The AP6 was my Dream wagon as a Grom..very classy and push buttom auto.
They went like a shower of S**t
On Ebay currently..but the financial controller wont let me near it...easier to hide a new board
Thanks fella's,hey Pup she's got a few dints and scrapes here and there but they're battle scars,haha.Don't want it to good other wise it wouldn't be a surfers car
Thanks byf,she's only a slow old girl but she'll do a hundred K's all day on the highway,haha.She's coming up for the 48th rego soon,should pass
hmmmmmmm might be in order to hire some classy strippers for the big 50th ...... seats down in the back naturally Al
Yeah Sandsy,love a Kombi,especially with a nice rear end like that
And the Sandsyman Panno and Ute,"Legendary"