Parked up at Westport NZMCA park . Today Had head high lefts on the 666 out front here The bird is the NZ weka never seen one this close before
maybe the times have one time vehicles with wood cladding were not welcome to join the NZMCA........maybe you can give us the benefit of your two years mobile home experience towball and give us the latest update lol
Heading towards home surfed out 4ft Kiakoura yesterday uncrowded for the most part . Blenheim race course for the night on the ferry 1pm
I got a little bit of pulverising too with my PSH......but had the helmet.......had the brand new leggie that wasn't going to snap.....had double cords attaching leggie to board....had impact vest to give me a bit of extra float........and yes I don't want to drown
roll into Friday with a bit of classic Bobby Brown..
well good morningen to all youse magnificent bastards get a big fat freshly washed Mango up youse
Asea ...... where da fark are you champion
Good Morning world up ya get .... Greenroom immortality awaits
time to get 2 lungfuls of Tropical magnificence up you
beautiful day up here & I'm into it ..... farking