i have been chewing food with the left side off my mouth and drinking through my right...what a timesaver....plus it stops me having to chew so much
oh,good morning folks
Hope you sold her heaps mate
Think its been 5 "good morning"s of surf at town beach in a row ......but towball has been quite discreet about the bounty we have received I see ......almost shy
Morning TB .... Giz .... Lads in Oz .... dudes o/s too !
A thought for the day: Give .... because sometimes it doesn't matter whether you receive "payment" or whether you don't , it's all good.
morning pup every one , yes giz it has been very good the pipe has been working how it used to nice sucky little rights and lefts no wind , we are lucky to live were we do .Now I have 12 days of work the RV is loaded we are heading north to see family , there is swell predicked 5 boards on the roof , be prepared ha ha so if there 's any thing decent to take pics of I will do .
Na 12 days off pup left an f of . I have been doing more than my 25 hours they don't pay any extra so I take the time off never had a job this good
Morning - drive safe TB and hope u get some waves on yr adventure. Tonight I get to go home and can not wait! Will be a joy to get back into the old workbench. Have yrselves a great day.
morning all parked up just out of Tauranga at the foot of the Kamai Rangers not that most will know where that is . Still heading north any way . Just got to trick the old girl to get her arse out of bed and will be back on the rd . Ran the house batteries a bit low last night so got no hot water & the gas heater wont fire up will do a few miles and they will charge up I hope A bit of swell coming in here but on shore
So spend part of the day in Bali shops mac
+ 1 Chrispy
Looks like the winds will die off tom and go offshore Sunday TB - you could be in for a few nice days where you are. Are you going to head up the Coromandle at all or stay put? Maybe its time you re-visited Puni's Farm?
Drive safe.
Na Ted drove through jaffa land and parked up at Ruakaka you know Rodger Hall country this is more of a Mumzee trip than surf , saying that got some swell here so if the wind changes should get a surf in here in the morning , raining abit here at the mo .Tryed to have a like at some surf shops inTakapuna bit couldn't find a park 7mtrs a bit long screw Auckland
Nope I'm keen to give a big board a go today,waiting for some light to see what's going on the wind has backed off.Have fun
SP, 10 X 24 3 1/2 it was perfect for today . Heavy bugger the carry tho,I had to do the over the shoulder thing on my way back to the carpark.Catchs anything and everytime I want it Vanders 500 and its mineor I might get an 11 footer