Been wild down here, and have been fighting the camera.
Just figured out how to stop it focusing on the sea wall rather than the action.
After I took this shot.
Wreck of HMVS Cerberus, sunk as a breakwater for Black Rock Yacht Club in maybe 1926.
Like most things we do down here, dismal failure. On the wrong angle, and corrosion from the wreck made the water dissolve mooring chains when boats moored here.
Hmmm interesting!
Google 'back button focus' with your camera type.
It takes the auto focus off the shutter button, so you can set your focus and re-compose.
Handy setting to know.
Have set it to single point centre focus - Nikon Aw1, very advanced auto focus but you tend to get the waves in the foreground in perfect focus.
Cerb in kinder conditions.
Last wave of the day. Was epic light - spent 15 mins waiting for a decent set and none came. Was gutted. Anyway this was all I could saviour in the end. Oh what could have been
I can imagine Ted, if only you could combine powers with the great lighting of the pic above haha...oh well, you'll have plenty more opportunities & the surf there does look great, perfect light or not
Took this 2 hours ago with my phone (Samsung Note 4) in one hand, travel mug of red in the other, and with a baby strapped to my chest.
Came out ok considering.
No processing although the phone may have had HDR mode switched on.
I might have one or two other decent ones of the hundred or so I took