You were some nice vid of that pommy idiot not being able to help himself and dropping in on me though
Question for TB.
I've always wondered.
How often do you use the RV ?
Are you semi/retired and go away for weeks/months at a time or do you live in it ?
Probably a multi
Looks like a great way to travel.
Probably not a major drop in by aussie standards.....but this is someone who calls me and towball the "telly tubbies" (sob).......only about 5 people in the water......and if you ....being a civilised person......swallow the urge to use the f word as to helping him decide which direction he should go in.....and say "It's a lovely is looking quite exciting" get .....if you are lucky...."the grunt". Got to laugh really
You have a paddle - use it - gently push him off with it. He will soon get the idea. He even looked at you as you came down the line and still went.
Okay......good helpful hint......probably more sensible than running right over the top of him with the PSH 12'6 hull paddler which is the option I would probably find more enjoyable next time
That's rough.
You must be far more restrained than me. Well done. I am trying to achieve that degree of goodwill to....well...people like that.
Hey Scotty been away five times this year Scotty I think . I work 25 hrs a week but quite often do more so just use those extra hours to go away and still get 4 weeks holiday a year . Normally leave here about 2pm on a Thursday 3-4 hr drive out of here ether North or South normally North . We have park over places we stop at belonging to the Motor Caravan ass NZ costs $6 per night for two of us . On top of this last year did 3 1/2 weeks in the US , doing the same again this leaving next Friday this time for a month . Next year we'll use the RV a bit more do a month back in the South Island , but yer don't regret buying it the worst thing is washing and polishing the bloody thing . SH!T just realised that's too much for you to read
Gizzie lives in a bus he has a Leyland leopard
Makes me laugh when people do a short little wiggle on the shoulder in front of you...just clap your hands & tell him he's ripping with a big sarcastic smirk
Given that wiggle just a gentle push should derail him and do no damage to your equipment not promoting violence just a reminder of the drop in rule !