Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Wet boards in board bags..... no good apparently.

Created by damned67 > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2022
539 posts
25 Jan 2022 11:40AM
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A bit of a ****e experience, really.

Current favourite board, only a few months old.

Took it for a surf at Greenmount the morning of the 5th Jan. Rain squalls still coming through thanks to TC Seth.
Came in and there's a horrible situation where a poor guy is getting CPR on the beach. Apparently had been going on for 15 or so min when I walked past the scene to my car (pretty much walked right past it). I'd guess another 20 or so min before the ambo's turned up. Poor guy didn't make it. News reports said was a 60 yo body boarding, hit a sand bank and went into cardiac arrest.

Anyway, board was rained on after being rinsed, jammed it in the bag and essentially forgotten about.
The scenario with the body boarder was such a downer (and I'm not even friend nor family!), that i left the board in the bag and ignored it.
Finally got the enthusiasm to surf again yesterday. Pulled the board out of the bag and the board is covered with tiny blisters.
Internet searching suggests osmosis or 'humidity' blisters in the paint.
There's even some older threads on here that verged on getting violent about these blisters in/on SUPs - maybe 'cause more SUPs are painted than otherwise.

These threads imply that we should all know about this. I didn't. Maybe this thread will help someone else avoid making the same mistake?


WA, 2520 posts
25 Jan 2022 11:47AM
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Never heard of it... been surfing for 40yrs... and never ever dry my board off before putting it in the bag... it's often still damp when I pull it out for the next surf... that said, I do not own a painted board...

Sorry to hear that - I am sure you are p!ssed off!

QLD, 21947 posts
25 Jan 2022 1:50PM
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Wow in all my years I've never heard of this ever. I never wash my boards in fresh water post surf I just stick them in the bag until next time I use that board. I know some who wash and de-wax after every surf but seriously they must have so much time on their hands and have OSD because that's ****** nuts. Oh and I do look after my boards but come on washing and drying a board after a surf is crazy ****.

NSW, 1125 posts
25 Jan 2022 3:56PM
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Macaha said..
" I know some who wash and de-wax after every surf but seriously they must have so much time on their hands and have OSD because that's ****** nuts. "

Yep ... we do :)

As for blistering from being wet. Never hear of it on a surfboard, but common on painted boats (particularly small sailing yachts), placed on trailers with cradles or long skids that can trap moisture (and left for some time ....i leanrt the hard way)
It is an osmosis reaction where the area cannot dry and usually is accompanied by some pressure in area ... simply put, the dry side under the paint pulls the moisture through the paint.
Bugger it happened to a board :(

539 posts
25 Jan 2022 1:19PM
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Apparently the same mechanism as with 'glass boats (the gel coat, at least).

And yeah, pissed and disappointed.... very disappointed. Not a cheap board.

QLD, 21947 posts
25 Jan 2022 3:42PM
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damned67 said..
Apparently the same mechanism as with 'glass boats (the gel coat, at least).

And yeah, pissed and disappointed.... very disappointed. Not a cheap board.

Drop in to the board maker and show him/them the damage and see what they have to say?

539 posts
25 Jan 2022 1:54PM
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I've emailed them already. No response. Not counting on one, sadly.
Twas a pop-out not a custom (I know, I know).

Adding insult to injury, while the board generally goes straight in the bag at the end of the surf, I ALWAYS wash and wipe (kinda) dry my boards when I get home.

Just wasn't feeling it after the poor guy died on the beach. Got home, put the board in the rack, and walked away.

From what I've read on the interwebs, these are classic 'put away wet' spots, and if the company even responds to my email (I might call 'em anyway), they'll likely show me the door. Best case scenario, they might point me to an 'authorised' repairer.

..... it does sound like the 'humidity blisters' sometimes go away with time, but chances are slimmer with the Qld humidity.
Some say you 'pop' them with a pin and squeeze any water out.
Others, sand and repaint. But that board's finish is unlikely to ever be matched, so would be a repaint of the entire board.

At least I wasn't the guy on the beach, or any of his friends/family, so I can't complain too much.

QLD, 21947 posts
25 Jan 2022 4:59PM
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Sorry your story doesn't sit well with me, damage from putting a wet board in a bag, something is a miss here be interesting if that importer responds to your message.

Imported right? look good, goes good, good price BUT whats in it, what materials are used? do they use the same quality materials our local guys use? I doubt it?

It is Australia day tomorrow

539 posts
25 Jan 2022 3:21PM
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Nope - not the same quality.
I'm trying to avoid saying the name, but probably one of, if not the biggest seller of expoy boards world-wide...

I'm sure you even know the board I'm talking about. Certainly not hard to work out.
After hiring one in Waikiki 6 or so years ago, it's been my 'dream board'... albeit in the old construction not the new construction that I had to 'settle' for. Dream to ride, but I've already had a couple of issues with it.

Adds to the hurt - is/was my dream board.

539 posts
25 Jan 2022 3:22PM
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... and I'll be sure to ride my Creative Army Cruz tomorrow.

QLD, 21947 posts
25 Jan 2022 6:09PM
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damned67 said..
... and I'll be sure to ride my Creative Army Cruz tomorrow.

9106 posts
25 Jan 2022 6:02PM
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Its because its epoxy. Ive seen color changes and been told about bubbles, **** what are you blokes on. Wet board bag then sitting it in the sun is a bad thing for epoxy.

Daneli Returns
NSW, 160 posts
26 Jan 2022 8:32AM
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I am in the same category of never drying boards before they go in the bag and never had a problem in 30 years. Also, never had an epoxy board. Sorry for your ****ter of day.

QLD, 21947 posts
26 Jan 2022 8:33AM
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Cobra said..
Its because its epoxy. Ive seen color changes and been told about bubbles, **** what are you blokes on. Wet board bag then sitting it in the sun is a bad thing for epoxy.

I'm on the smell of fresh resin

NSW, 748 posts
26 Jan 2022 10:36AM
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I agree macaha not 30 coats of Automotive paint!

506 posts
26 Jan 2022 7:47AM
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Hello Damned67,
Sorry to see your news, but appreciate how well you have kept things in perspective. Glad you have another lovely board ready to roll...

There's another interesting thread here:

If you do decide to get the board looked at and you are doing one of your Sunny Coast runs, this guy is a magician.

But, he's so good that he's usually booked out for a month or two ahead.

WA, 12441 posts
26 Jan 2022 8:29AM
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I think it depends on the paint, and yes definitely osmosis. And I don't think there's any difference between polyester and epoxy resin underneath. I've had some fins do it if I put them in covers wet. Other fins with different paint don't do it. Sorry I haven't made a list of what does and what doesn't. I just don't put wet fins in covers any more.

539 posts
26 Jan 2022 12:14PM
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Mine is nowhere near as bad as the pics in Greeny's link. And thanks for the heads up Re: Bart.
In terms of prevalence, seems to be more of a SUP thing than surfboard thing, due to so many (nearly all?) SUPs being painted.
I've read that Fanatic SUPs come/came with a sticker warning against storing wet in a bag.
On the website for JP boardbags:
"General note to prevent osmosis (blisters on your board):
While (short) transport is no problem, do not store your board(s) in wet conditions in a boardbag!"

From all the reading I've done in the past 48 hr, it's about the paint and can happen regardless of whether PU or expoxy resin is underneath.

I've read that it seems to be somewhat related to paint quality and (not surprisingly) quality of paint prep. Interestingly, found a thread where two brands of SUPs - can't remember the brands - were made in the same factory. One had a high prevalence of blisters, the other almost none. Supports the notion of quality/type of paint.

Re: paint - mine has an interesting finish. It's matt, and looks like someone has dragged some fine grit sandpaper along it. Interesting finish, it's cool how the water acts when i'm washing/drying the board.
Not being super smooth could add to it - think micro-grooves.

My issue may also be a bit of a bunch of circumstances all coming together.
Not only was my board put away wet, thanks to the rain.... but my bag was also wet thanks to all the rain. Double dose.
To add to it all, I'd done the right thing and got a Custom board bag. One made for the board. You know, sits reasonably snug. Heaps more snug than an off-the-shelf board bag. That ain't gonna help one bit.

While I'm not saying that there's no blame on the manufacturer (ie poor quality paint/paint prep).
I put a wet board with a matt finish in a snug, wet bag and left it, zipped up, for close to three weeks. Pretty much the perfect storm - apparently.

FYI - as a public service announcement - it never saw the sun like this. Just the ambient heat of SE QLD.

I have read of the blisters going away for some people, but not all. But in the past 24 hr I can see a few of the larger bubbles starting to collapse.... and it's still damn humid here at home. So there's some hope.

Hey, if nothing else, this has been one of the more active topics on the forum for a little while!
Cheers All!
And Happy Oz Day (if we're still allowed to say that).

QLD, 21947 posts
26 Jan 2022 6:52PM
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Hey, if nothing else, this has been one of the more active topics on the forum for a little while!
Cheers All!
And Happy Oz Day (if we're still allowed to say that).

Agree about time someone injected this joint

539 posts
1 Feb 2022 12:24PM
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As an update - I got an email from the distributor this morning.
The message was that the distributor was supportive of having the board replaced and was going to speak to the parent company.
So, there's hope that it might get replaced.
Indeed, there's an older thread (5 years old) on another website, where someone claims to have bought many boards from the same manufacturer, and had this issue on a few of them - with the boards being replaced each time.

Although, there's another thread floating around where same company was going to do a warranty claim for the same issue, but was denied given there was prior damage to the board (entirely unrelated to the blisters).... and my board copped a small hole from a hail storm when it was a few weeks old.

So there's hope.... but I'm not counting on it.

I'll update if/when there is any.

539 posts
9 Feb 2022 9:32PM
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Still waiting on the final outcome of the warranty claim - I haven't been given a solid 'no' yet, so fingers crossed. Will hopefully have a final outcome in the next day or so.

Nonetheless, I stripped the wax off the board this arvo - figured if they decline the warranty, then I want to get it repaired ASAP as I love surfing this board.
Interestingly, there were quite a few patches of small blisters under the wax. This confuses my weak mind. The blisters are theoretically due to osmosis from being trapped in a humid environment - wet board in a bag (or dry board in a wet bag).
As I've read, and why it really only occurs with 'painted' boards (thus somewhat prevalent in SUPs, apparently) is that paint doesn't form a perfect seal. With time in a humid environment, the moisture permeates (via osmosis, I guess?) and gets under the paint forming blisters. Arguments on the 'net suggest that this effect is more common with poor paint prep or painting enviroments (dust) - supports the imperfect seal idea.
So then, why do the blisters form on the deck of the surfboard? No question that when we wax - whatever way we wax - we get a bunch of wax bumps, or whatever you want to call them. That said, by the time you've built up your wax bumps, there is going to be a film of wax covering the deck. All of the deck. The spaces between the bumps. When I wax up before a surf, I indiscriminantly rub the block of wax over the deck, albeit with a focus on where my feet, hands and butt have worn down said bumps, but generally all over - theoretically maintaining a thin film over the entire deck.
Like the underside of the board, the blisters are in clumps. Not one here and one there, but clusters of them.
Now, if we draw a line between A and B, shouldn't the wax pretty much prevent the osmosis due to the wax forming a barrier? Not only because it's going to theoretically 'seal' the paint, but because of it's hydrophobic nature?
Does this thin film that I'm referring to get 'washed off' when surfing, particularly in summer?
If I wasn't so lazy, or enjoying my beer, I'd go and pull out oneof my boards and scrape my finger nail between some bumps.
Is there a scientist in the house?
Is there a psychologist in the house? am I over thinking this?
Is this the longest post on this side of the forum in many moons?

On the positive side, this is the first time I've stripped the wax off this board and there's not a single depression/heel dent that I could see (granted, in the less than perfect light). I'm a big heavy dude, that is not light on one's feet, particularly when 'popping up' - kinda more like a 'stomping up'. This thrills me, simple things amuse simple minds, as it give me more confidence that if warranty claim gets the big 'denied', the board is certainly worth repairing properly. Plus, it's such a great board to ride.

If you've read this far, congrats.... or maybe you need to go surfing?

539 posts
11 Feb 2022 4:33PM
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Shorter post, I promise.

Guess what I got in my hot little hands today?

Yep, replacement board. A replacement board. A freakin' brand-new replacement board. Can I say that enough?

My board was replaced under warranty with, quite literally, no questions asked. Seriously, not one single question.
How the hell is that service!!! Legendary, that's how.
And they sent me tracking info and updates etc. Again, legendary.

It sadly copped a little rail damage in transport. Will need a repair at some point, but threw some 3M ding tape on it for now. I've asked them if they have 'authorised' or recommended repairers, and said that i'll pay for it. How could I not? I figured, at best, at absolute best, they might cover repair of the 'old' board - never in my wildest dreams thought that they would actually come through and replace the board.

On top of it all, it was shipped to Goodtime where I bought it from. Did you know Gail has on OAM (or is it that she is an OAM, given it's a title, right?). I asked her about it. For service to the youth. I asked more - she lit up like a christmas tree. Amazing chat about what she's done in the past, especially with cerebral palsy charities etc. I've been shopping at Goodtime close to 35 years, and never knew. What she has done is sensational.

Anyway, great day, even if there is a touch of rail damage.


506 posts
11 Feb 2022 4:47PM
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Good on you, Damned67!
You made my day. I read ALL your previous posts and didn't say "a picture tells 1,000 words" which I thought was very mature of me.
Did I say good on you yet?
GOOD ON YOU. Really.

539 posts
11 Feb 2022 5:19PM
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Interesting that you mention a 'picture' - I deliberately didn't post any pics or name the companies involved until this was sorted one way or another. Just didn't want it to spiral down the gurgler.

506 posts
11 Feb 2022 5:46PM
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damned67 said..
Interesting that you mention a 'picture' - I deliberately didn't post any pics or name the companies involved until this was sorted one way or another. Just didn't want it to spiral down the gurgler.

Good on you for that, too. (I hate the premature name and shame approach, was just curious to see the paint and the bubbles, less so the brand... and anyway, no need now . There's a bloke in another room maligning a whole company because a transfer is coming off his board. Your way is better.)
Glad things were resolved so well.

539 posts
11 Feb 2022 7:17PM
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I'll post a couple of pics tomorrow....

539 posts
12 Feb 2022 11:49AM
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Just you for, Greeney...

831 posts
12 Feb 2022 12:21PM
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Lucky man, great service.
After that what was the board brand?

506 posts
12 Feb 2022 1:15PM
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Onya, Damned67. I agree with 515.... Great follow-up service from the company involved.

539 posts
12 Feb 2022 2:54PM
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That's my 11' Munoz Ultra Glide by Surftech.
I certainly understand people's opinions on pop outs and off-shore built boards. As a few on the forum would know, it's been a dream of mine to own one of these in the old construction- but I 'settled' for a new one.
I absolutely love this board (hence why I've been chasing one). Sensational board.

And I am both thrilled and surprised that Surftech swapped it out under warranty. I was ready to cry my self To sleep, taking it on the chin as a learning experience.

amazing customer service! And an amazing board!

QLD, 21947 posts
14 Feb 2022 4:28PM
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Greeney said..
Good on you, Damned67!
You made my day. I read ALL your previous posts and didn't say "a picture tells 1,000 words" which I thought was very mature of me.
Did I say good on you yet?
GOOD ON YOU. Really.

Yeah what Greeney said good onya mate


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Wet boards in board bags..... no good apparently." started by damned67