pfffffftttttttt Wombies ..... geez mate - on the weekends over here ya usually endure having to surf with knobs & numptys
Well I say Wombats can really surf,I've surfed with LL for a couple of years now and today he really stood out,one wave in particulur he smashed the living crap out of it.
Massive cutties followed by lip smacking slashes,LL is no longboarder gents although he plays with his hotlog the Wombat is his animal,I don't give out well dones often but fk me he blow the place apart.
Oh yeh,PRICK
board goes really good but believe me - mac is talking it way way up.
and i refuse to give him any money
mac's orange board seemed to handle the low tide drops from what i saw. not bad for a fat day board.
can't wait to see the 'Sargent Mac' board in action
haha I was watching One Californian Day yesterday and there is segment about the old coffee drinking donut eating father figures in the carpark.
ok, this is a photo of the wombat mark 2 and the fin set up recommended and provided to me by the beau young himself for which i'm very thankful
sides gl size , centre 7.5 a pretty stiff fin with lots of layer of glass.
the board is fast and loose. its 6'2 but in my mind surfs shorter.
the 2 plus one set up in a board this long gives you lots of power and confidence to be able to really give some on the bottom and top turns with control. something that at times you lose on a board like say the nano.
the over all feel of the board is flow.
imo has little to do with any long board feel
i've been told the board comes a small as 5'6 up to 8. however i couldn't imagine getting one of these that long.
the full nose gives you that bit of paddle power without have to be boat size.
i think mine is 6'2 x 20 3/4 x 2 3/4- mid to low rails.
hope that helps those interested
ps i intend to surf this when there's enough wave not to have to get the log out up to when its time to get the hp short board out for top to bottom waves or quality waves
pps you can google for more info about the board
I like the look of that over the Sub,tails pulled in more like a conventional board with widest point up under chest for better paddling and the diamond tail shortens the rail length slightly,would like to know what volume the 6'2 is and would be great to demo one,looks like a great summer small wave board,how do you like it have you ridden it yet
this board has rocker, not huge, but enough not to be worrying about nursing it back down. it was one of the main things he changed from the original 'wombat'
a guy i know who works in the shop had a go on the 5'6 and wanted to buy it off him B.Y. then and there
Actually Mick PC I can see where your coming from thinking about it. That vid the board looks flat. I reckon he has tuned the board with more rocker since that video because in my mind the board is more carvyer to use then what he was showing.
the platypus- great short board-6'2, tinted, old school bridged leggie leash tie. not longboard for sure but shaped by a ex world lb champ.
not the greatest of photos. i was encouraged to try it with shapers s9's with a trailer fin. after the success withe the wombat fins who am i to argue
surfed it today like this- left fin way to loose, right fin a bit to tight but good
went to shapers and brought this- hopfully just right cheers