Forums > Surfing Longboarding

The good evening thread

Created by laceys lane > 9 months ago, 13 Dec 2012
9106 posts
12 Jul 2015 5:32PM
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Early tonight i found out who killed Patrick swayze.

i walked into the pub bistro

and up on the wall was a sign saying

oysters kilpatrick.

QLD, 3809 posts
12 Jul 2015 7:41PM
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Cobra said..
Early tonight i found out who killed Patrick swayze.

i walked into the pub bistro

and up on the wall was a sign saying

oysters kilpatrick.

QLD, 21948 posts
12 Jul 2015 7:46PM
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NewScotty said..

SP said...
Thought decision for a Friday?

What to watch?


Beer please

Nothing ticked my fancy so I'm off to push a few zzzzzz

Chrispy should be sound asleep atm

WA, 9675 posts
12 Jul 2015 6:29PM
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about to check jbay...unless someone saves me the time alseep....pffft,i had a nap earlier

QLD, 21948 posts
12 Jul 2015 8:34PM
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chrispy said..
about to check jbay...unless someone saves me the time alseep....pffft,i had a nap earlier

next call 25 mins

9106 posts
13 Jul 2015 7:32PM
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I've had enough.

tonight I'm going to show a photo of a girls beaver.

9106 posts
13 Jul 2015 8:05PM
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there you go
a girls beaver

NSW, 7269 posts
13 Jul 2015 10:13PM
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Cobra said..
When i give a red thumb, i normally follow it with this.

That was good.

13831 posts
13 Jul 2015 8:15PM
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Cobra said..
there you go
a girls beaver

See that's why I am a furry animal lover

10980 posts
15 Jul 2015 4:31PM
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How to avoid sharks...

Can't say I didnt wonder if JBshack is a large black woman...

On the plate...

WA, 9675 posts
15 Jul 2015 4:41PM
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where the **** did ya find that...stay on the beach,keep away from the ocean,the ocean is the sharks house......dont go taking your cock in her house or it will end up on the plate cobra this is longboarding

im watching it again ...thank you our lord jesus im driving down the road videoing myself ready to kill innocent people everywhere because im warning people about sharks and bears and i dont give a **** about road safety as the lord looks over my stupidity lol

9106 posts
15 Jul 2015 4:53PM
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thats the best clip I've seen in years

whats real funny,that chick looks just like chrispy.

talkes the same, has the same tan chrispys a little bit woggy

same hair style, chrispys packing just a little bit more weight.

and they both have Vaginas

WA, 9675 posts
15 Jul 2015 4:59PM
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Cobra said..
thats the best clip I've seen in years

whats real funny,that chick looks just like chrispy.

talkes the same, has the same tan chrispys a little bit woggy

same hair style, chrispys packing just a little bit more weight.

and they both have Vaginas

she is way better looking than me and smarter

9106 posts
15 Jul 2015 5:04PM
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i spat my coffee with her bear tips

she should run for the liberal party

13831 posts
15 Jul 2015 5:06PM
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Cobra said..
thats the best clip I've seen in years

whats real funny,that chick looks just like chrispy.

talkes the same, has the same tan chrispys a little bit woggy

same hair style, chrispys packing just a little bit more weight.

and they both have Vaginas

Well I am sorry champion but that is a BEERFINE for you to cop ............... section B paragraph 4 " .... member is wafting in the realms of fantasy , member wantonly rolls over on his back & opens his legs for 40cents , pork pies , tripe , rabble rousing & cow theft for sordid cheap purposes ....."

1 x Sixpack of full strength beer - in stubs

9106 posts
15 Jul 2015 5:10PM
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thePup said..

Cobra said..
thats the best clip I've seen in years

whats real funny,that chick looks just like chrispy.

talkes the same, has the same tan chrispys a little bit woggy

same hair style, chrispys packing just a little bit more weight.

and they both have Vaginas

Well I am sorry champion but that is a BEERFINE for you to cop ............... section B paragraph 4 " .... member is wafting in the realms of fantasy , member wantonly rolls over on his back & opens his legs for 40cents , pork pies , tripe , rabble rousing & cow theft for sordid cheap purposes ....."

1 x Sixpack of full strength beer - in stubs

the beer is in my fridge ready for pick up

13831 posts
15 Jul 2015 5:35PM
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yum me & Slatta the Wunderhoond will polish that off in the HiLux after we've smashed the local up there

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Jul 2015 6:13AM
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Good morning

4627 posts
22 Jul 2015 4:16AM
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laceys lane said..
Good morning

Good afternoon.

QLD, 21948 posts
22 Jul 2015 6:36AM
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towball said..

laceys lane said..
Good morning

Good afternoon.

oh come on TB you've got to make allowances for Lacey

QLD, 3809 posts
22 Jul 2015 7:39AM
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He's struggling to keep up with what boards he has on order let alone what time of the day it is.

Good morning Lacey.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Jul 2015 8:04AM
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Give you guys something to work with

13831 posts
22 Jul 2015 7:53AM
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Top of the Goldie day to you brother Lacey ....... get a big fat Mango up you son

2350 posts
22 Jul 2015 8:03PM
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Watching The Voice on IQ.
Ricky Martin is the coolest gay guy ever.
It's amazing the talent of some of these people.

WA, 9675 posts
22 Jul 2015 8:09PM
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NewScotty said..
Watching The Voice on IQ.
Ricky Martin is the coolest gay guy ever.
It's amazing the talent of some of these people.

im watching some ****ed alien **** on sbs 2...ricky martin hahahaha dont go mocking my street 666 now

2350 posts
22 Jul 2015 8:13PM
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chrispy said...
NewScotty said..
Watching The Voice on IQ.
Ricky Martin is the coolest gay guy ever.
It's amazing the talent of some of these people.

im watching some ****ed alien **** on sbs 2...ricky martin hahahaha dont go mocking my street 666 now

Attack the block.
It's look like a good d grade pic.
Didn't know you had pay Tv in QLD yet.

9106 posts
23 Jul 2015 5:33PM
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chrispy said..

Cobra said..
thats the best clip I've seen in years

whats real funny,that chick looks just like chrispy.

talkes the same, has the same tan chrispys a little bit woggy

same hair style, chrispys packing just a little bit more weight.

and they both have Vaginas

she is way better looking than me and smarter

she is smarter

9106 posts
23 Jul 2015 6:31PM
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10980 posts
23 Jul 2015 6:59PM
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Cobra said...

Give her a weekly TV show..

She tackles the big issues

I watched them 2.. she has a lot to say..

8266 posts
23 Jul 2015 7:04PM
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Is this the lady who can't even swim who someone chose to give advice to just stay out of the water to reduce exposure to sharks ...sure looks like it

I love my deep fried chicken, but to recieve a smaller portion for this lady is a may well save her farking life...


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"The good evening thread" started by laceys lane