How one eyed of you fellows... I said FACT and fiction... you allege that he's speaking only the gospel truth?
Anyway it's an antidote to the usual yeah guy stuff.
carry on....
Anyway I estimate the truth to fiction ratio as about 80/20 and i enjoyed the series. Bert's no fool.
Good on ya Roy, I enjoyed it too...I think he's making very different boards to you though from an outline, shape, weight & construction point of view. So what you have found in your experience in riding your boards & tailoring certain components like rail, rocker etc would be different to Bert's. Plus surfing styles, which are also different. Point being people can have different opinions on what works for them personally...Personally I can't stand riding Al Merrick boards, they just don't work for me. But Kelly Slater would probably have a different opinion.
Yeah although I've always been on the same page as Bert as far as going thinner and wider, and having thicker fins goes. Plus I was using balsa for the first 6 years or so, specifically for the flex... we started on the flex thing at about the same time too.
Here it is guys the final instalment on Bert's in depth discussion on board design.
Here he breaks down a few myths and talks about fin design and how it affects the perfomance of your board.
I love my extra large Shapers S9 fins, so much drive & not tight at all...only prob is you can't slide the tail out when you want unless your pushing in whitewater. But flying round close out sections is totally worth it
It was very interesting to hear Bert talk abound surface area verses volume,what do you guys think on this subject?