Enjoy TB hope you get some good ones....a dog three doors down decided to go on a barking frenzy at 3am for 1hr this morning.....not a happy Ted!!
Yep not quite the swell there they were saying but still had a few bit dark first thing have to start eating carrots again
Thank god the pop whoever OB it's a full moon , had a couple in the dark at the point over head pretty fresh swell a lot of water moving around soon as these was a little bit of light I had company never mind , morning all
Morning all it's hit the point hard this morning so we surfed town had a good time wheather is great
Morning I'm of to get a few, soundslike the other evoIIin town got snaped at the point yesterday , looks like you'll be getting aphone call from Benny ,Bob if your out there
Good morning Egg hunters & layers & riders .... hope we've got waves today or I'm spitting my chewie
Thought for the day ..... wonder how many Paparazzi chicks will throw their undies at brother Asea's feet today
Morning pup and all had some nice small ones at the point on the 12ft Munoz was great, swell has dropped in a hurry
Pup go find a wave,they all count,good bad and the ugly,its like a root,if you miss out its one you will never get back.
Well started getting texts at 530 any swell but no stood at the point watching the sun come up feed gizzies dog a smacko , then we drove down to northerns for a bopeep , martin grabbed his 12fter of his toaster on wheels went out for afew , I thought there was too many straight handers for my liking can't complane had five days in a row with some good size