Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Old Surfing Pic

Created by AndyrooMac > 9 months ago, 24 Dec 2014
TAS, 1925 posts
24 Dec 2014 4:38PM
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My cousin stumbled across this old pic of my uncle at Lighthouse Beach, Bruny Island from sometime in the late 60's. Currently being restored but its a pretty sweet pic...

13831 posts
24 Dec 2014 1:48PM
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Not a bad piccie that and it looks like he didn't get into the "long-haired drug crazed like wow man hippie" scene

TAS, 1925 posts
24 Dec 2014 4:50PM
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thePup said..
Not a bad piccie that and it looks like he didn't get into the "long-haired drug crazed like wow man hippie" scene

I think he did, just minus the long hair

9106 posts
24 Dec 2014 1:51PM
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thePup said..
Not a bad piccie that and it looks like he didn't get into the "long-haired drug crazed like wow man hippie" scene

I'm going to tell chrispy you said that.

13831 posts
24 Dec 2014 1:54PM
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Cobra said..

thePup said..
Not a bad piccie that and it looks like he didn't get into the "long-haired drug crazed like wow man hippie" scene

I'm going to tell chrispy you said that.

Yair ?????? well I couldn't give 3 5th's of a cheese rats tail so there can you see me poking my long pink tongue out at you ah hang on I got a bastard flea gotta scratch ooooh yeah that's better now what the fark was I saying oh yeah get stuffed ya cow rooter

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
24 Dec 2014 7:14PM
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warwick capper wettie

13831 posts
24 Dec 2014 6:25PM
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laceys lane said..
warwick capper wettie

yeah bit much info there Lace you spend much time sussing blokes' wetties then old cock ???

TAS, 1925 posts
24 Dec 2014 9:38PM
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laceys lane said...
warwick capper wettie

It's the 60's, I doubt it's even a wetsuit, notice the spherical earings... ... ... I'll ask him though

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
24 Dec 2014 9:09PM
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thePup said..

laceys lane said..
warwick capper wettie

yeah bit much info there Lace you spend much time sussing blokes' wetties then old cock ???

he played for the loins unfortunately

8266 posts
24 Dec 2014 11:24PM
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He'd have to be stoked with that

I wonder if my lil sis still has the b&w piccy she took of me with long hair doing a bottom turn on a head n 1/2 wave 26 years ago. Havta ask her tomorrow

WA, 9675 posts
25 Dec 2014 6:27AM
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That's very cool

NSW, 814 posts
27 Dec 2014 12:54PM
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Hi Mr rooMac.

I think your spot on for the date. Late 60's or the early 70's. I remember some really early wetsuits coming out that looked a bit like that one, (if it is a wetsuit). The board looks like my first board, that I got in 1970, about 6'10 round tail, flat rocker with a bit of nose lift. Ahh the memories. I was in black and white then as well!!

TAS, 1925 posts
27 Dec 2014 3:14PM
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MickPC said...
He'd have to be stoked with that

I wonder if my lil sis still has the b&w piccy she took of me with long hair doing a bottom turn on a head n 1/2 wave 26 years ago. Havta ask her tomorrow

I'd deffinately be hunting that down dude...

TAS, 1925 posts
27 Dec 2014 3:16PM
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I need to pop down and day thanks to him, he dropped 3 dozen fresh oysters at my parents place for our Xmas shindig.

Yes, he owns an oyster farm, good relative to have

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Dec 2014 3:20PM
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Sandsy1 said..
Hi Mr rooMac.

I think your spot on for the date. Late 60's or the early 70's. I remember some really early wetsuits coming out that looked a bit like that one, (if it is a wetsuit). The board looks like my first board, that I got in 1970, about 6'10 round tail, flat rocker with a bit of nose lift. Ahh the memories. I was in black and white then as well!!

when did you start living in colour?

NSW, 1488 posts
27 Dec 2014 4:27PM
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Not actually surfing, but with my EH van and Peter Clarke I bought from LaFish around '72

13831 posts
27 Dec 2014 6:44PM
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cracking photo mate - a ripper

TAS, 1925 posts
27 Dec 2014 9:52PM
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surfbroker said...
Not actually surfing, but with my EH van and Peter Clarke I bought from LaFish around '72

Bet you wish you still had the car/board dude

NSW, 814 posts
27 Dec 2014 11:04PM
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laceys lane said..

Sandsy1 said..
Hi Mr rooMac.

I think your spot on for the date. Late 60's or the early 70's. I remember some really early wetsuits coming out that looked a bit like that one, (if it is a wetsuit). The board looks like my first board, that I got in 1970, about 6'10 round tail, flat rocker with a bit of nose lift. Ahh the memories. I was in black and white then as well!!

when did you start living in colour?

When met my girl. About 5 years later!

NSW, 1488 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:30AM
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AndyrooMac said..

surfbroker said...
Not actually surfing, but with my EH van and Peter Clarke I bought from LaFish around '72

Bet you wish you still had the car/board dude

Reckon..But I still have the (was then) Babe

NSW, 1488 posts
28 Dec 2014 10:03AM
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Here's an old one of LaFish at Cronulla Point early/mid 60's

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
28 Dec 2014 12:11PM
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surfbroker said..
Not actually surfing, but with my EH van and Peter Clarke I bought from LaFish around '72

Great old pic,love the EH panno & the old Peter Clarke,my second board was a Peter Clarke,still got a 60s one ,very cool!..

TAS, 1099 posts
28 Dec 2014 6:13PM
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The EH pano was the surf wagon of choice at my local back in the day.

NSW, 1488 posts
28 Dec 2014 8:34PM
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Now..I love that RR

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:09PM
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riverider said..
The EH pano was the surf wagon of choice at my local back in the day.

Love that old pic,love the old surfwagons,as you can tell by my name,haha.very cool!
couple of good fc's in the background to,panno & wagon!..

TAS, 2249 posts
28 Dec 2014 9:46PM
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Couple of blokes in town collect EH sedans great cars . One gets used as a surf car carries around a couple of SUPs on top . do beleive he is off down the east coast in it at the moment with his boards surfing and camping .

About 20 years back had a chance to buy an old EH with very low kms ( literally driven to the pub and back on a Friday night by the old fella ) , in as new condition , couldn't beleive it when the old blokes family sold it out from under me . Haven't looked at an EH since till I saw the one in town here .havent seen too many of the panel vans must be pretty rare these days .

is that Park beach river rider .

TAS, 1099 posts
28 Dec 2014 10:03PM
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68surfwagon said..

riverider said..
The EH pano was the surf wagon of choice at my local back in the day.

Love that old pic,love the old surfwagons,as you can tell by my name,haha.very cool!
couple of good fc's in the background to,panno & wagon!..

Hey 68, owned 3 HKs myself over the years, always wondered how they handle compared to the cars these days, the 186 had plenty of power, but don't think they would go round the corners to well

yep, Tassie, that's park looking up towards the river, looks like this these days.

TAS, 2249 posts
28 Dec 2014 10:17PM
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Would be interesting to see the same shot in 40 years . With global warming park beach could be the new Sunshine Coast

TAS, 1099 posts
28 Dec 2014 10:23PM
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Hasn't changed much, had just as many drop ins back then.

TAS, 2249 posts
28 Dec 2014 10:28PM
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riverider said..
Hasn't changed much, had just as many drop ins back then.

Which one is 2 MT

TAS, 1099 posts
28 Dec 2014 10:34PM
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Tassiedevel said..

riverider said..
Hasn't changed much, had just as many drop ins back then.

Which one is 2 MT

Here he is, the one on the left


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Old Surfing Pic" started by AndyrooMac