most flagged to you (by whoever) might tell you more than any examples we can now find, because the worst stuff has most probably been deleted.
I thought that might be the best way for you to establish what you said you wanted to know.

Hope that's clearer.

If you don't think that's worth looking in to. No worries. The cycle does go around. Sometimes just waiting does the thing, hey? Zen and the art of admin....

Cheers, Dave

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
21 Apr 2018 4:52PM
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And who's been suspended the most for said crap that you want to know

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
21 Apr 2018 5:43PM
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I asked to be suspended but havent as yet.
So dam it, i find myself doing a post.
Its been a very funny week and all players congrats. So much better to watch then play hence why so many lurkers.
Now if it was a game of baseball chrispy wins.

Mvp goes to cobra -masterfull display of good cop bad cop.

So sitting back i reckon forget trying to make the forum your happy place. Different opinions matter. Its what keeps the greenroom alive. Let the unplayables go throught to the keeper. (Good advice for me too )

Meeting up with mac for surf and coffee tomorrow to sort out!!!.anyway we cant seem to play online so i wont be coming back to be a player.
Picking up the online ball and going home

Back to retirement land

NSW, 7269 posts
21 Apr 2018 5:48PM
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They were the best cartoons ever

QLD, 21885 posts
21 Apr 2018 5:50PM
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Well hello Lacey Lane looking forward to playing tomorrow
I knew you would be lurking Lacey and I will settle tomorrow
on how to play in and out of the forum, he will give and so will I.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
21 Apr 2018 5:50PM
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smh said..
They were the best cartoons ever

Bloody oath,I think most of us grew up with em

13831 posts
21 Apr 2018 5:05PM
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laceys lane said..
I asked to be suspended but havent as yet.
So dam it, i find myself doing a post.
Its been a very funny week and all players congrats. So much better to watch then play hence why so many lurkers.
Now if it was a game of baseball chrispy wins.

Mvp goes to cobra -masterfull display of good cop bad cop.

So sitting back i reckon forget trying to make the forum your happy place. Different opinions matter. Its what keeps the greenroom alive. Let the unplayables go throught to the keeper. (Good advice for me too )

Meeting up with mac for surf and coffee tomorrow to sort out!!!.anyway we cant seem to play online so i wont be coming back to be a player.
Picking up the online ball and going home

Back to retirement land

Same same mate the silly pr!ck wont delete me - geez I remember the good times hey .... when

Asea was god & smashed a farking good drop knee into everything & shagged all his groupies in the sand dunes 3 at a time
Obct's arsehole shined brighter & shone further than the Osiris nebula
62Mac smashed rumbos & shortboarders by the dozen then blitzed the nail varnish salons in the UberAudi
Weiry used to dismantle Queen Street hookers & let the blue balled wunderhound go slops on their cats
Simondogromdo had this ripping neighbour with two magnificent coconut trees
Billboard ruled Tassie with an iron fist
Ted was the master of the footy tipping , restaurants & All Black dominance elsewhere the bastard of a thing
Beerfines were the go too - we got pissed as crickets every day fark it was good hey
Towball was the King of Enzed & no-one surfed Makarori Point without getting past those beady eyes & how were those pics he used to post up geez !!!!
Ockanui was a Victorian institution of inspiration farken good bloke too
Scotty88 was up for anything
Your carpet was brand new back then Lacey & absolutely pristine

But I suppose on bright side .... Vanders still runs amok , Lance has still got it , Ronnie G continues to shape fibreglass brilliance , roadtrips are still cooking very farking nicely (and there's a mini trip in 2 weeks & Ted will be there yee farken haaa get some of that good shizz up you carnt)
And I've still got my sense of humour & I surf every farking day pretty much had some crackers lately geez

Nah your right it's a carnt of a place Lacey mate - not worth that large well fed crab on my left scrote

Chrispy ??????? pfffffft farken big fat girl hahahaha

QLD, 21885 posts
21 Apr 2018 7:26PM
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Wow blown that you posted Pup. Now can I put this up. We've all had a great time over the years and some of us haven't played very well in the group for a while. I suggest shake hands slap the dust off and get back to having fun not poking fun. It's never too late. Play by the rules that Laurie is unable to withhold, sorry Laurie you can't be on tap 24/7

NSW, 1488 posts
21 Apr 2018 7:49PM
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Oh have unleashed the cord holding the guillotine ..
You're..Rude..Crude..and Protrude..But:
I like the brings a humour that appeals to most blokes..we are I think mostly grown men who are attracted to a manly pastime of finding relaxation and fulfillment in mother ocean...keep PC to the old f**ts on the bowling greens.
Keep on SB Pup..unleash the humour on we deflated souls who appreciate taking the p!ss..

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
21 Apr 2018 8:24PM
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The Pupmeister is BACK ,Crank up the volume

9106 posts
21 Apr 2018 7:28PM
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I think that's the first time I've ever green Pup & Lacey god I missed you two.
No I didn't now **** off .
Now Lacey that's good cop bad cop Cobra style

9106 posts
21 Apr 2018 7:35PM
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i Did green you two, good to see you back.

9106 posts
21 Apr 2018 7:36PM
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OK it's all sorted.

all in favour Chrispy won

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
21 Apr 2018 9:39PM
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Cobra said..
OK it's all sorted.

all in favour Chrispy won

Stop being naughty Cobra or I wont let you peek over my fence anymoreYou six string wonder fingers

Yeah spose you're right here's his prize

8266 posts
21 Apr 2018 10:09PM
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You dumb farks, Crispy is the prez here, Coolest Seabreezer by a country mile...sorry bro I've blown your cover

8266 posts
22 Apr 2018 7:30AM
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Ricardo1709 said...
Gday Mick Im thinking Taiwan next year,been scoping fares etc out for last cpl years but went elsewhere,how is the crowd factor and where are you up north or down southern area.A mate reckons its getting chokas with crowds but I can't imagine it being that bad.ill be awaiting your detailed report with interest.have a great trip mate,Im off to Lombok,sumbawa and bali in May so tossing up Taiwan or Mexico for next year.Cheers

Gday mate, checkout Malindo flights. Recommend a stopover in Malaysia staying at the Sama Sama hotel (airside) its inside the airport so dont havta go through customs. Just wake up & head to your next flight to Taiwan. I drove down from Teipei, but if surf focussed much better to get a domestic fligt to Taitung & rent a car from there. Best season is Nov to Mar.

There were about 20 longboarders & a couple of shortboarders out at Jinzun Harbour yesterday (3 of us on Fri) its the most famous surfing spot in Taiwan where they hold the comps. They seem to like the shoulder peak, I had an inside peak about 150m away from them to myself for most of it until aanother shortboarder joined me. ot heaps of fun little head high peaks towaist shoulders. Passed countless empty waves on out drive from Hualien to Donghe, headed South to Kenting (bottom tip) in a couple of hours & expect to see the same ....I'll do a big write up when I get home...cheers

QLD, 3570 posts
22 Apr 2018 9:55AM
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nice to see the moderator in action ..thanx

WA, 3848 posts
22 Apr 2018 3:42PM
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bazz61 said..
nice to see the moderator in action ..thanx

Anybody want to be a Moderator for a minute?

Read the post by "thePup" above, and post whether you think it would be classed as "Personal abuse/attack" and should be removed?


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"A disturbance in the force..." started by laurie