Good morning tail block fans
Crap just looked at the camstoo small and the wind is into it already.
Vanders don't bother mate its rubbish
Good morning boys and girls
Well, for once we may have had th better conditions, my local was outstanding for the my new machine, I waiting at woolies for the missus to turn up and I've already have a really enjoyable 1.5 hour sesh.
The reef riders were just getting into the water for a comp as I was getting out, could not have been more perfect.
I reckon a lot of tha lads and lassies would have preferred not to bother with the comp and just free surfed.
nice work ob - yes that southerly wind is fine for yr local...I was half way out to sea surfing one of my fav reefs (same spot as pics from yesterday) and it was lovely....then the southerly arrived in full force chopping up the wave face and making the take offs almost impossible. Ahhhhh. A shame as there were only 4 of us out there
Morning all I'm black had a surf on the way home at Mahia (blacks) stop dribbling Ted had some nice little rights with one other , surfed like a muppet but you get that good to have a break from a long drive
good morning fellow workers enjoy your week of work and no midweek surf[}:)]
hope you all get a surf before or after work Hey
1-2 at Greeny fellas with the offshore blowing spray off the tops. Plenty of water and not a cloud in sight.
I bet he's still showing off his Astro to the morning tea chickybabe crowd hahaha bad boy asea actually boof & tas will be running amok trying to keep the autograph hunters cool
Farrrk over run by police men this morning NZ police surf comp at Makas , you would have been proud I dropped in all over the place
( only joking farrrk you couldn't put that on the dark side )