Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Days Of Our Lives

Created by 62mac > 9 months ago, 30 Jun 2012
QLD, 7932 posts
1 Jul 2012 7:55PM
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laceys lane said...

come on mac- today's nearly over.

ya can't miss a day, think of the people, the fans.

you owe it

i demand to know what the design is today, a day in our lives

WA, 24860 posts
1 Jul 2012 6:06PM
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Well only for you Lacey,others do not read

I was thinking of changing one of the black stripes with that red and black image you posted,but it would look sh-t

Happy now

QLD, 7932 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:10PM
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62mac said...

Well only for you Lacey,others do not read

I was thinking of changing one of the black stripes with that red and black image you posted,but it would look sh-t

Happy now

i thought it would look crazy done on the top third of the board with a couple of solid bands underneath

WA, 24860 posts
1 Jul 2012 6:14PM
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Now your doing my head in

6657 posts
1 Jul 2012 6:15PM
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C'mon Mate - we have to keep the thread going

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:16PM
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62mac said...

Now your doing my head in

under the circumstances i think that is only fair.

chrispy, thats a great idea you get a elephant stamp for that

QLD, 7932 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:18PM
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laceys lane said...

your not going the red and black are you!!!!!!!!

all this art work. how many lb breezers have a 62mac file on their pc

i really think it would look great,even though lacey did it as a piss take. in any colour as well. top third done in that and as many solid bands as you want.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:19PM
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chrispychru said...

laceys lane said...

your not going the red and black are you!!!!!!!!

all this art work. how many lb breezers have a 62mac file on their pc

i really think it would look great,even though lacey did it as a piss take. in any colour as well. top third done in that and as many solid bands as you want.

not really, i think its interesting

WA, 24860 posts
1 Jul 2012 6:19PM
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6657 posts
1 Jul 2012 6:20PM
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Or even bands of that wicked red & black Tiger mac

QLD, 7932 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:21PM
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laceys lane said...

62mac said...

Now your doing my head in

under the circumstances i think that is only fair.

chrispy, thats a great idea you get a elephant stamp for that

thats even better lacey. do different colour elephant with them all linked going around the board

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:21PM
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62mac said...

mac i do like the fake tint look btw

WA, 24860 posts
1 Jul 2012 6:22PM
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laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:24PM
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62mac said...

see, it's you all over- think about chrispy's idea

6657 posts
1 Jul 2012 6:24PM
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62mac said...

Actually yeah Mac - I do like that one in the tiger rails , cancel my last thought

QLD, 605 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:26PM
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Maybe you could incorporate this gem into the tint. A patriotic touch

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:26PM
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i didn't want to watch 'the block' you know

WA, 24860 posts
1 Jul 2012 6:28PM
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laceys lane said...

i didn't want to watch 'the block' you know

I'm watching

NSW, 946 posts
2 Jul 2012 10:53AM
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the thing i don't understand is, Mac you obviously have a passion about what style & colour the board is. so why not get a more traditional board and a get a tint on the board and not a spray? IMO i think tints look way sexier than a spray. I just figured that someone who has such a strong passion for the way a board looks you would get a nice tint and not just a few lines sprayed on a board

WA, 24860 posts
2 Jul 2012 9:25AM
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Hey bigspazz,see the sh-t these boys put on me self inflicted I mite add

Mate I have two tinted boards which are outstanding both performance and looking.

The UFO is my HP stick and to keep it light weight I always go for a spray.
Redline sunset,Lime Splice,Kadi's ufo (my old one) and my sons ufo to the rear.

4627 posts
2 Jul 2012 10:24AM
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Go Pro mounts front and rear would be the go just like DJ

62mac said...

WA, 24860 posts
2 Jul 2012 10:41AM
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QLD, 5396 posts
2 Jul 2012 7:04PM
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Hey Mac how about carbon for the black.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Jul 2012 7:35PM
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black carbon flowers and red hearts split in two________ and and 'gate keeper from hell' written along the entire lenght of the bottom side

10979 posts
2 Jul 2012 6:03PM
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WA, 24860 posts
2 Jul 2012 6:33PM
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The gate keeper days are over mate

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Jul 2012 8:49PM
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62mac said...

The gate keeper days are over mate

6657 posts
2 Jul 2012 7:13PM
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So are we getting even the slightest of hints regarding the new girls tints mac

WA, 24860 posts
2 Jul 2012 7:26PM
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BulldogPup said...

So are we getting even the slightest of hints regarding the new girls tints mac

Sure mate its called the ghost rider[}:)]

1011 posts
2 Jul 2012 7:34PM
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62mac said...

BulldogPup said...

So are we getting even the slightest of hints regarding the new girls tints mac

Sure mate its called the ghost rider[}:)]

Does that mean you will be falling off all the time


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Days Of Our Lives" started by 62mac