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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Tell me it isn't true!!!

Created by E T > 9 months ago, 27 Oct 2013
QLD, 2286 posts
27 Oct 2013 12:55PM
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I was just having an early lunch and had the telly on catching some sport details.
An ad comes on for 60 minutes and features an article about Tom Carrol.
What a cracker I thought I will watch that tonight.
Then comes to catch he has a long term drug problem.
WTF. Is it true?
If it is, how does this shizzz happen?
Here we have a fantastic waterman, fully sponsored and living a life most people would dream of.
Then we are being told he has a long term drug problem!
I am shattered if it is true.
Anyone have anymore details?


10980 posts
27 Oct 2013 11:04AM
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'Tis true...

Thrill seeker: Tom Carroll reflects on a dark history of drug addiction. Photo: 60 Minutes
Tom Carroll is a living surf legend. But few would know that between the thrill-seeking highs of the pro surfing circuit, Carroll was fighting a heartbreaking and deadly addiction to the drug ice.

The 51-year-old, who has three daughters, has revealed his devastating daily addiction nearly cost him his life.

For the first time, the two-time former world surfing champion has revealed his battle with the deadly drug and his continuing struggle to stay clean. The intimate interview airs on Nine's 60 Minutes tonight.

On board: Tom Carroll competes in round two of the Quicksilver Pro Fiji in May 2000 as part of the ASP World Championship Tour. Photo: Reuters
''It was killing me from the inside out,'' Carroll tells reporter Liz Hayes of the habit, which he reveals became daily. ''I was a desperate addict and I didn't stop there. I mean, there's a powerful life force inside me that was trying to kill me. I felt this insidious need to take more of it.

''I was at a point when I had to use every day to be functional.''

Carroll left his family home as a 16-year-old to head to Hawaii for the international circuit and says he tried drugs as a shy teenager in an attempt to be more social. He says he first tried cocaine at the age of 18.

''I was one of those kids that was shy and I needed something to connect. The first time I actually took something in a social situation I realised that I could loosen up and connect.'' But after years of abuse between 2002 and 2006 his personality completely changed.

''I was completely manic and my response to everything was fearful, and I was crazy,'' he says.

''I was getting to that point where I was running around like a chook with its head cut off, like you do on amphetamines in general.''

In 2007, The Sun-Herald reported Carroll had checked in to a Curl Curl drug and alcohol treatment facility, South Pacific Private hospital, but he declined to comment at the time.

He was the first surfing millionaire when he signed to Quiksilver and was voted in at No.7 on a Surfer magazine list of the greatest surfers of all time. He won two world surfing titles (1983 and 1984) and three Pipe Masters (1987, 1990 and 1991) in Hawaii.

Earlier this year he and his former wife Lisa sold their Newport home for $2.2 million.

Tom Carroll's story will feature on 60 Minutes tonight at 8.

WA, 9675 posts
27 Oct 2013 11:45AM
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Still a few crew from that era with demons......I wonder how many of these big wave guys get into th. Coke and stuff to help them charge/take the edge/fear out of the equation? Some off the best skaters in the 90's had big coke habits.....amazing the **** humans can do when your wired

74 posts
27 Oct 2013 11:55AM
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No doubt he has a book coming out and using 60 minutes to sell a few more!!!!

WA, 9675 posts
27 Oct 2013 11:58AM
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Blair365 said...

No doubt he has a book coming out and using 60 minutes to sell a few more!!!!

On the money....him and his brother Nick have a book coming out very soon. I will be looking forward to reading it. Nick Carroll is one bloke who I think makes sense when he speaks,and to me one of Australia's better journalist and how you doing Blair?

QLD, 2286 posts
27 Oct 2013 2:15PM
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All well and good to sell a book and make money from your sporting career. No issue with that.
But here we have another case of a high profile, highly paid sportsman going down the drug path.
It could be seen by some easily influenced youngsters that it is all right to do that shizzz because he got away with it, made lots of money, wrote a couple of books, was an accomplished sports man etc etc.

Tom is a very capable surfer and paddler what a shame he has or had this cloud over him.

I hope that he gives a goodly amount of space to the evils of ICE in his book. That would earn respect.


NSW, 2110 posts
27 Oct 2013 3:44PM
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I fkn laugh and am dumbfounded when people are so gobsmacked by high profile sportsman who they idolize doing drugs and getting caught for it, Tom Carroll a good surfer so what!. He was lucky he had the cash to support his habit and rehab if he needed it.

QLD, 2286 posts
27 Oct 2013 3:27PM
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chrispy said..

E T said...
All well and good to sell a book and make money from your sporting career. No issue with that.
But here we have another case of a high profile, highly paid sportsman going down the drug path.
It could be seen by some easily influenced youngsters that it is all right to do that shizzz because he got away with it, made lots of money, wrote a couple of books, was an accomplished sports man etc etc.

Tom is a very capable surfer and paddler what a shame he has or had this cloud over him.

I hope that he gives a goodly amount of space to the evils of ICE in his book. That would earn respect.


What a loud of do gooder crock.....maybe he is warning people about the dangers drugs have. Maybe he is just warning people no matter how good you are drugs will win and you will lose in the end....oh I could go on. Et your doctor,kids school teacher,barrister or even high court judges are functioning drug addicts you would never know. Sorry mate but when hear sanctimonious crap like you post it really irks me....

Well bugger me that is the first time in my 59 years that I have been accused of talking sanctimonious crap and being a do gooder.
So what are you saying Chrispy, it is all right to do drugs and because some big profile people do drugs because they have a busy life well then that is ok.
Sorry mate but that is crap.
Let me tell you a little story. I have spent over $40k in recent years making my grandson and daughter safe and keeping them away from the ex partner and father via the courts because he was an ICE user and dealer. This was necessary because he was due to get out of gaol and he was beating the crap out of my daughter for two years whenever he was using that shizzzz. He would hold the grandson in front of her and thirteen to disappear with him if she didn't do his bidding. The end result I now have a 4 year old living with me and she lives in fear all the time because he is out and on parole.
Bugger me if that is being a do gooder then I am glad I am.
F me dead that is Bullshizzer.


NSW, 7269 posts
27 Oct 2013 4:41PM
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I heard about that a fair while back. I don't watch 60 Minutes but I will catch that story for sure.

QLD, 2286 posts
27 Oct 2013 3:45PM
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I don't have the money that is one of the issues. That's what banks are for.

No hard feelings Chrispy just a raw nerve with me.


NSW, 2110 posts
27 Oct 2013 6:08PM
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E T said..

chrispy said..

E T said...
All well and good to sell a book and make money from your sporting career. No issue with that.
But here we have another case of a high profile, highly paid sportsman going down the drug path.
It could be seen by some easily influenced youngsters that it is all right to do that shizzz because he got away with it, made lots of money, wrote a couple of books, was an accomplished sports man etc etc.

Tom is a very capable surfer and paddler what a shame he has or had this cloud over him.

I hope that he gives a goodly amount of space to the evils of ICE in his book. That would earn respect.


What a loud of do gooder crock.....maybe he is warning people about the dangers drugs have. Maybe he is just warning people no matter how good you are drugs will win and you will lose in the end....oh I could go on. Et your doctor,kids school teacher,barrister or even high court judges are functioning drug addicts you would never know. Sorry mate but when hear sanctimonious crap like you post it really irks me....

Well bugger me that is the first time in my 59 years that I have been accused of talking sanctimonious crap and being a do gooder.
So what are you saying Chrispy, it is all right to do drugs and because some big profile people do drugs because they have a busy life well then that is ok.
Sorry mate but that is crap.
Let me tell you a little story. I have spent over $40k in recent years making my grandson and daughter safe and keeping them away from the ex partner and father via the courts because he was an ICE user and dealer. This was necessary because he was due to get out of gaol and he was beating the crap out of my daughter for two years whenever he was using that shizzzz. He would hold the grandson in front of her and thirteen to disappear with him if she didn't do his bidding. The end result I now have a 4 year old living with me and she lives in fear all the time because he is out and on parole.
Bugger me if that is being a do gooder then I am glad I am.
F me dead that is Bullshizzer.


Well ET in my book your story is way more courageous and interesting than what TC,s sensationalized 60 min rant will be. There is 1000,s of stories out there like yours mate I find it bizarre how people will flock to 60 mins tonight to watch a story that happens in 1000,s of Australians lives and families every week just because he is a pro surfer doesnt make it anymore interesting to me. Now if it was a 60 min segment with him and ross clark jones talking about big wave surfing then I would be sitting there with the popcorn

74 posts
27 Oct 2013 3:28PM
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Lads it's typical of these self centered people the only time he has to confess to drugs is when he needs publicity for his book, same as many other selfless promotion by many athletes/celebrities before him. I am no person to judge him on his past if he is on straight and narrow good luck to him, but if he is using this as a reason to promote a book I have no respect. On the flip side if it stops someone going down the same path the show is a success.

NSW, 894 posts
27 Oct 2013 6:59PM
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E T said..

chrispy said..

E T said...
All well and good to sell a book and make money from your sporting career. No issue with that.
But here we have another case of a high profile, highly paid sportsman going down the drug path.
It could be seen by some easily influenced youngsters that it is all right to do that shizzz because he got away with it, made lots of money, wrote a couple of books, was an accomplished sports man etc etc.

Tom is a very capable surfer and paddler what a shame he has or had this cloud over him.

I hope that he gives a goodly amount of space to the evils of ICE in his book. That would earn respect.


What a loud of do gooder crock.....maybe he is warning people about the dangers drugs have. Maybe he is just warning people no matter how good you are drugs will win and you will lose in the end....oh I could go on. Et your doctor,kids school teacher,barrister or even high court judges are functioning drug addicts you would never know. Sorry mate but when hear sanctimonious crap like you post it really irks me....

Well bugger me that is the first time in my 59 years that I have been accused of talking sanctimonious crap and being a do gooder.
So what are you saying Chrispy, it is all right to do drugs and because some big profile people do drugs because they have a busy life well then that is ok.
Sorry mate but that is crap.
Let me tell you a little story. I have spent over $40k in recent years making my grandson and daughter safe and keeping them away from the ex partner and father via the courts because he was an ICE user and dealer. This was necessary because he was due to get out of gaol and he was beating the crap out of my daughter for two years whenever he was using that shizzzz. He would hold the grandson in front of her and thirteen to disappear with him if she didn't do his bidding. The end result I now have a 4 year old living with me and she lives in fear all the time because he is out and on parole.
Bugger me if that is being a do gooder then I am glad I am.
F me dead that is Bullshizzer.


Go on to Silk Road and order a hit....whoops did I just say that.

NSW, 1650 posts
27 Oct 2013 7:41PM
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Nice work ET. You are obviously a very good man.

As for TC. I paddled with / against him a few times last year and boy talk about an energiser bunny.

Legend....but disappointing that he's had this issue.

We all have issues. It's how we deal with them that matters and giving in to evil is not one I aspire too.

TCs bubble has burst in my house just now.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Oct 2013 8:04PM
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Hope things improve on your front ET. That sounds less than ideal. Thoughts are with you.

As for TC I first heard that the year after I first moved to Australian ard 2001....had been out surfing and TC joined the lineup....I was in awe !! He was ripping. I came in after getting my share and was getting changed whilst talking to some random who proceeded to tell me that it was well known that he had issues - I was stunned. But later I realized it was not that uncommon in surfing pro ranks. The thing that annoyed me the most though was all the bull**** that came out of people's mouths post the AI it was a shock and no one knew.....

Looking forward to the book - will be buying it for the NC stories - I find his writing the most honest of any of the surf journo's by a country mile - if u ask me.

WA, 24860 posts
27 Oct 2013 5:08PM
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Tom was is a hero of mine. Not the drugs just his power big balls surfing and is a champion bloke who cleaned up his own miss and is still super fit

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Oct 2013 7:08PM
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tc problem has been known around the traps for a few years now.

are you guys saying you didn't know about it!!!!!!!!

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Oct 2013 8:11PM
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62mac said..

Tom was is a hero of mine

TC top turn at ever

WA, 24860 posts
27 Oct 2013 5:12PM
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Yep still is

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Oct 2013 8:17PM
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My new hero is Joanna the pole dancer from Perth on Australia's got Talent......she is amazing

WA, 9675 posts
27 Oct 2013 5:26PM
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NSW, 2110 posts
27 Oct 2013 8:31PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

My new hero is Joanna the pole dancer from Perth on Australia's got Talent......she is amazing

Ha me to TED those AB,s giddy up

QLD, 5396 posts
27 Oct 2013 9:59PM
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a surfer that got on drugs

can you believe it

whats the world coming to.

bikers will be on them next

VIC, 3829 posts
28 Oct 2013 9:17AM
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Occy = Coke Head
Cheyne Horan - Sucked down more bongs than Bob Marley
RCJ - Coke head
TC - Coke and wizz
AI - Junkie/Coke Head

...**** knows what the rest of them were are on but I reckon there will be a few blokes off the tour when they start drug testing properly

1195 posts
28 Oct 2013 7:06AM
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I thought it was good. He didn't glamourise the drug experience at all. If anything it was a cautionary tale that may help others. And if he wants to sell some books, good on him, he has a great life story to tell. The only thing that freaked me out was that I was trying to work out who he reminds me of and then I realised - Tony Abbott, prime minister.

Anyway, the vid's here if anyone missed it and is interested:

NSW, 7269 posts
28 Oct 2013 10:09AM
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wavelength said..

I thought it was good. He didn't glamourise the drug experience at all. If anything it was a cautionary tale that may help others. And if he wants to sell some books, good on him, he has a great life story to tell. The only thing that freaked me out was that I was trying to work out who he reminds me of and then I realised - Tony Abbott, prime minister.

Anyway, the vid's here if anyone missed it and is interested:

Tony who ?

1195 posts
28 Oct 2013 10:50AM
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Piros said..
I like this comment on Tim Bonython's facebook page "Now if he can just get to SUP rehab .... pretty funny

^^^ comment from from next door. GOLD.

WA, 6913 posts
28 Oct 2013 3:11PM
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I didn't see it and i had no idea he was a user..

I'll be honest I'm sorry for him and it would be good if he was coming out to try and help, but i will say sadly my long time hero has really taken a huge plummet in my eyes The worst part was i shared so much of his story with my children after watching his and Ross's video. Now i need to explain this to them..

I really think its important for our kids to have people to aspire too, obviously myself, but others around as well

WA, 1382 posts
28 Oct 2013 3:47PM
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jbshack said..

I didn't see it and i had no idea he was a user..

I'll be honest I'm sorry for him and it would be good if he was coming out to try and help, but i will say sadly my long time hero has really taken a huge plummet in my eyes The worst part was i shared so much of his story with my children after watching his and Ross's video. Now i need to explain this to them..

I really think its important for our kids to have people to aspire too, obviously myself, but others around as well

Why is this JB?

He is still the same guy but he had a problem and fixed it. I could understand if he lied about it and was still doing it, thing is people do things in their past that are not proud of but if we keep looking behind us at the past we will never go forward.

WA, 6913 posts
28 Oct 2013 4:09PM
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WA71 said..

jbshack said..

I didn't see it and i had no idea he was a user..

I'll be honest I'm sorry for him and it would be good if he was coming out to try and help, but i will say sadly my long time hero has really taken a huge plummet in my eyes The worst part was i shared so much of his story with my children after watching his and Ross's video. Now i need to explain this to them..

I really think its important for our kids to have people to aspire too, obviously myself, but others around as well

Why is this JB?

He is still the same guy but he had a problem and fixed it. I could understand if he lied about it and was still doing it, thing is people do things in their past that are not proud of but if we keep looking behind us at the past we will never go forward.

But it now seems he was a drug cheat and has two world tittles under his belt Its just why have a sport were you area allowed to use drugs? And before we say ice is not enhancing, he said he was on Cocaine as well

I guess for me how do you compare that with any other sport. Cycling, we now no the truth about LA and he lost his medials. Athletics, i don't really want my sport to be the one that you can take elicit drugs and get away with

I said it once before about Kong and obviously i am very naive, but I'm gutted really. Actually more just disappointed i suppose

NSW, 7269 posts
28 Oct 2013 7:49PM
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Despite the fact he used drugs he is still amongst the greatest surfers ever in my opinion. He's trained his arse off over the years and can ride anything. Everybody makes mistakes and if he's coming out and repenting now to boost sales for his book then so what ?
I don't understand the bagging he's getting. It's not like he's Lance Armstrong.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Tell me it isn't true!!!" started by E T