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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Breezers to meet at Byron for fun week end

Created by asea > 9 months ago, 3 Apr 2012
QLD, 5544 posts
3 Apr 2012 3:23PM
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Ok guys a chance to all meet for a surf or two and many a social drink.Whe April 27th 28th 29th i think thats right Fri/sat/sun All to join in the Byron Bay single fin comp last week end of April.Mac,Chrispy,Asea are all starters at this time So you guys who are close by lets do it.Bt the way entries in by April 8th,download form internet ,Chrispy knows which site.

4214 posts
3 Apr 2012 2:17PM
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Jealous as. If I ever have a mid life crisis, I'm heading north.

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 2:30PM
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blah blah it will never happen

NSW, 2110 posts
3 Apr 2012 4:38PM
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Scotty just looked at your profile I hate to be the one to break the terrible news to you mate, average male age about 75 to late for you missed midlife crisis by 5 years

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 2:54PM
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boofy said...

Scotty just looked at your profile I hate to be the one to break the terrible news to you mate, average male age about 75 to late for you missed midlife crisis by 5 years

Hate to correct you Boofy,he owns a s-p

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 2:55PM
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Chrispy had entered the open men's and has a good chance at winning,everyone should go and cheer him on

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Apr 2012 4:58PM
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62mac said...

Chrispy had entered the open men's and has a good chance at winning,everyone should go and cheer him on

yes,thanks mac. would love the boys to come cheer me on, in the form i have been in,i am a certainty for a podium. i do not make many comp appearances,so come down and watch as i teach all the kooks a lesson

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 3:02PM
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Are the lessons free Chrispy

NSW, 2110 posts
3 Apr 2012 5:03PM
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62mac said...

boofy said...

Scotty just looked at your profile I hate to be the one to break the terrible news to you mate, average male age about 75 to late for you missed midlife crisis by 5 years

Hate to correct you Boofy,he owns a s-p

He is getting a LB soon buying a LB will add about another decade to his life

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Apr 2012 5:05PM
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62mac said...

Are the lessons free Chrispy

im more a lead by example type of bloke mac. i dont tolerate fools or kooks lightly,so me thinks its best to sit back with ones video camera and record the insanessessess that will be thrown down. then one can go home and try and imitate my fn madness brah

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 3:07PM
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chrispychru said...

62mac said...

Are the lessons free Chrispy

im more a lead by example type of bloke mac. i dont tolerate fools or kooks lightly,so me thinks its best to sit back with ones video camera and record the insanessessess that will be thrown down. then one can go home and try and imitate my fn madness brah

OK so you will also have a go pro on board.Cameras everywhere for this comp

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Apr 2012 5:11PM
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62mac said...

chrispychru said...

62mac said...

Are the lessons free Chrispy

im more a lead by example type of bloke mac. i dont tolerate fools or kooks lightly,so me thinks its best to sit back with ones video camera and record the insanessessess that will be thrown down. then one can go home and try and imitate my fn madness brah

OK so you will also have a go pro on board.Cameras everywhere for this comp

me and go pro? punch room for your ignorance why would i ever mount some tossil jerking device to myself? hah,i ask you again! i do not need to lower myself for self gratification,when i know the photographers have my phone bugged and gasp at my every move

10980 posts
3 Apr 2012 5:02PM
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chrispychru said...

62mac said...

chrispychru said...

62mac said...

Are the lessons free Chrispy

im more a lead by example type of bloke mac. i dont tolerate fools or kooks lightly,so me thinks its best to sit back with ones video camera and record the insanessessess that will be thrown down. then one can go home and try and imitate my fn madness brah

OK so you will also have a go pro on board.Cameras everywhere for this comp

me and go pro? punch room for your ignorance why would i ever mount some tossil jerking device to myself? hah,i ask you again! i do not need to lower myself for self gratification,when i know the photographers have my phone bugged and gasp at my every move

But how will we know you rip ?? anyway they always get foggy from what I read in the other room

Will you be selling Chrispys KooK Skool merchandise for your fan club put me down for 2 t shirts

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
3 Apr 2012 7:11PM
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wow, sounds good. however i can't go

- i don't own a longboard

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 5:49PM
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laceys lane said...

wow, sounds good. however i can't go

- i don't own a longboard

Lacey you do have a longboard mate
Going to book some acom' tomorrow keen

4214 posts
3 Apr 2012 5:50PM
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boofy said...

62mac said...

boofy said...

Scotty just looked at your profile I hate to be the one to break the terrible news to you mate, average male age about 75 to late for you missed midlife crisis by 5 years

Hate to correct you Boofy,he owns a s-p

He is getting a LB soon buying a LB will add about another decade to his life

Thanks boofy, Yes custom McT by summer - cross my heart (if I can find it).
The s*ps are still around - time and a place for that but 100% LB is my go now.
I have missed surfing but am too heavy for SB. LB is a much closer parellel to my SB days then s*p. I miss just hangin out the back having a chat with the boys in between waves. Just can't do that on a s*p.

QLD, 5544 posts
3 Apr 2012 7:58PM
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Scotty88 said...

boofy said...

62mac said...

boofy said...

Scotty just looked at your profile I hate to be the one to break the terrible news to you mate, average male age about 75 to late for you missed midlife crisis by 5 years

Hate to correct you Boofy,he owns a s-p

He is getting a LB soon buying a LB will add about another decade to his life

Thanks boofy, Yes custom McT by summer - cross my heart (if I can find it).
The s*ps are still around - time and a place for that but 100% LB is my go now.
I have missed surfing but am too heavy for SB. LB is a much closer parellel to my SB days then s*p. I miss just hangin out the back having a chat with the boys in between waves. Just can't do that on a s*p.

scotty no worries having a talk to mac out the back after my 10th wave he'll still be talking so i'll bring you two out some muffins and coffee

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:07PM
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^^^^thats funny...but not true. you are the only one not getting wet. go get a paintbrush up ya

4214 posts
3 Apr 2012 6:09PM
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^^^^^^^^^Thanks asea - large flat white hold the sugar and blackberry muff please.

p.s. ever tried a decaf soy ? We get some really good farkwits in Sydney and they love to yell out 'decaf soy thanks' when thay order. I think these are the vegetarian types - weirdos who like to go against the grain.

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:10PM
Thumbs Up

SP said...

chrispychru said...

62mac said...

chrispychru said...

62mac said...

Are the lessons free Chrispy

im more a lead by example type of bloke mac. i dont tolerate fools or kooks lightly,so me thinks its best to sit back with ones video camera and record the insanessessess that will be thrown down. then one can go home and try and imitate my fn madness brah

OK so you will also have a go pro on board.Cameras everywhere for this comp

me and go pro? punch room for your ignorance why would i ever mount some tossil jerking device to myself? hah,i ask you again! i do not need to lower myself for self gratification,when i know the photographers have my phone bugged and gasp at my every move

But how will we know you rip ?? anyway they always get foggy from what I read in the other room

Will you be selling Chrispys KooK Skool merchandise for your fan club put me down for 2 t shirts

this is why the general public are my friend. always trying to help me screw the stupid for a buck..fn onya bruddddaaahhh hahahaha the world is mine you get 4 for free sp,smart man

QLD, 5544 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:12PM
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Scotty88 said...

^^^^^^^^^Thanks asea - large flat white hold the sugar and blackberry muff please.

p.s. ever tried a decaf soy ? We get some really good farkwits in Sydney and they love to yell out 'decaf soy thanks' when thay order. I think these are the vegetarian types - weirdos who like to go against the grain.

never heard any one say that scotty must be over the border talk

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 6:24PM
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Scotty88 said...

^^^^^^^^^Thanks asea - large flat white hold the sugar and blackberry muff please.

p.s. ever tried a decaf soy ? We get some really good farkwits in Sydney and they love to yell out 'decaf soy thanks' when thay order. I think these are the vegetarian types - weirdos who like to go against the grain.

Scotty you purely have not surfed with the A team,we only chat walking back up the point and its a long walk,we paddle out and just go I have some photos of Chrispy dropping in from the other day,learnt something from asea

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:28PM
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WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 6:32PM
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I'm going for sure will sort a little place to crash tomorrow.
I just entered Lacey in the opens

QLD, 5544 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:40PM
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62mac said...

Scotty88 said...

^^^^^^^^^Thanks asea - large flat white hold the sugar and blackberry muff please.

p.s. ever tried a decaf soy ? We get some really good farkwits in Sydney and they love to yell out 'decaf soy thanks' when thay order. I think these are the vegetarian types - weirdos who like to go against the grain.

Scotty you purely have not surfed with the A team,we only chat walking back up the point and its a long walk,we paddle out and just go I have some photos of Chrispy dropping in from the other day,learnt something from asea

Mac you learnt well you stitched me up good time just hope you do it again to me if we're in the same heat at the comp

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 6:54PM
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Just spoke to mrs mac checking dates she is OS's booking a cabin tomorrow

and I just love dropping in on you on a bombhaha[}:)]

Lacey spare bed and boards comingwe can talk to the real king of fin WIZZ

4214 posts
3 Apr 2012 6:55PM
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62mac said...

Scotty88 said...

^^^^^^^^^Thanks asea - large flat white hold the sugar and blackberry muff please.

p.s. ever tried a decaf soy ? We get some really good farkwits in Sydney and they love to yell out 'decaf soy thanks' when thay order. I think these are the vegetarian types - weirdos who like to go against the grain.

Scotty you purely have not surfed with the A team,we only chat walking back up the point and its a long walk,we paddle out and just go I have some photos of Chrispy dropping in from the other day,learnt something from asea

Love the A-Team mac. So who in your crew plays:
B.A Baracus (Bad attitude)
Crazy Murdoch (name says it all)
Face (good looking cool dude who gets the chicks)
Hanibal Smith (older,wiser and a touch eccentric)

WA, 24860 posts
3 Apr 2012 6:57PM
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Scotty the A Team is A sea,one man team

QLD, 7932 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:58PM
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mac is all off the above

QLD, 5544 posts
3 Apr 2012 9:17PM
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chrispychru said...

mac is all off the above


4214 posts
3 Apr 2012 7:18PM
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62mac said...

Scotty the A Team is A sea,one man team

You know I'm a newby from the *** room.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Breezers to meet at Byron for fun week end" started by asea