The shape isn't really meant to be a gun. It's more a semi-gun. That's why I went wider. I have a full needle 7'8" NEV that I have caught my biggest waves on and it was inherently a board that went straight. I want this board to: get me in early at waves like Margies and Ellenbrook bombie; be turnable at 6 foot Farm (the once every three years it gets that big) and Injis; and run for the channel with the odd cutback at outside Mama Bears, big Babies, solid Yallingup. Mark seems pretty happy it will still be turnable in a big board/solid wave sort of way. Wave four times head high are about as big as I will be surfing, so solid without entering the realms of big. I have had an eight footer before that I loathed, so time will tell. I am a reasonably big unit too. 6'2" and 90 kgs. Tall and relatively lean, so I have had more volume than a lot of my friends for many many years. Not that I know much, but I think height affects board length and volume just as much as outright weight. My guess is it has something to do with fulcrums, pendulums and turning radiuses, but I am not a shaper and I only did physics until year 12.
And it's a single fun 2 and 1 so a slightly weird shape anyway.
That's the one. Singlies also let me justify my bog squat survival stance on retro style gestures. Or I can just stand tall and proud and pretend I am soul arching.