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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Interesting threads

Created by Ted the Kiwi > 9 months ago, 17 Jun 2014
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
30 Jun 2016 2:06PM
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Classic. I am sure it would get even more legs if it had been posted elsewhere

10980 posts
30 Jun 2016 5:52PM
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^ the comments

VIC, 3829 posts
1 Jul 2016 7:45AM
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The bloke in the photo's face cracks me up...."I cant believe I dressed like a hippy dip**** just to get laid"

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
1 Jul 2016 8:37AM
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What do you call 'drug rug' pants?

VIC, 3829 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:35AM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
What do you call 'drug rug' pants?

At least he skipped the Thai fishermans pants

10980 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:56AM
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getting some good reaction on Face book to.

This is interesting,

sure we all know one of these blokes..

WA, 9675 posts
3 Jul 2016 3:18AM
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With ex members mate being the greatest disappointment in the evolution of the human race, it was only going to head one way with the bandwagon and banjo players filling fast

NSW, 3487 posts
3 Jul 2016 7:13AM
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I'm confused

Does this mean that some 666 users are into girls now

NSW, 3487 posts
5 Jul 2016 5:46PM
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When I was riding my 10'6" munoz all the time, one of these would have been handy for those longs walks to the

9106 posts
5 Jul 2016 8:42PM
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weiry said..
i blame the mini mal 88 club.
they fark'd the late 80's
now they have fark'd the long room.
was a time when porn and laughs were a dime a doz here.
now the reincarnated hipsters have moved into the house its different.
you know what i mean,like when you were young and a bloke moved into the house.
didnt pay rent,drank your piss,never shouted,never bathed and always eye farked your girlfriend

It's over mate move on.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
5 Jul 2016 11:37PM
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8266 posts
6 Jul 2016 1:51AM
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lolz @ above & above

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
9 Jul 2016 8:29PM
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I just found this whilst zooming round the net. Interesting story that I had previously missed

NSW, 3487 posts
11 Jul 2016 6:46PM
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Mac has purchased a new custom made boat, he designed it himself

Wanna see it

13831 posts
11 Jul 2016 6:12PM
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Geez I wish I hadn't opened that

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
11 Jul 2016 8:20PM
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On fire tonight OB

10980 posts
12 Jul 2016 6:42AM
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In todays episode of kooks in the media we have Magic Seaweed.

Under gloomy, foggy, low hanging skies sits the world's finest sandbottom wonder. Just a glimpse of one of Skeleton Bay's screaming right-handers is enough to make the experienced crew of Benji Brand, Alex and Koa Smith lost for real words."

Go right....

WA, 1404 posts
12 Jul 2016 6:47AM
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Left is the new right

13831 posts
12 Jul 2016 1:40PM
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How's that first bit my pink pencil is gettin' a bit fatter over that cheers mate farken cool

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Jul 2016 3:26PM
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This is worth a watch fellas. Couple of my colleagues appear on the show and explain things nice and clearly if you want to learn a bit more about that big storm event in Sydney recently.

10980 posts
27 Jul 2016 9:42AM
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Who needs a board...

A group of surfers in California have been working for years on perfecting the ability to ride waves without surfboards. Here are some of their exploits.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Jul 2016 4:07PM
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Great skills Can not believe they were not getting more cheers from the line-up

10980 posts
27 Jul 2016 2:34PM
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Yeah, everyone should be getting on board, best thing i have seen all day..

i just rang my local surf shop and asked when they were getting their first shipment in???

And interesting? strange or funny, Rory is a creepy mix of all 3...

This one is a must read for the new parents..

A snippet...

Can’t wait to see what the internet looks like in 13 years. Can’t wait to hear all about the conversations parents are forced to initiate.

“This is why you shouldn’t post pictures of your butthole online…”

“No, bronyism is not a socially acceptable form of sexuality.”

“Anal creampies are pretty advanced for middle school. You should probably save that for college.

”If it’s a boy you can count on walking in on him plugged in to a VR headset while he humps away at a rubber vagina simulacrum. That’ll be fun. Eyes covered, headphones on, you’re gonna have to actually touch him to let him know you’re an audience to his sin.

The days of “No! Nothing! I’m just scratching my leg. Close the door!” will be long past.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Jul 2016 5:43PM
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SP said..
And interesting? strange or funny, Rory is a creepy mix of all 3...

SP - you are on to some gold today. The response just came in and its well worth a read

Gemma Clarke ? an hour ago

Dearest Rory,

Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this gem in my inbox from Rory Parker. THE Rory Parker right - middle-aged surf-gossip blogger, inventor of trivial scandal and author of groundbreaking clickbait like "5 Unpleasant Truths About Surfing that Everyone Needs to Hear"? What an honour. I'd never actually heard of Beachgrit before today, but it seems you contribute invaluable material to the site by finding projects run by people 10 years younger than you and formulaically attacking them in an attempt to get likes.

So - you've got a vendetta against Global Hobo's paid writing workshops. Perhaps we should switch to Derek's "Little Weeds" monetisation model, whereby kids compete against each other and tear each other's throats out so they might win the privilege of interning for Mr Rielly. But if you're going to stick at this formula of writing, at least get your facts straight. I may be in my twenties, but if you creep a little deeper into my social media than you already have, you'll notice the course is also taught by editors of surfing publications in their thirties, only they don't have to ask their wives' permission to come along. Also, the course costs $1989AUD, not USD, is all-inclusive and is better described as an internationally-approved university subject for journalism students than "work". But yes, you're very welcome to skip out on the language classes in exchange for a discount - just stick to speaking condescending, obnoxious American, as it's obviously worked for you so far.

Let me know if your professional status ever changes from washed-up and pathetic or you learn how to generate content by means other than defaming a business - who knows, we might have a job for for you.

Warmest regards,
Gemma Clarke

10980 posts
27 Jul 2016 4:16PM
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Nailed him..

Rory should enroll, Seem like she could teach him a thing or two

WA, 6913 posts
27 Jul 2016 4:22PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

SP said..
And interesting? strange or funny, Rory is a creepy mix of all 3...

SP - you are on to some gold today. The response just came in and its well worth a read

Gemma Clarke • an hour ago

Dearest Rory,

Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this gem in my inbox from Rory Parker. THE Rory Parker right - middle-aged surf-gossip blogger, inventor of trivial scandal and author of groundbreaking clickbait like "5 Unpleasant Truths About Surfing that Everyone Needs to Hear"? What an honour. I'd never actually heard of Beachgrit before today, but it seems you contribute invaluable material to the site by finding projects run by people 10 years younger than you and formulaically attacking them in an attempt to get likes.

So - you've got a vendetta against Global Hobo's paid writing workshops. Perhaps we should switch to Derek's "Little Weeds" monetisation model, whereby kids compete against each other and tear each other's throats out so they might win the privilege of interning for Mr Rielly. But if you're going to stick at this formula of writing, at least get your facts straight. I may be in my twenties, but if you creep a little deeper into my social media than you already have, you'll notice the course is also taught by editors of surfing publications in their thirties, only they don't have to ask their wives' permission to come along. Also, the course costs $1989AUD, not USD, is all-inclusive and is better described as an internationally-approved university subject for journalism students than "work". But yes, you're very welcome to skip out on the language classes in exchange for a discount - just stick to speaking condescending, obnoxious American, as it's obviously worked for you so far.

Let me know if your professional status ever changes from washed-up and pathetic or you learn how to generate content by means other than defaming a business - who knows, we might have a job for for you.

Warmest regards,
Gemma Clarke

I was going to share that after reading it on the thread. A fantastic reply IMHO..

10980 posts
27 Jul 2016 5:45PM
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This makes Gemma and Rory look like little school girls.

They've got nothing on a bloke that has carried a grudge for 30 odd years getting a chance to vent.!536623

Tuesday night's edition of Open Mike was one of the most awkward, confrontational and absorbing 40 minutes of television for the year.

Mike Sheahan's special guest was Mark 'Jacko' Jackson, who played 82 games for Melbourne, St Kilda and Geelong in the 1980s.

And from within the first 10 seconds of the show, you knew which direction the interview was heading.

During Sheahan's introduction, where he described the quirky nature and flair of VFL players during the 1980s, Jackson politely butted in with: "And how many did you poison?"

10980 posts
28 Jul 2016 10:31AM
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Scientists expect sand flow on East Coast to slow
<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden">The northern New South Wales and southern Queensland coasts are noted for their righthand pointbreaks. Each point is peculiar in its own way working on various tides and swell directions, yet they all have a common currency – sand. From roughly the mid-point of the NSW coast, sand begins its journey north. It's transported in the nearshore zone, rounding headlands during big swells and coming to rest in the lee side of each outcrop. The configuration of the deposited sand determines the shape of the waves breaking above it.Approximately 500,000 cubic metres of sand passes the NSW/QLD border each year ultimately ending up just north of Fraser Island, where the flow of sand drops into a deepwater abyss. Recently, scientists have predicted the northward flow of sand will reduce over the coming century. Reduced sand flow will have wide ranging effects, not the least being an adverse effect on those beloved sandbottom pointbreaks. Ian Goodwin is a surfer from Sydney's northern beaches and is also an Associate Professor in Climate and Coastal Risk at Macquarie University. Last week, Goodwin, along with research partners Thomas Mortlock and Stuart Browning, had a paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research that surmised sand flow on the East Coast will reduce throughout the 21st century due to changes in storm wave events.Their theory is built upon an observed poleward expansion of the tropics, a pattern they understand will continue in the coming years. On Australia's East Coast 'tropical expansion' will see the tropics move south by 2.5º which will in turn alter the types of swells that impact the coast and ultimately effect the northward flow of sand.In their study the scientists separated large swell events on the East Coast into eight categories. Then using historical data – that being 40 years worth of buoy information plus storm tracks - they determined the characteristics for each type of swell event, such as how they approach the coast, how wave power is apportioned, and how each type of system transports nearshore sand deposits.Using future climate change projections, Goodwin and his research partners observed how the regularity of each of the eight storm systems would change given tropical expansion. They found storms that form in the tropics would become more common, while storms that form in the southern reaches of the Tasman Sea would become less regular. In short, there'd be more north-east swells and less south swells. The net result being an anticlockwise shift in the mean wave field with waves approaching the coast closer to perpendicular. It is this shift that will effect sand transport.What needs to be understood is that large swell events are the drivers for sand 'connectivity' - when sand moves beyond a closed embayment and begins its journey north. Unsurprisingly, Goodwin and his partners found that southerly swells currently dominate the coast. These southerly swell events drive the sand north. Yet southerly swells will reduce in frequency, and less swell from the south means less sand moving north. The flow on effect will see the coastline reshaped.In the southern and central regions of the NSW coast, sand that would otherwise move north will increasingly stay put. While in the north of NSW and the Queensland coast up to Fraser Island, the quantity of sand moving north in the nearshore zone will reduce. In effect, the conveyor belt of sand that we've all come to rely on will begin transporting less and less cargo. Less available sand is something coastal stakeholders will need to seriously consider. Coastal councils, for instance, will need to take extra caution as Goodwin predicts that more E/NE swells will erode the southern ends of beaches - as was seen during the 'Black Nor-Easter' swell of early June - and less sand will be available to provide a natural fix to storm damage.While for surfers the effects are obvious: less sand around the northern side of headlands means deeper water, more holes, and correspondingly a more uneven wave shape. In fact, this study indicates powerful waves breaking over shallow sand and running off for a hundred metres or more will become less common as the underlying spit formation becomes infrequent. So what's Ian Goodwin's advice to north coast surfers? "Get out there now!"

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
28 Jul 2016 1:55PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
This is worth a watch fellas. Couple of my colleagues appear on the show and explain things nice and clearly if you want to learn a bit more about that big storm event in Sydney recently.


Good post SP - you can see Ian's thoughts here as well.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Interesting threads" started by Ted the Kiwi