Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Classic old surf cars

Created by Al G > 9 months ago, 31 Oct 2015
4627 posts
3 Apr 2016 12:42PM
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Bloody hell OB if you look at the picture with the red car you'll see I'm wearing those Goggles . We use those cause they didn't fly forward and hit you in the gobe when you went in the wall at 120 k per hour.

QLD, 21900 posts
3 Apr 2016 2:52PM
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Al G said..

obct said..
I grew up near westmead speedway, my favs were the little midgets, don't know what sort of motors they had in them, probably out of a bike, but the racing was always so close, no one ever got too far in front.

the highlight was at the end of the day when all the kids were allowed to run onto the track to pick up the throw away goggles, in those days they didn't use taped on tear always, these were like real goggles with cheap elastic straps on them. they were pretty useless as eye protection, but we would still wear them when we were in our billy carts and pretend we were racing speedway down the Lockwood rd hill.

We would go pretty well, until the reality of having no brakes at the bottom would set in, hell I lost some bark on the corner at the bottom of that hill, and then fat old Mr Johnson who dob us in to mum.

Geez OB,Westmead Speedway, I first went there when I was about 5,I vaguely remember 32,34 Ford sedans and coupes(stock cars) with the steel tubing around them racing there.

What suburb did you grow up in OB ,I grew up in Fairfield West!...
I'm pretty sure the Midgets had motor bike engines originally but you could put a 4 or 6 cylinder in them but no bigger than a 6 cylinder,I'll have to research that!..
The legendary Scott Dillon was a Speedway driver,starting off in midgets then progressing to a Rambler,I met him a few times at Coffs and got a pic with him!..

They used to call those cars Sprint cars up here back in the day.

Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
3 Apr 2016 5:17PM
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Macaha said..
Another great post Obct.

Yeah OB,great post,ha I wasn't far from ya.Merrylands hey been there heaps of times,how good is it you're Mum's still there geez!...
Hey Mac these were called Midgets,if you look at what they called Speed Cars back then they look slightly bigger and ran V8's.They then put wings on the roof of them and called them Super Modifieds,then they changed the name of them again to what we know them as today,Sprintcars!...

QLD, 21900 posts
3 Apr 2016 6:40PM
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I got ya

Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
3 Apr 2016 6:46PM
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No worries Mac thought I'de put it up anyway just to show peeps the difference.Scotty Dillon is only about 5 foot 5,haha,but that car makes him look big?..

NSW, 3487 posts
3 Apr 2016 7:24PM
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and a pic of the Micro Midgets going around Westmead I think it was a kind of a nursery class for up and coming drivers, but the racing was usually close.

Seeing that pic reminds me of how low the fence was, I can't ever recall a car going over it.

Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
3 Apr 2016 7:31PM
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Cool pics OB Yeah they were called Micro midgets

Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
3 Apr 2016 7:52PM
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Hey OB,this is my Mum's cousin Walter Giles when he first started racing at Liverpool Speedway!..
He's now a chief mechanic in the States on the Nascars earning huge $$$

382 posts
3 Apr 2016 7:01PM
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Guy's been great reading your posts. I remember the Old man taking me & the bro to the Showground Speedway & Westmead Speedways in the early to late 60's I suppose, but man I can still remember it was a buzz. If I get this right attached are is some pics of guys racing at these venues. Yep that's Sir Jack Brabham & the one I remember Bill Warner in his corvette at Westmead.
Apparently dads older bro "Lennie" used to race his bike at the Maroubra Brick Pit raceway, from the way dad described it was a Harley "flame thrower" beacuse the heads on them went red with heat, dunno if its true. 

13831 posts
3 Apr 2016 7:27PM
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ahhhhhhh Uncle my blessed son of the thirsty kind ..... it is good to have you back in the hood brother

VIC, 2859 posts
3 Apr 2016 9:31PM
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So me, a SUP Kook in a longboard forum, has a favourite thread about cars.
Thank you Al G, best thread ever.

NSW, 3487 posts
4 Apr 2016 6:50AM
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your really getting the old memory going thirsty, that pic of Bill Warner may be B&W, but I'm pretty sure the car was orange. It was usually parked at a garage. which I assume Bill Warner operated on the Victoria Rd, Rydalmere first on the left after the railway overpass, travelling towards the city.


( I just said that word to justify going so far off topic )

NSW, 3487 posts
4 Apr 2016 10:40AM
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In honour of the car that the Pup learnt to drive in. when he was just a Puppy.

QLD, 21900 posts
4 Apr 2016 11:46AM
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Obct that is you right ?

NSW, 3487 posts
4 Apr 2016 12:00PM
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Yep, the first one was an escarpment run down Ulludulla way, the other 2 were from Stockton in about 2005.

that was the car that finally cured me of all interest in working on cars. I only liked driving it off road in the hardest terrain possible and for every hour I spent in it, I probably spent 4 hours under it.

484 posts
4 Apr 2016 3:40PM
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Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
4 Apr 2016 6:18PM
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Nozza said..
So me, a SUP Kook in a longboard forum, has a favourite thread about cars.
Thank you Al G, best thread ever.

No worries Nozza,i like lookin at you're car pics and everyone else's to mate
Cool Pics and stories fellas^

382 posts
4 Apr 2016 5:34PM
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OBCT, yep your right I remember that unit being like a bright burnt orange kinda colour, he'd come blattin' round the turn of the track gun it & lift the front wheels looked fantastic to me as a kid.
I'm trying to did up pics of some of my old vans. When i work out the "non" filing system & thru the 3 suitcases of pics I'll put 'em up.

13831 posts
4 Apr 2016 6:23PM
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obct said..

In honour of the car that the Pup learnt to drive in. when he was just a Puppy.

Yeah wow .... almost identical brother Obs .... the softop was removed on ours didn't last that long & dear old Dad put a big old modified Holden chrome bumper on it as well .... plus the headlights were customized from the donor beetle chassis .... a big Kombi style emblem went in between those .... had fats on the back with Beetle hub covers & skinnies up front

Geez that thing took a hammering every weekend for years

WA, 9675 posts
4 Apr 2016 7:00PM
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nice shiny colours on this one lol

Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
4 Apr 2016 9:33PM
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Cool Chrispy ,1956/7 Custom Ford Fairlane Victoria.They usually look like this.

13831 posts
4 Apr 2016 7:45PM
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They were the Aussie Mainline & Customline donor cars too

Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
6 Apr 2016 5:44PM
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Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
6 Apr 2016 5:45PM
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13831 posts
6 Apr 2016 5:52PM
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That's a seriously wicked girl that one Al

Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
7 Apr 2016 5:54PM
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thePup said..
That's a seriously wicked girl that one Al

Yeah Pup,the huge old Plymouth Wagon,she a bewty.How ya settlin in up there mate,good I hope.Gettin waves

Al G
NSW, 7663 posts
8 Apr 2016 6:57PM
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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Classic old surf cars" started by Al G