Also I Can't blame the refs
comparing the last few series prob the best refereeing in years
thurston slater GI sadly missed.
Yes well said chrispy
i thought the same as you chrispy NSW is letting the foot off QLD throat
never do that or they will bite you
yep Hayne is a total toss pot standing on the fence I'm sure he thinks he's God.
scores a try and thinks he just won origin for them..wanker.
the rest of NSW played well there forwards dominated QLD.
best for qld was smith and I thought gay guy cemented his spot
Hey whats with Cronk out near the wing in defence ,,were the NSW forwards targeting him?
they use to do that to Lockyer and never achieved anything.
A real CANETOAD team on Wednesday minus GI(born in Kempsey, Bowraville junior so only an imposter toad).I'm looking forward to another great BLUES series win!