A rare eyewitness sighting of a tow ball this morning at Makorori. On a longboard was the main plus. But wearing a goofball floppy hat.....about 3 demerit points there
But he was in town beach car park a couple of days ago when i pulled up in my leyland leopard bus. Maybe he was saying "cool bus giz" ....or maybe he was looking for a few eggs to throw at me. Always hard to tell with old "doom and gloom"
Fair bit of magnificent bastard to keep under that floppy hat Giz .. the gleam of that highly polished bastardry would have blinded other frothers in the water .. this where the floppance has performed a good service
The tow ball....definitely not a "all is good.....my glass is half full" kind of guy......glass is always nearly empty lol
Nice little waves at town beach. He droppedin on me and didn't look back. So tit for tat.. .dropped in on him and didn't look back. But why do do tit when you absolutely know you are going to get tat?
Yes you guys enjoy your last day of the year at work I remember them being awesome. Good morning all, no road trip is complete without Lacey