Came across this bloke a few years ago, had me backing up pretty quick after I took the photo, he wasn't in any hurry to back off that's for sure.
Nah they don't hey V,they have a go at ya.Sometimes through summer we have them banging on the glass doors at work
This is as close as I ever knowingly got to a venomous one, I think it was a black snake back in around 1973.
Don't know how long it had its head caught inside that can, but either side of its neck was really cut up bad, we could not believe it was still alive, maybe it wasn't, maybe it was just his nerves still going.
Funny how things change over the years, back then we thought the best thing we could do was put it out of its misery , these days we would be trying to find a shelter or a vet to take it to.
First Barra on fly
I've taken permit but never bones.
fly fished NZ South Island for trout, that place is crazy good.
good days they were - 85cc ex postie bike became a frankenstein 3 wheel trike with fat tyres just perfect for the sand quarries out in Spearwood - until a nasty tuart tree ended it's existence
If any of you wish for an adventure. A group that i believe also aids a charity ,probably disabled lol , run a GIBB RIVER RUN in the NW Western Australia on postie bikes all supplied. 1000km dirt road with river crossings. My missus asked if I wanted to go but I reckon she was trying to get me killed hahaha
Take plenty of water & spare tyres - harsh harsh environment up that way mate and a good support crew following close by
I've got some time on the Goldie recovery after op.
heading down to watch the guns of surfing looking forward to fin changes weight changes and board changes.