Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 3 Nov 2011
10979 posts
4 Nov 2011 9:20AM
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BoardCulture said...

To be doing what he is doing now at 40 (almost) against all those fit guys half his age is just mind boggling.
From a longevity viewpoint, apart from Mike Stewart (who has had a parallel career) I can't think of any better athletes, let alone surfers! - Mark

I smell a reformed lid rider the Stewart comparison is interesting, and Tony Hawk is probably in the same category in skateboarding terms, a long career that has shaped the sport they were apart of, not only in performance but equipment and media coverage.

QLD, 7932 posts
4 Nov 2011 2:21PM
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SP said...

BoardCulture said...

To be doing what he is doing now at 40 (almost) against all those fit guys half his age is just mind boggling.
From a longevity viewpoint, apart from Mike Stewart (who has had a parallel career) I can't think of any better athletes, let alone surfers! - Mark

I smell a reformed lid rider the Stewart comparison is interesting, and Tony Hawk is probably in the same category in skateboarding terms, a long career that has shaped the sport they were apart of, not only in performance but equipment and media coverage.

WA, 24860 posts
4 Nov 2011 12:37PM
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KS sucks cant surf always over scored

WA, 15849 posts
4 Nov 2011 1:34PM
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62mac said...

KS sucks cant surf always over scored

I red thumbed you for that comment

306 posts
4 Nov 2011 7:12PM
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SP said...

I smell a reformed lid rider the Stewart comparison is interesting, and Tony Hawk is probably in the same category in skateboarding terms, a long career that has shaped the sport they were apart of, not only in performance but equipment and media coverage.

The differance is unlike Stewart, Hawk and Slater have both had top selling XBOX games to their name.

QLD, 7932 posts
4 Nov 2011 9:15PM
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plus hawk kept going when skating had all the money taken out of it,yes i know he took it all

QLD, 260 posts
4 Nov 2011 10:09PM
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chrispychru said...

plus hawk kept going when skating had all the money taken out of it,yes i know he took it all

Stewart kept going too, but bodyboarding never had any money in it to start with! Well, maybe for a few manufacturers, not for the competitors - Mark

WA, 975 posts
5 Nov 2011 12:58AM
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KE11Y Congratulations


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"KS11" started by doggie