Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Shock Horror

Created by Macaha > 9 months ago, 12 Dec 2014
9106 posts
18 Dec 2014 9:55AM
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wavelength said..
Is this it??

No that's not the board,,,but Lacey has a picture of that guy on his wall
also that pic is the results when you forget about your legs in the gym.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Dec 2014 1:00PM
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Macaha said...
Well I glad you guys are having fun with it,pictures to come

Its not fun. Its work to try to put sh1t on you everyday.
But hey someone's got to do it

WA, 6913 posts
18 Dec 2014 11:51AM
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thePup said..

laceys lane said..
for my money its the secret 5 years in the making, the new mctavish helensvale factory outlet.

200m north of wet and wild. a new over pass was part of the deal with tom tate.

mct hope it snare the brisso's going to the goldie before the other shops get their money grabbing claws into them.

mac has been given the honour of having the first and only custom to come out of that shop. the rest will be seconds.

no surprises- same art as usual

its all true really

It is and I hear Campbell Newman has approved building the mega-factory around the overpass .... so that froffers will have to drive through the factory on their way to surf stoke you will either pay a toll fare OR buy a board robotic arms will gently load fresh porn onto Audi wagons by the dozen customers will even be able to see Robert putting the kettle on any fools with boatshoes will be zapped by Intergalactic lasers

I guess it will have an express lane with red carpet for repeat (Offenders) customers like Mac

NSW, 2110 posts
18 Dec 2014 3:36PM
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laceys lane said..

Macaha said...
Well I glad you guys are having fun with it,pictures to come

Its not fun. Its work to try to put sh1t on you everyday.
But hey someone's got to do it

I love and respect your work mate

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Dec 2014 3:15PM
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Makes it all worth while when you get that kind of response.

Ill lift my game and work hard at it

QLD, 21884 posts
2 Jan 2015 8:53AM
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My first 2015 board, custom made on the GC

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 7:11AM
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I always wondered what a board shaped with a dimpled pattern on the bottom would go like,,,like a golf ball.
Would be hell of a glass job

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 7:14AM
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Macaha said..
My first 2015 board, custom made on the GC

Is that about 5'

NSW, 1301 posts
2 Jan 2015 11:21AM
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Whats the reason behind those scoops is that because its a thick board and thats where you grab for duck diving or something else??
whoa just noticed where they were, whats the scoop??

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Jan 2015 11:26AM
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wavelength said..
Is this it??

Well this was pretty close - just got the colours wrong ! I wonder what stick he will be getting to help him on those sessions.

So its pretty clear that Mac is a closset Dragons fan

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Jan 2015 12:16PM
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ted, mac has more closets than you can poke with a phobia

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 10:39AM
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Ricardo1709 said..
Whats the reason behind those scoops is that because its a thick board and thats where you grab for duck diving or something else??
whoa just noticed where they were, whats the scoop??

for skateboard wheels. see the holes for trucks...

i knew mac would stay true to the Mc Bat

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 11:02AM
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Nice gee up Mac your best ever

one thing about same art and re selling boards..
no one will ever know who the real mac is
its the man with the bowler hat all over again

10979 posts
2 Jan 2015 11:03AM
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Ricardo1709 said...
Whats the reason behind those scoops is that because its a thick board and thats where you grab for duck diving or something else??
whoa just noticed where they were, whats the scoop??

I'd love to see him try and duck dive it.

Be like pushing through concrete.

13831 posts
2 Jan 2015 11:39AM
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Nice condition grass , nice skateboard , absolutely wickedly tricky camera angle came very very close to the maiden BEERFINE for 2015 the devious farker

VIC, 8020 posts
2 Jan 2015 3:08PM
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Brilliant Mak!

8266 posts
2 Jan 2015 12:20PM
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Macaha said..
My first 2015 board, custom made on the GC

LOL nice

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Jan 2015 2:42PM
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look out- classic pimp trap com'n at ya

QLD, 21884 posts
2 Jan 2015 3:27PM
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Haha some funny comments gents I found this guy on the gram his workmanship is amazing.

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 1:43PM
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Macaha said..
Haha some funny comments gents I found this guy on the gram his workmanship is amazing.

what length did you get

QLD, 21884 posts
2 Jan 2015 3:50PM
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Cobra said..

Macaha said..
Haha some funny comments gents I found this guy on the gram his workmanship is amazing.

what length did you get

47 x 10 my shortest board ever

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 3:31PM
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You still have it Mac, three pages on a skateboard

WA, 9675 posts
2 Jan 2015 4:36PM
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Cobra said..
You still have it Mac, three pages on a skateboard

plus im so glad you didnt do what i thought you did...i will tell you in person. looking forward to seeing this sled in the flesh

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Jan 2015 6:49PM
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chrispy said...
Cobra said..
You still have it Mac, three pages on a skateboard

plus im so glad you didnt do what i thought you did...i will tell you in person. looking forward to seeing this sled in the flesh

I wish had. Whatever it was

QLD, 3808 posts
6 Jan 2015 3:08PM
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Ok now that you're home when are we going to see some gopro or drone footage of you shredding the pavements around Rainbow to Tugan?

What running gear are you putting on it?

QLD, 21884 posts
6 Jan 2015 3:29PM
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vanders1 said..
Ok now that you're home when are we going to see some gopro or drone footage of you shredding the pavements around Rainbow to Tugan?

What running gear are you putting on it?

l Matt had a little issue with his drone just before we left,the remote failed the drone smashed into the house his was filming bounced off the wall into the pool,drone was on fire and the go pro rooted. The board is still with the maker not had time to pick it and running gear the same as before,so if anybody wants a deck hit me up the Longboard Larry is for sale.

9106 posts
6 Jan 2015 1:44PM
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Macaha said..

vanders1 said..
Ok now that you're home when are we going to see some gopro or drone footage of you shredding the pavements around Rainbow to Tugan?

What running gear are you putting on it?

l Matt had a little issue with his drone just before we left,the remote failed the drone smashed into the house his was filming bounced off the wall into the pool,drone was on fire and the go pro rooted. The board is still with the maker not had time to pick it and running gear the same as before,so if anybody wants a deck hit me up the Longboard Larry is for sale.

sorry mac, but when i read the part about the drone crash i did think sick man,hope he has footage Matt could blend it with Simondos car footage
and Simondos Ken & barbie dolls porn footage mixed with MC wicked soundtracks

QLD, 21884 posts
6 Jan 2015 3:46PM
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He was filming for a real estate agent,I knew I should have added that

13831 posts
6 Jan 2015 3:06PM
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Macaha said..
He was filming for a real estate agent,I knew I should have added that

Sure the lad wasn't filming Hefner's HI Playboy mansion ???? reckon the drone got smashed by lots n lots of wild titties

WA, 9675 posts
6 Jan 2015 3:15PM
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I will take the lbl off your hands mac


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Shock Horror" started by Macaha