Just going with 1/2 Grey tint with Volan laps and patches
Nice is he going to upload on insta? yeah he was doing a batch of 20 great looking jacket.
He makes a good board! He worked with John Walsh from Natural Hi back in the day and been building boards for a long time. know a few who have his boards and they are pretty happy!
****, that is an old name... Natural High surfboards..
I can't seem to get the live link to work. Is yours the last shaped video Steve?
Quick Bio on Pieter for those that don't know him.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Although he's kept a pretty low profile over the years except among those in the industry, Newcastle's Pieter Stockert is one of Australia's great long-time shapers and all-round board builders.
Pieter started doing repairs when he was 10, then learnt to make boards by trial and error and was selling a few to mates by the time he was 16. He got his first job in the industry with John Walsh at Natural High and has since shaped, glassed, sanded, sprayed and polished all sorts of boards for many manufacturers (sometimes up to four at a time), among them Pacific Dreams, Ocean Shapes, Sam Egan, the Surf Factory, Peter Sheely, Bennetts and Bob McTavish.
Through the '90s he owned a glassing business handling big labels like Al Merrick and Greg Webber's Insight doing 50 boards a week, plus shaping for his own label in between all this.
"My outlook on my business now is to supply top-quality boards with good communication from ordering right to delivery. And live streaming onto our website is one way the client can get to see their board being made - I phone and let them know when I'm shaping and glassing. I work at home in a micro factory now as I care for my 16-year-old stepdaughter who has special needs and it all helps the family function . . . plus I'm really enjoying working this way."
Besides his logs and performance longboards, Pieter's been rapt with his quad-fin Time Machine model - a shortboard for longboarders. "I called it that because so many older surfers who've ridden one had thought they'd never be able to ride anything that short again, and it's made them feel young again. It has some volume, but with a full performance shortboard bottom shape, so it gets up and goes like nothing else."
What ever happened to Gordon Jackson ? I had an off the rack Stewart board from Pacific Dreams a fair while back. I picked it because it looked really good and it went really good as well. Last I heard he moved up north somewhere but not sure if he's still shaping.
Just placed the order today and there will be photos. I took Pieters advice (for a change) and he came up with a std 9'6" x 24" x 3", with square tail and a huge concave in the nose. 60/40 rails and rounded at the rear (log style). 11.25" Shapers Vault fin. My imput was I wanted Volan treated Glass with 1/2, or a slight, grey tint, to show off the laps. 2 x 6oz and a purdy diamond deck patch and 1 x 6oz with a diamond fin patch on bottom.
The shaping will be streamed live on his web site Easter Monday and will be ready to pick up the same Friday.
What a top bloke and gentleman, I could not shut him up. Its the little things that matter to a customer or even a tire kicker. Like I spoke to him for 5 minutes yesterday and said I will think about it. When I rang back today he answered with "Hello Stephen". Such a small thing, to remember my name, but it shows he is a class act. Also he would not take a dollar more than his advertised price for an Easyrider, even with the Volan and tint, he even let me choose my fin.
Cant wait to pick it up.
Fairly new to surfing, a bit of a late starter at the young age of 45. Looked at few local shapers and looked on a few sites. Seen a used easy rider that looked awesome but was unable to secure the bid so lost it. My better half said if thats the one you like for a few extra books you could get a new one shaped for you (I knew there was a reason I married her). I watched all his vids on his site read all the reviews and couldn't find a bad one. So I took the plunge and rang him. He couldn't have been more helpful. He was exactly what I expected after watching his interview on his site. I Placed an order this evening for a 9'6 easy rider such an excited man, think you can take a few years off that age of 45 as it feels like waiting for Christmas when I was a kid.
Great reviews and comments on here many thanks.
Just placed the order today and there will be photos. I took Pieters advice (for a change) and he came up with a std 9'6" x 24" x 3", with square tail and a huge concave in the nose. 60/40 rails and rounded at the rear (log style). 11.25" Shapers Vault fin. My imput was I wanted Volan treated Glass with 1/2, or a slight, grey tint, to show off the laps. 2 x 6oz and a purdy diamond deck patch and 1 x 6oz with a diamond fin patch on bottom.
The shaping will be streamed live on his web site Easter Monday and will be ready to pick up the same Friday.
What a top bloke and gentleman, I could not shut him up. Its the little things that matter to a customer or even a tire kicker. Like I spoke to him for 5 minutes yesterday and said I will think about it. When I rang back today he answered with "Hello Stephen". Such a small thing, to remember my name, but it shows he is a class act. Also he would not take a dollar more than his advertised price for an Easyrider, even with the Volan and tint, he even let me choose my fin.
Cant wait to pick it up.
Fairly new to surfing, a bit of a late starter at the young age of 45. Looked at few local shapers and looked on a few sites. Seen a used easy rider that looked awesome but was unable to secure the bid so lost it. My better half said if thats the one you like for a few extra books you could get a new one shaped for you (I knew there was a reason I married her). I watched all his vids on his site read all the reviews and couldn't find a bad one. So I took the plunge and rang him. He couldn't have been more helpful. He was exactly what I expected after watching his interview on his site. I Placed an order this evening for a 9'6 easy rider such an excited man, think you can take a few years off that age of 45 as it feels like waiting for Christmas when I was a kid.
Great reviews and comments on here many thanks.
Welcome and great first post,be sure to upload some pictures when she is done.
Oh and your girl is a gem.
What ever happened to Gordon Jackson ? I had an off the rack Stewart board from Pacific Dreams a fair while back. I picked it because it looked really good and it went really good as well. Last I heard he moved up north somewhere but not sure if he's still shaping.
Think you nailed it, Moved north, maybe Forster area... I think he might shape the occasional one still, he did make a nice board. I had plenty growing up. Those Stewarts were great designs, i broke a couple... The LSP model was a cracker.
So managed to grab the whole day out of the office. Went down for a surf (Wanda). Noticed more long boards than usually is it because I'm waiting for mine lol.
So managed to grab the whole day out of the office. Went down for a surf (Wanda). Noticed more long boards than usually is it because I'm waiting for mine lol.
haha so whats his turn around time ?
So managed to grab the whole day out of the office. Went down for a surf (Wanda). Noticed more long boards than usually is it because I'm waiting for mine lol.
Yep that would be it. Was very small today in Newy. I went for a tiny wave at Bar Beach thismorning. Wanted my new board so bad as the waves were so small and glassy.
Dropped in today and Pieter and his wife mixed the resin with the tint and we did some test layups to lock in the colour. Just enough black tint to add the softest grey to the green volan and green resin. So the resin is all mixed ready for glassing tomorow.
Ahh the Pig. Very nice. Let us know how it rides. Might be my next one. He glassed mine yesterday and will be sanding tomorrow morning.
then i will have to leave it a week or so to cure.......i guess?
Is that your board The Wigg?
yes it is
Im only selling it to get a dead flat one made like my 10 foot Big Easy
Looks like Pieter nailed yet another gem,his workmanship is unreal and the passion he puts into every board he makes.
Oh he also nailed the colour tones from your request.
Yup, the wife cant work out why i wanted a grey board? She think they all should be fluro. I said it was to blend in with the sharks.
What ever happened to Gordon Jackson ? I had an off the rack Stewart board from Pacific Dreams a fair while back. I picked it because it looked really good and it went really good as well. Last I heard he moved up north somewhere but not sure if he's still shaping.
Think you nailed it, Moved north, maybe Forster area... I think he might shape the occasional one still, he did make a nice board. I had plenty growing up. Those Stewarts were great designs, i broke a couple... The LSP model was a cracker.
I had the LSP as well SP. I think that was back in the mid 90's. Time gets away
Ok this is it. No surf today its flat so time for photos
Looks unreal Steve!
You must be so fired up!
What ever happened to Gordon Jackson ? I had an off the rack Stewart board from Pacific Dreams a fair while back. I picked it because it looked really good and it went really good as well. Last I heard he moved up north somewhere but not sure if he's still shaping.
Gordon Jackson lives around the corner here from me smh,I could probably throw a rock on his roof,haha.Yep he's still making good boards,my mates here have a few of them.He's trading under GORDO Surfboards and has a bit to do with the longboard club as well
What ever happened to Gordon Jackson ? I had an off the rack Stewart board from Pacific Dreams a fair while back. I picked it because it looked really good and it went really good as well. Last I heard he moved up north somewhere but not sure if he's still shaping.
Gordon Jackson lives around the corner here from me smh,I could probably throw a rock on his roof,haha.Yep he's still making good boards,my mates here have a few of them.He's trading under GORDO Surfboards and has a bit to do with the longboard club as well
You might want to get one off him one day . The one i had went really good.
Ok this is it. No surf today its flat so time for photos
Looks hoofing, keep us informed on how it goes. I have a few weeks to for mine which is fine as a knee Op next week. Enjoy.
So managed to grab the whole day out of the office. Went down for a surf (Wanda). Noticed more long boards than usually is it because I'm waiting for mine lol.
haha so whats his turn around time ?
its about 3 weeks but i think that is because I am having a Knee op and said I wasn't in any rush.