I used to surf this spot a lot when I was at Uni in the old days. Great wave. Almost got lost to some property developers and their marina dream a few years back. Glad that never happened.
Morning TGIF..
Cool father and son clip... With the Fletchers...
And nothing says toes over like putting Astro deck on the nose...
Good morning, when the Prez drops in,you've got to take a photo,looking deep I note he is styling it in BOAT shoes, always nice to see you Asea.
The glass is totally full boys yeeeew
Why would you need to travel around the world for surf when we live in this great country. Just remember the boys on Monday for helping us achive that.
TFIF.... No better ones then before a long weekend... Especially an Anzac day one..
Good to see you are alive Pup... How is the new place treating you?
Great FB post from Owen Wright, sharing the stoke as he comes back from injury:
"I've been having so much fun lately. Best feeling ever to he able to stand up and cruise along. I never thought I'd see the day where I would be waiting for flat days or looking for fat waves... big change haha recovery is going solid with 10 sessions a wk. Thanks @deadkooks for the logs to get me back out there. Cheers legend.
Feel like a Monday...
This could help pass some time..
After getting sauced on my wifes behalf for Mothers Day (love you babe) I was so ready to McHenry something last night
Yes it was. Started off on champagne (bad idea) then he brought out the big guns and how can you say no......
Smoking morning,did my best with the pick but they just don't do it......anyway I saw some backpacker girls stumbling around with only one shoe mumbling something about mangoes and brrrrm brrrrm. Enjoy the day peeps
Small glassy surf,13c air temperature and the water is 23 yeeeooow
Enjoy the world before the world enjoys you