I can either embrace it or run away from it I guess
At best I'm an average surfer but am so lucky to lead such an amazing surfing life in a gorgeous location, a spot of travel and great friends and family.
I love first light, paddling out early in anticipation of those first waves and am lucky to have a few mates who can't or don't surf but still maintain their surfing stoke through their camera lenses.
So so many things I could post but I'll start with some of my faves from 2016 and then add some from this year and from there I guess I'll shy away from the popular 'where did you surf today' post and hang here (hopefully not on my own)
Nice photos SA I particularly like the paddle out photo with the dolphins, also the crouch along the face with the orange sunrise. very nice.
It's also nice to see a man with a bit of a belly instead of just these lean muscly types with beards and abs.
Thanks lads, appreciated.
After all, it is a surfing forum and it's cool to get real content from fellow 'beeezers right ?
...now it's up to you guys to share some.
Some from 2017 below;
^ haha + 1
Your a lucky man to have someone taking so many pics of you mate.
I'll whack some pics up too that my missus has taken and some vid caps