Forums > Surfing Longboarding

The Good Morning thread

Created by towball > 9 months ago, 20 Jun 2012
QLD, 21884 posts
14 Feb 2014 7:24AM
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E T said..

Good Bloody morning. Now I have a complaint.

Since Lord Mac has taken a break the Good Morning Thread has been fairly quite.

Out of respect to him I think Good Morning should be a priority.

So GODD MORNING. Get behind it for the MACster.


ET,Toeball started this thread which has been a great one it should be in his honour.

Oh you know who I am right?

Good morning you lot of fine sliders.

NSW, 5510 posts
14 Feb 2014 8:53AM
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Good morning fellow workers,sliders and gliders

QLD, 2286 posts
14 Feb 2014 8:34AM
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Not wanting to take any honour away from anyone Macaha and freely admit I am a relative new comer to the Greenroom.

But I thought that given the input from the departed MAC and his consistent early morning Wishes to all and sundry we should keep up his good work.

Pretty impressed by Toeball too.


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
14 Feb 2014 8:41AM
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E T said..

Not wanting to take any honour away from anyone Macaha and freely admit I am a relative new comer to the Greenroom.

But I thought that given the input from the departed MAC and his consistent early morning Wishes to all and sundry we should keep up his good work.

Pretty impressed by Toeball too.


the old 62 mac was on drugs. he was just getting home from his regular benders and having one more cone when he was posting good morning.

13831 posts
14 Feb 2014 11:59AM
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Hi there ...... get a 108% organic mango up you all

NSW, 5510 posts
14 Feb 2014 3:05PM
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thePup said..
Hi there ...... get a 108% organic mango up you all

haha you must have copped one of them up ya last night look at the time you just woke in time for lunch

13831 posts
14 Feb 2014 12:08PM
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asea said..

thePup said..
Hi there ...... get a 108% organic mango up you all

haha you must have copped one of them up ya last night look at the time you just woke in time for lunch

Well new Prez , I was up quite early on the hunt for a ripple (literally it's that farking flat over here in the state of Shark wank wank wank wank)

13831 posts
16 Feb 2014 9:30AM
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Good morning you stoked up wave frothing pigs ..... may your waves be plentiful & have beautiful walls

WA, 9675 posts
16 Feb 2014 9:50AM
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thePup said...
Good morning you stoked up wave frothing pigs ..... may your waves be plentiful & have beautiful walls

Go hard ya frothing pupwana yeeeeeoooooooooow

TAS, 1099 posts
16 Feb 2014 1:31PM
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Just to be a wanker, I say good afternoon on the good morning thread, sorry lads

WA, 9675 posts
16 Feb 2014 10:34AM
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Teacake said...
Just to be a wanker, I say good afternoon on the good morning thread, sorry lads

That's cools....cause I'm going to say goodnight,.three hours sleep then off to work

TAS, 1099 posts
16 Feb 2014 1:36PM
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chrispy said..

Teacake said...
Just to be a wanker, I say good afternoon on the good morning thread, sorry lads

That's cools....cause I'm going to say goodnight,.three hours sleep then off to work

Lol, first night or last night for the week? Still doing the 3 nights then thats it or whatever?


WA, 9675 posts
16 Feb 2014 10:42AM
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Teacake said...
chrispy said..

Teacake said...
Just to be a wanker, I say good afternoon on the good morning thread, sorry lads

That's cools....cause I'm going to say goodnight,.three hours sleep then off to work

Lol, first night or last night for the week? Still doing the 3 nights then thats it or whatever?


First night.... but hey I get everyday

TAS, 1099 posts
16 Feb 2014 1:57PM
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chrispy said..

Teacake said...
chrispy said..

Teacake said...
Just to be a wanker, I say good afternoon on the good morning thread, sorry lads

That's cools....cause I'm going to say goodnight,.three hours sleep then off to work

Lol, first night or last night for the week? Still doing the 3 nights then thats it or whatever?


First night.... but hey I get everyday

Spewing! But surfing everyday is good!


QLD, 5396 posts
18 Feb 2014 7:40AM
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Morning Lads

QLD, 21884 posts
18 Feb 2014 7:57AM
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weiry said..

Morning Lads

good morning weiry its a shame TB no longer gives us his early morning NZ surf reports I used to look forward to them.
I had my filthy hands on his new board the other day

QLD, 2286 posts
18 Feb 2014 7:57AM
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Morning Weiry and all.


13831 posts
18 Feb 2014 6:13PM
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Good Evening Bon Longboard Appetite

QLD, 2286 posts
21 Feb 2014 7:27AM
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A very good morning to all and sundry.

One more sleep and I am on hol's two more sleeps and I am gone.

Have a nice one.


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Feb 2014 10:34AM
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Morning ET and fellow frothers.

ET - it would be remiss of me not to ask where you are heading to? Hope it has some surf ! If nothing else enjoy your break. Nothing beats a good holiday. Already planning my next one

13831 posts
21 Feb 2014 8:34AM
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Morning champions ..... ya just have to say TGIF ...... hopefully mister Vanders shoulder is getting better

QLD, 2286 posts
21 Feb 2014 11:29AM
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Thanks Ted - yep there should be surf, particularly with this change coming through, that is the plan anyway.

Hopefully i will have a week of suitable winds, some waves, a few brown ales and maybe some other pleasureas.

Nah, stop dreaming ET a few waves will do.


13831 posts
21 Feb 2014 10:01AM
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Shizz I've been forgetting to say ..... hey Towball mate - hope ya getting some over there brother & that Winnebago is being heavily used

QLD, 21884 posts
21 Feb 2014 12:21PM
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thePup said..

Morning champions ..... ya just have to say TGIF ...... hopefully mister Vanders shoulder is getting better

I'm afraid Mr Vanders is up for one of those 6k jet powered surfboards

4102 posts
23 Feb 2014 2:09PM
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Fourteen second wave period forecast for makorori point Wednesday Thursday Friday ....sometimes even 16 seconds........I think that will make for three "very good mornings".....though not giant size......even towball might be getting that "is it Wednesday yet" feeling lol

13831 posts
24 Feb 2014 2:40AM
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Good Morning all ..... geez that weekend flew past , bloody Monday already ...... hope mister Towball & mister Vanders are doing ok out there in Frother Land

WA, 9675 posts
24 Feb 2014 3:14AM
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Morning pupwana and all the other sliders. Enjoy the day before the day enjoys you

13831 posts
25 Feb 2014 4:53AM
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Well hello there you magnificent frothing baaaaaaastards ..... good morning universe hope ya's all have a wicked day

****** To all you smoking hot chickybabes out there >>>> we love you ******

QLD, 3808 posts
25 Feb 2014 7:06AM
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^^^^^ What he said.

QLD, 5396 posts
25 Feb 2014 7:15AM
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vanders1 said..

^^^^^ What he said.



Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"The Good Morning thread" started by towball