Forums > Surfing Longboarding

What are you watching?

Created by vanders1 > 9 months ago, 5 Dec 2017
8266 posts
31 Oct 2018 4:04PM
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Cobra said..

vanders1 said..

MickPC said..
James squire make very tasty beers, but their bottle size lets them down...onto some coopers sparkling for the first time in years with some green backups...hope all is well with ya Deano

Agree, 330ml just doesn't cut it, a bloke needs at least a mouthful.

That's why I love German pubs with 1 litre mug.

haha I didn't try them when I was in Germany in July 2 years ago. But 500ml seemed to be the standard mid size beer, about a pint I guess. Gotta love that when the price is way less & the taste much better than just about anywhere I know in Oz

9106 posts
31 Oct 2018 9:07PM
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MickPC said..

Cobra said..

vanders1 said..

MickPC said..
James squire make very tasty beers, but their bottle size lets them down...onto some coopers sparkling for the first time in years with some green backups...hope all is well with ya Deano

Agree, 330ml just doesn't cut it, a bloke needs at least a mouthful.

That's why I love German pubs with 1 litre mug.

haha I didn't try them when I was in Germany in July 2 years ago. But 500ml seemed to be the standard mid size beer, about a pint I guess. Gotta love that when the price is way less & the taste much better than just about anywhere I know in Oz

Mick there is,or was back in 07, a german pub at the Rocks Sydney.
took the brother inlaw for a beer started on a pint and asked a bloke walking past what is that he's drinking, he said a litre
next min i saw a bloke with a bigger mug.
i went up to the bar and asked the beer winch for the same as his, it was 2 litre mug,she asked who birthday was it.
i said nobodys, give me two.
i tucked my inlaw into a cab and i wobbled off to the motel.

QLD, 21884 posts
1 Nov 2018 9:53AM
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Watching VANDERS stylish backhand

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
1 Nov 2018 5:39PM
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Go big V

WA, 9675 posts
1 Nov 2018 3:01PM
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Macaha said..
Watching VANDERS stylish backhand

That's not backhand, he is surfing switchfoot ,awesome work vanders

8266 posts
1 Nov 2018 7:06PM
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Cobra said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..

vanders1 said..

MickPC said..
James squire make very tasty beers, but their bottle size lets them down...onto some coopers sparkling for the first time in years with some green backups...hope all is well with ya Deano

Agree, 330ml just doesn't cut it, a bloke needs at least a mouthful.

That's why I love German pubs with 1 litre mug.

haha I didn't try them when I was in Germany in July 2 years ago. But 500ml seemed to be the standard mid size beer, about a pint I guess. Gotta love that when the price is way less & the taste much better than just about anywhere I know in Oz

Mick there is,or was back in 07, a german pub at the Rocks Sydney.
took the brother inlaw for a beer started on a pint and asked a bloke walking past what is that he's drinking, he said a litre
next min i saw a bloke with a bigger mug.
i went up to the bar and asked the beer winch for the same as his, it was 2 litre mug,she asked who birthday was it.
i said nobodys, give me two.
i tucked my inlaw into a cab and i wobbled off to the motel.

LOL your awesome m8, hope we catch up for a beer one day

They have those in the Hub pubs in Tokyo, but Japanese beer is toxic, gotta mix it with as much food as possible to decrease the near death aftershocks.

NSW, 1301 posts
2 Nov 2018 5:51AM
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I agree Mick Japanese beer is the ultimate headache material which is a shame as the food is frikken amazing

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Nov 2018 5:39AM
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You guys are kidding arent you.
Japanese beer is amazing.
Makes a lot of aussie brews taste like cats piss
The food and beer is part of what makes japan awesome

QLD, 3808 posts
2 Nov 2018 6:26AM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said..
Watching VANDERS stylish backhand

That's not backhand, he is surfing switchfoot ,awesome work vanders

Thanks fellas, photographer missed the next few seconds where I did a head stand.

QLD, 21884 posts
2 Nov 2018 6:35AM
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laceys lane said..
You guys are kidding arent you.
Japanese beer is amazing.
Makes a lot of aussie brews taste like cats piss
The food and beer is part of what makes japan awesome

Everything about Japan is awesome.

Lacey stick to your peppermint tea

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Nov 2018 6:45AM
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vanders1 said..

chrispy said..

Macaha said..
Watching VANDERS stylish backhand

That's not backhand, he is surfing switchfoot ,awesome work vanders

Thanks fellas, photographer missed the next few seconds where I did a head stand.

Those legs arent straight enough

QLD, 21884 posts
2 Nov 2018 6:54AM
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laceys lane said..

vanders1 said..

chrispy said..

Macaha said..
Watching VANDERS stylish backhand

That's not backhand, he is surfing switchfoot ,awesome work vanders

Thanks fellas, photographer missed the next few seconds where I did a head stand.

Those legs arent straight enough

I like the knees together look,very hipster

QLD, 21884 posts
2 Nov 2018 8:09AM
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Watching LACEY walk towards the water in his runners

8266 posts
2 Nov 2018 3:03PM
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laceys lane said..
You guys are kidding arent you.
Japanese beer is amazing.
Makes a lot of aussie brews taste like cats piss
The food and beer is part of what makes japan awesome

Don't get me wrong mate, most of them go down great. I'm talking about the next day

8266 posts
3 Nov 2018 5:46PM
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10979 posts
21 Nov 2018 10:36AM
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QLD, 21884 posts
21 Nov 2018 12:50PM
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People drinking Bintang at 10 am

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
21 Nov 2018 3:30PM
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Macaha said..
People drinking Bintang at 10 am

QLD, 3808 posts
25 Nov 2018 6:04PM
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Sitting in the pool here in Port Moresby watching the beers and cocktails disappear.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
25 Nov 2018 8:12PM
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vanders1 said..
Sitting in the pool here in Port Moresby watching the beers and cocktails disappear.

Lucky bloody thing,enjoy mate

QLD, 21884 posts
25 Nov 2018 7:17PM
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VANDERS that's soft your an apprentice, LACEY told be to say that

QLD, 3808 posts
25 Nov 2018 8:12PM
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Macaha said..
VANDERS that's soft your an apprentice, LACEY told be to say that

Soft?? Pffft, who cares, beats working!

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Nov 2018 5:51AM
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vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
VANDERS that's soft your an apprentice, LACEY told be to say that

Soft?? Pffft, who cares, beats working!

I really didn't say that.

Mac. Hes under pressure. Babbling

He only has couple of weeks before the real king and the true glider come to town

All hail vanders.

QLD, 21884 posts
26 Nov 2018 7:11AM
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laceys lane said..

vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
VANDERS that's soft your an apprentice, LACEY told be to say that

Soft?? Pffft, who cares, beats working!

I really didn't say that.

Mac. Hes under pressure. Babbling

He only has couple of weeks before the real king and the true glider come to town

All hail vanders.

Ok ok what was I thinking I was the king of glide when the king himself Vanders is sipping on fruit cocktails poolside

8266 posts
6 Dec 2018 8:04AM
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Pipe right now

8266 posts
12 Jun 2019 8:19PM
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8266 posts
12 Jun 2019 8:28PM
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LOL this ones better

8266 posts
13 Jun 2019 7:14AM
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246 posts
13 Jun 2019 6:43PM
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Stab in the Dark is free at the Stab website...if your interested.
wasnt as good as the last couple, Mick was too nice. I liked Jordy when he was saying how **** some of the boards where!


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"What are you watching?" started by vanders1