stoked,husq has brought up a very valid and not spoken enough about topic imo. DJ once again a quality an d informative post mate
Magnificent post DJ - initially I was concerned that they were not using leg ropes but have decided that under certain circumstances it is fine.
this style of lb ing is that called 'logging'.
to me the chicks have it all over the guys - style and grace
I definitly like it, but it has its limitations...due to physical reasons I cant prone. Im not really comfortable being in a crowed line up like the points can get, but there isnt much choice sometimes and I just try and do my best to not get in the way of or hit or block any one, but reacting to 1 or 2 or 3 differnt people doing their own thing can often put you in the way of others....and on a 10+foot sup that cant be manouvered quickly thats not so good. even LB can spin around and move out the way with seemingly more ease and speed.
btw, the first pic I posted in this thread is the epitimy of beauty........ the style, the wave, the body, the grace.....just 100% spot on!
those too ... among others said it many times over - never an intent to deliberately piss folks off.
hahahaha - ok now I am tiny bit worried bout you & that bike mac i might "come out of retirement" every now and then but ..... not worth the bitch screaming crap