Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Mick's 2016 Bali Blog

Created by MickPC > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2016
WA, 582 posts
8 Oct 2016 8:00AM
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Good one Mick thanks for taking the time welcome back to more northerlies

8266 posts
9 Oct 2016 9:03AM
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Cheers Steve, Drip & Ifocus......LMAO Drip

Ifocus it feels like the endless winter of never ending Northerlies. We've had some epic days, but they've been few & far between.

8266 posts
9 Oct 2016 10:39AM
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All kinds of things are popping up around Keramaz

8266 posts
9 Oct 2016 10:44AM
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Just zoom testing

8266 posts
9 Oct 2016 10:52AM
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Will purchase a few of these one day. One for us & a few others to share postage. Last time we asked the price 2 or 3 years ago. These glass art pieces that are taller than my wife cost just under $400 & about $300 to ship to Oz. I reckon they're awesome, imagine how good they would look if they were not in a dim light

8266 posts
9 Oct 2016 10:57AM
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Thats just about it, those last 15 took a while coz I had to work out how to work with raw format photo's. Got some pics of the river running through Ulu's cave to grab off my missus phone & I guess I could take pics of the 2 little glass art things we could find room in our suitcases I tell ya, if I had a villa in Bali it would be jam packed with glass & stone art, I love it

WA, 120 posts
9 Oct 2016 1:44PM
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Try Jetfast Logistics -Wayne Bayliss +62 81337000295

I have a villa in Sanur and a place in Aust that is jam packed with Indo Art
Wayne has transported many items for back to Aust


8266 posts
10 Oct 2016 2:25PM
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Try Jetfast Logistics -Wayne Bayliss +62 81337000295

I have a villa in Sanur and a place in Aust that is jam packed with Indo Art
Wayne has transported many items for back to Aust


Thanks mate, the shop has their own shipping arrangements. But good to have another option

Sanur is a great location for a Villa. Somewhere between there & Gianyar would be my choice. I'd love to make a bunker house on the side of a steep hill somewhere along Jalan Prof Bagus

8266 posts
16 Oct 2016 3:01PM
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Here are those pics from the last day on the Bukit taken with my missus phone....started off with a surf check from the cliff above dreamland riding my sexy pink scooter, with a flat battery & the word "bride" written all over the seat. Think it was the homestays mums scooter she'd had since she got married. Had to put it up on its service stand & kick start it to start it. But went well apart from that

8266 posts
16 Oct 2016 3:03PM
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There was swell but it wasn't really making it round from Ulu's which was 2 to 3 times over head this day. This one set came through Impossibles/Bingin in the 10 mins we were there & it was pretty much flat otherwise. Tide was also on the up, so not the go.

QLD, 21885 posts
16 Oct 2016 5:06PM
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MickPC said..
Here are those pics from the last day on the Bukit taken with my missus phone....started off with a surf check from the cliff above dreamland riding my sexy pink scooter, with a flat battery & the word "bride" written all over the seat. Think it was the homestays mums scooter she'd had since she got married. Had to put it up on its service stand & kick start it to start it. But went well apart from that

Shoes wtf

8266 posts
16 Oct 2016 3:08PM
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Dunno if the pic shows it but there are a sh1tload of people out at Dreamland which had a fairly conistent right coming through. I was too busy laughing at the mayhem when decent waves coming though to take a pic at the right time. Great place for a beer & a laugh these days I guess

8266 posts
16 Oct 2016 3:10PM
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Macaha said..

MickPC said..
Here are those pics from the last day on the Bukit taken with my missus phone....started off with a surf check from the cliff above dreamland riding my sexy pink scooter, with a flat battery & the word "bride" written all over the seat. Think it was the homestays mums scooter she'd had since she got married. Had to put it up on its service stand & kick start it to start it. But went well apart from that

Shoes wtf

Yeah I always wear them when riding a scooter over a fair distance mate. I'm pretty careful over there on the scotter, you'd probably leave me in the dust

8266 posts
16 Oct 2016 3:19PM
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We went & had a look at Ulu's which was pumping. But somehow I never ended up taking a pic of the actual surf damnit, not that the phone cam would have come out very well anyway. There was no one out coz the cave had become a river. I've seen a bit of water flowing through it, but nothing like this. The rain started at about 4pm the day before & pissed down all night until about 0530.

Believe it or not but the tide was only about 1.4m at this time, so seawater would have been washing about a third to 1/2 way into the cave. You can see here there pretty much is no cave, its a fast flowing river.

& looking back upstream.

Ok so that officially wraps up this years blahhh, I mean blog haha...cheers

QLD, 21885 posts
16 Oct 2016 5:26PM
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Great photos mate,nah I take it easy too,not worth the carnage.I don't always take shoes over there.

8266 posts
16 Oct 2016 3:34PM
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Macaha said..
Great photos mate,nah I take it easy too,not worth the carnage.I don't always take shoes over there.

Cheers Mac...yeah I lost 1/2 a toe nail wearing thongs about 9 years ago & have worn shoes since, no amount of Bintangs fixed the hurt haha

8266 posts
17 Oct 2016 7:09AM
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Wow the "San Francisco" bridge is gone...sounds like it was packed if 9 people died. I was always on a scooter crossing it & its so narrow I'd wait until there were very few people. Must have been a time when a lot of people were finishing work & returning home. Looks like on sunset.

8266 posts
17 Oct 2016 10:38AM
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18 motorcycles fell off the bridge at about 1930 after people finished a praypr service on Cenigan.

Looks like just the first section on the Cenigan side. Bridge must have been chockers for that many to fall due to that section collapsing.

Poor buggers

WA, 883 posts
25 Oct 2016 8:10PM
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Tragedy, couldn't believe it when we heard. some frantic attempts to contact dear friends who live on both islands over a couple of days but, none of our friends directly, but unfortunately family members of those we know well were impacted. Hard to imagine.... have traversed too and throw, many times.

However as Mick has pointed the bridge was chokka's.

WA, 883 posts
25 Oct 2016 8:11PM
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Great Blog by the Way Mick

8266 posts
26 Oct 2016 11:44AM
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Surf69 said..
Great Blog by the Way Mick

Cheers mate...have you got some pics to share with us


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Mick's 2016 Bali Blog" started by MickPC