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Killbot said..surf1ng said..Killbot said..surf1ng said..Tassiedevel said..surf1ng said..Tassiedevel said..The gryptalite rail and centre grip - this one is on the front of a kneeboard with cove pad attached - between the cove pad and the logos

That looks sensational TassieDevel! Thanks for sharing the pic. Exactly the super minimal look that I love in these clear wax alternatives. Great to see all the grain in the timber so clearly. Awesome job. No doubt extra fast with the super border (?) terriers aboard

. I love boards with timber, first timber knee board I have seen. Nice one.
Thanks mate - good guess with the border terriers - but no they are griffons

, the breed the ewoks in star wars were based on . I have 2 of them one of which comes for most of my surfs with me .
You are right the gryptalite looks magic on the timber boards - I assume the other alternatives ( versatraction ) are pretty similar.
very tempted to try that 3 D stabiliser fin in this board ( have it set up with 2 Hanalei Q2 S side fins with a timber 8 inch single fin ATM
Just when I thought I had heard of all the dog breeds, another pops up. Super cute.
Nice, you've got the force with you on that board :). That's awesome, must be a great and well behaved dog.
Bloody oath, your board looks unreal, the Gryptalite looks so subtle.
Here's some pics of versatraction on timber as a visual comparison. The lighting is obviously different with inside vs outside pics but Gryptalite looks perhaps even more transparent?
Give those 3D fins a go, worh a shot at the price. I really like what they add for me.
I have only seen Hanalei fins online - they have some really interesting and creative designs.
7'0" Etc DunnyDoor - using the full sheets cut to suit (looks less visible in real life I think, it depends on the angle)...

6'0" Etc Unicorn - using the hexagonal samples described above...

They are some interesting looking boards, particularly the unicorn. Can you put up a ride report/review and some images of the bottom?
Just some brief info for you Killbot...
The ETC Unicorn is really fun to surf. It paddles well, is fast and turns really, and surprisingly, well for such a wide tailed board. The incut really helps with the turning. You'd think there would be a lot of swing weight when turning due to the wide nose but I don't notice any - mind you all my boards are relatively wide nosed so I am probably used to that. Someone that rides standard narrow nosed shortboards and that never longboards would presumably notice.
The wide point is under the chest and it has a high surface area which no doubt helps with wave catching, planing and speed.
The bottom features a chine rail with big concaves and it holds really well on a wall. I think it has a vee running through the tail from memory. I feel really nice flow when shooting down the line on this. I love both my ETC boards on backhand, I guess the rails and bottom contours add to this experience.
My favourite fin combo is quad (Futures Legacy F6) with a tiny little trailer (knubster style fin) - without the trailer I notice a bit of slide during a point in the turns which some crew probably like in quads, but I prefer the pivot feel of a thruster so I guess this 4+1 combo achieves the best of both worlds for me in this board: pivot and speed.
I have added some more photos that hopefully shows the bottom contours and rocker.
The dimensions are
: 6'0" x 20 1/2" x 2 3/4" @ 40.7 litres.
It is 18 1/2" at 12" from the tail, 19 1/8" at the centre, and 19 3/4" at 12" from the nose.

Better get back to the traction talk... I feel like I have hijacked this thread which was not my intention.
Thanks Surf1ng, appreciate you taking the time to put that together. She is an interesting looking beast and there is a lot going on in that design. The website pimps it as a 1 board quiver, would you agree? What do you normally surf it in?
No worries Killbot. She sure is and there sure is. Looks even more interesting in real life. Forgot to say it feels nicely balanced under the arm.
Yes, for me as a one shorter board quiver, I would agree.
I am no hell man by any means but it certainly works well for me as a shorter board in the conditions I use it in. The biggest so far has been about 1.5 - 2 times overhead and it went awesome.
I don't ride std shortboards so for me this is mainly it, plus a little sometimes on a recently purchased second hand Tomo Evo because I love the thinking and engineering that has gone into it. The wave catching is way better on the Unicorn though and between the 2 I would go for the Unicorn because I am not a shortboarder.
I love riding my longboard so much, so I could never actually have a one board quiver - unless it was just a 9 footer.
I could easily have this in a 2 board quiver though: a longboard and the Unicorn.
But I do enjoy riding my 7 foot mid length (also an etc board, Dunny Door model) for a different feel sometimes - so that would break into the third spot :).
I would say it is worthy of the:
* one board quiver title if you only ride shorter boards and want something really fun and fast that paddles well
or the* one shorter board quiver title / one of two board quiver title if you ride longer boards too
Hope that helps :)
If you ever find yourself in Adelaide, sing out and you can come and check it out.