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Al G said..
For the very young, the Corvair was quite remarkable and it's such a pity that they did on go one to fix it's problems rather than scrap the whole thing, it's the car that bought about that famous saying by the well known consumer advocate Ralph Nader "Unsafe at Any Speed" In may ways the corvair was GMs answer to the beetle invasion, but rather than a puny air cooled flat 4, it had an air cooled flat 6 that made some decent power, quite a few even made there way into some very fast VWs (they ran in the opposite direction to VW motors, but there was a kit that you could use to reverse their direction).
The one early VW feature they should never have copied was the swing axle rear suspension, in a light and underpowered VW beetle is was simply a manageable nuisance, but in the larger more powerful Corvair, it was deadly and if the Car had to change direction suddenly, the back ends would get what was know as "Wheel Tuck" and a roll was usually the result.
It's also ironic that one of the things that draws us to this thread, those beautiful big 60s era tail fins and bold chrome encrusted front ends were another thing that Ralph Nader had a hand in seeing phased out.