Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
QLD, 21887 posts
14 May 2020 2:56PM
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626 posts
14 May 2020 1:29PM
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beachandbush said..


QLD, 3570 posts
14 May 2020 3:36PM
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8266 posts
14 May 2020 1:56PM
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Clive Palmer will like this one, people with short attention spans will not

10979 posts
14 May 2020 2:11PM
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Clive is just another right wing nut job that thinks they know more than trained experts.

That lady certainly has an Interesting background and agenda.

QLD, 21887 posts
14 May 2020 4:20PM
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10979 posts
14 May 2020 2:33PM
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Was interesting watching chasers war last night.

They went through conspiracy theories from the spanish flu and how the similarities between the conspiracy theories then and the same type of claims being dragged out now.
Eg 5g now radio waves then.

China trying to kill the world, where as previously it was the Germans.

And a few others..

8266 posts
14 May 2020 2:35PM
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It would be good if you actually listened to another side of the story from an expert instead of racing off for memes & stories that disagree.

BTW why did you delete the Chopper/Alan Jones video you posted. That gave me a laugh on my nightshift a couple of days ago

Oh & Re: 5G, I havn't posted any of the conspiracy theories trying to link 5G to C19. It was too obviously incorrect. Thats not to say some types of 5G are not bad for you. The Tech can be deployed in a way that does pose a health risk. But either way, you would not want a node close to you or your kids bedrooms.

10979 posts
14 May 2020 2:47PM
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MickPC said..
It would be good if you actually listened to another side of the story from an expert instead of racing off for memes & stories that disagree.

BTW why did you delete the Chopper/Alan Jones video you posted. That gave me a laugh on my nightshift a couple of days ago

Oh & Re: 5G, I havn't posted any of the conspiracy theories trying to link 5G to C19. It was too obviously incorrect. Thats not to say some types of 5G are not bad for you. The Tech can be deployed inn a way that does pose a health risk. But either way, you would not want a node close to you or your kids bedrooms.

I read the synopsis mate.

Not going to waste an hour ish of my life listening to the same bull**** that has been disproven a thousand times. How is she an expert? She is pushing a right wing political idealogy.

Tbh I have better things to do then listening to extremists spouting misinformation.

These people have the same mentality as people that would tell you shove 4 crystal up ya arse, face the sun in the longest day of the year snort 4 lines of turmeric and it will cure cancer.

You want expert but post vids from people with no credibility.

Like this one. That makes many of the same claims.

Not sure where Alan went.

8266 posts
14 May 2020 3:01PM
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Just the first 30 mins is very informative...nothing has been disproven. There are opposing ideas/opinions, some have financial interests in either ideas/opinions, some don't like this lady. Yes she does support the narrative that exposing yourself to viruses boosts your immunity system, this is a fact. She talks about her experience with the drug Clive purchased. She talks about Sars (earlier Covid virus from 2003) which was interesting...and she talked about something I was unaware of, yes Bill Gates again lol & his investment in fake meat production & how a lot of abatoirs are being shut down. That was new...I didn't notice any right wing stuff though, I don't understand why you would say that.

Oh & she does give some valuable health advice but sorry it did not involve shoving anything up your ass

PS can someone find a meme about getting a masters degree by reading memes, the YT ones getting a bit old

10979 posts
14 May 2020 3:25PM
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She is literally the head of a right wing political party.

If she was a bird she'd fly in a circle.

8266 posts
14 May 2020 4:04PM
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SP said..
She is literally the head of a right wing political party.

If she was a bird she'd fly in a circle.

Ha anything right of the extreme left is right wing in Ireland m8. Seriously you need to listen to all sides before racing out & regurgitating someone elses BS. Until you do, it is you who will continue flying in circles

I mean how can you comment on something without watching or reading it & deciding for yourself based upon your own knowledge.

Your still on the team A Vs team B trip.....ffs what do you think I have to gain from sharing alternative media, they're not my videos. I do it because I'm concerned about where our country is heading.

8266 posts
14 May 2020 4:13PM
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NSW, 405 posts
14 May 2020 6:28PM
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Hydromann said..

beachandbush said..



10979 posts
14 May 2020 4:29PM
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MickPC said..

SP said..
She is literally the head of a right wing political party.

If she was a bird she'd fly in a circle.

Ha anything right of the extreme left is right wing in Ireland m8. Seriously you need to listen to all sides before racing out & regurgitating someone elses BS. Until you do, it is you who will continue flying in circles

I mean how can you comment on something without watching or reading it & deciding for yourself based upon your own knowledge.

Your still on the team A Vs team B trip.....ffs what do you think I have to gain from sharing alternative media, they're not my videos. I do it because I'm concerned about where our country is heading.

No teams mate, saying you are the only one that cares shows your mentality. I am. Right everyone else is wrong. And in the other team.

I apologise for looking at fact and coming to a different opinon. As for her being left Ffs have a look at their polices. Why would post her own self written profile as proof of anything? Go and look at their policies and her potlitcak ideology.. She is right wing.

Stop dismissing facts cause they don't fit your preconceived ideas. You say you question things but anyone questions you and they don't care and are stupid.

As for regurgitating Bs, youre the bloke. That continues to post Bs clips that do nothing but spread fringe extremist views that in many cases have been disproven but facts don't matter to you.

Anyway, next clip is prob already up.

Ps you read those links I posted? No.....

NSW, 405 posts
14 May 2020 6:29PM
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NSW, 405 posts
14 May 2020 6:29PM
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VIC, 2848 posts
14 May 2020 6:34PM
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MickPC said..

I don't know what that video is likely to be about, or which side of the nutter conspiracy line it might fall, but ****ing Greta!!!!
She does not deserve an audience on anything.
Or maybe she is sitting on a step somewhere with a sign saying "Let me go to school"
If I wanted a 16 year old's advice, I would have listened to my youngest daughter 6 years ago and bought her the iphone she "needed"

VIC, 2848 posts
14 May 2020 6:41PM
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Can we go to the "Lockdown Once Over " one now?

8266 posts
14 May 2020 4:48PM
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SP said...

No teams mate, saying you are the only one that cares shows your mentality. I am. Right everyone else is wrong. And in the other team.

I apologise for looking at fact and coming to a different opinon. As for her being left Ffs have a look at their polices. Why would post her own self written profile as proof of anything? Go and look at their policies and her potlitcak ideology.. She is right wing.

Stop dismissing facts cause they don't fit your preconceived ideas. You say you question things but anyone questions you and they don't care and are stupid.

As for regurgitating Bs, youre the bloke. That continues to post Bs clips that do nothing but spread fringe extremist views that in many cases have been disproven but facts don't matter to you.

Anyway, next clip is prob already up.

Ps you read those links I posted? No.....

I said I post vids/articles because I care. I did not say I am the only one who cares. Clearly that is not the case.

Her political ideologies have nothing to do with her undertanding of the Virus & the human body. Again I recommend you watch the video so you have a better understanding of what she says in the video rather than going 3rd, 4th or whatever Chinese whispers

Irrelevant facts to the topic at hand I will dissmiss, sorry....didn't say you don't care or are stupid...

Maybe watch a video or 2 before proclaiming them extremist views lol...I've posted videos of medical professionals. Finding a differing opinion doesn't debunk someones opinion, it means you found someone with a differing opinion.

I will have a look at your links & will comment on them...maybe...but if I do it will be because I've read or watched them first hand

NSW, 405 posts
14 May 2020 6:49PM
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A friend of mine is a cancer nurse on the south coast of NSW.

His advise re Covid is that blood transfers from people that have recovered are now being used as transfusions to really sick people with more than good results.

Theres a way out of this and I reckon you in NSW is book a 10 sitting with your mates have a parmy , drink some beer and talk ****e at your local.

Enjoy what you have!
Not what you can't !

8266 posts
14 May 2020 4:49PM
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Nozza said..

MickPC said..

I don't know what that video is likely to be about, or which side of the nutter conspiracy line it might fall, but ****ing Greta!!!!
She does not deserve an audience on anything.
Or maybe she is sitting on a step somewhere with a sign saying "Let me go to school"
If I wanted a 16 year old's advice, I would have listened to my youngest daughter 6 years ago and bought her the iphone she "needed"


8266 posts
14 May 2020 4:51PM
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beachandbush said..
A friend of mine is a cancer nurse on the south coast of NSW.

His advise re Covid is that blood transfers from people that have recovered are now being used as transfusions to really sick people with more than good results.

Theres a way out of this and I reckon you in NSW is book a 10 sitting with your mates have a parmy , drink some beer and talk ****e at your local.

Enjoy what you have!
Not what you can't !

Awesome info m8...please keep us in the loop...cheers

Information I've received is that healthy people who have recovered from C19 have developed a resistance.

Have also heard that a large percentage of the worlds population has now been infected with Sars (earlier Covid) & have developed a resistance. Even though there is no Vaccine 17 years later. We just aren't aware because we're not testing everyone.

Consider that in relation to that idiot Justin Trudeau saying he's going to lock down Canada until a Vaccine is developed

10979 posts
14 May 2020 5:21PM
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MickPC said..

SP said...

No teams mate, saying you are the only one that cares shows your mentality. I am. Right everyone else is wrong. And in the other team.

I apologise for looking at fact and coming to a different opinon. As for her being left Ffs have a look at their polices. Why would post her own self written profile as proof of anything? Go and look at their policies and her potlitcak ideology.. She is right wing.

Stop dismissing facts cause they don't fit your preconceived ideas. You say you question things but anyone questions you and they don't care and are stupid.

As for regurgitating Bs, youre the bloke. That continues to post Bs clips that do nothing but spread fringe extremist views that in many cases have been disproven but facts don't matter to you.

Anyway, next clip is prob already up.

Ps you read those links I posted? No.....

I said I post vids/articles because I care. I did not say I am the only one who cares. Clearly that is not the case.

Her political ideologies have nothing to do with her undertanding of the Virus & the human body. Again I recommend you watch the video so you have a better understanding of what she says in the video rather than going 3rd, 4th or whatever Chinese whispers

Irrelevant facts to the topic at hand I will dissmiss, sorry....didn't say you don't care or are stupid...

Maybe watch a video or 2 before proclaiming them extremist views lol...I've posted videos of medical professionals. Finding a differing opinion doesn't debunk someones opinion, it means you found someone with a differing opinion.

I will have a look at your links & will comment on them...maybe...but if I do it will be because I've read or watched them first hand

10979 posts
14 May 2020 5:24PM
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They also canned a US study.

But hey what would the science and medical community know.

8266 posts
14 May 2020 5:34PM
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SP said..

They also canned a US study.

But hey what would the science and medical community know.

True...but findings have been mixed. The US is very troublesome due to legalities.....However not everyones testing with "High-Dose Chloroquine"...another reason why watching the above video would have been informative for you.

Re: your above meme "Conspriracy = Fear" Its quite the opposite. The information you claim to be conspiracy is trying to negate the campaign of fear.

10979 posts
14 May 2020 5:38PM
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Post a study for me then. A medical backed clinical trial showing it is a helping people recover. I hope it does but nothing I've read so for says it is making a difference.

An no the 5G, Bill gates, virus came from a lab stuff is misinformation that does nothing but cause fear an mistrust.

Post that plandemic link again.. That shows all the Bs in one short package.

8266 posts
14 May 2020 5:52PM
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SP said..
Post a study for me then. A medical backed clinical trial showing it is a helping people recover. I hope it does but nothing I've read so for says it is making a difference.

What you need to understand is that for the majority of people C19 is not a threat. For some, sadly nothing is going to help & it would not matter if they had C19 or something else. If you are elderly or have immunity system issues. You are at risk.

But anyway its when & exactly how to use the drug that is what they are currently working out. Studies need to be completed before they can be released m8.

10979 posts
14 May 2020 5:59PM
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So once again you are the only one that "understands". The rest of us are incapable?

Just say I can't post a link?

The US trial has results. Post those results.

Yes trials continue but so far as I said it is proven to have no effect and in many cases in high doses is dangerous.

8266 posts
14 May 2020 6:07PM
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SP said..
So once again you are the only one that "understands".

Just say I can't post a link?

The US trial has results. Post those results.

Yes trials continue but so far as I said it is proven to have no effect and in many cases in high doses is dangerous. understanding is C19 is only a threat to those with diminished immunity & the elderly. I'm just trying to remind you. Its common knowledge, so no I don't think I'm the only one that understands that fact...& that trials continue...we can agree on that then, cheers


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Lockdown" started by Cobra