Give Asea a buzz .... he had a few pairs of Miley Cyrus' knickers for sale think he said he had dozens of Mel B's cheek holsters too
hot collector's items he says
Mac was looking to offload his Pinnacle but I think he's planning on doing that in Hawaii.
Blair had a 9'8 triple stringer Astro for sale a little while ago, not sure if he still has it or not??
I got nuthin...
But I really like the look of this 9'2 Beau Young board on gumtree (bit short for a true log, but what the hell):
It's at Coffs. And it's only 650. Quick McHenry, it's Christmas! You deserve it!
Wavelength the Christmas Poo
Come on Lacey you tight arsed chipster ..... McH wants to buy your CW Hotlog ..... some spare coinage for Christmas
mchenary messaged me this morning. its in the cooly surf shop.
priced at $850, sell for $700 with a surf bag. bloody excellent condition too
Go hard on it Mchenry or have you sobered up
No offers on my Pin here so far,I went to Surf Garage today which stocks Bing,Almond,Dick Brewer to name just a few,price tags were 2k AUS and up,I didn't see anything that mct or other quality guys back home are not doing.But this shop was awesome a real surf shop.
After speaking to Vanders I'm convinced a log is the go.
I'm too **** for a mid length. Just will take the Whalebone when its big for me.
So still on the log train. 9'6 to 10'. Keep an eye out for McStankleberg.
I could McHenry right now! There is a Jeff McCallum on evil bay that is right up my midlength alley - oh and a midlength Mick Mackie. Apologies to all the midlength haters!!
I'm at a business lunch, looking to mchenry.
Mac ill buy the NR for 600. Cmon break for daddy to be !!