Forums > Surfing Longboarding

What beer are you drinking atm ?

Created by NewScotty > 9 months ago, 11 Mar 2016
VIC, 2870 posts
7 Apr 2017 10:05PM
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This is a worry.
I was about to repeat a post I made a month ago.
Still on Coopers Mild, substituting for Sparkling at doctors request.
I guess no one else is drinking beer any more.

484 posts
8 Apr 2017 5:22PM
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Nozza said..
This is a worry.
I was about to repeat a post I made a month ago.
Still on Coopers Mild, substituting for Sparkling at doctors request.
I guess no one else is drinking beer any more.

You should consider substituting doctors, Nozza. Love the Coopers Sparkling and the Pale.
I'm in the middle of one of my dry periods. I like to stop for a few weeks now and then, just to pretend i'm in charge... and to shed a couple of kg. Very much looking forward to an icy cold Tooheys New sometime in the not too distant future though. Need beer to watch the footy properly.

8266 posts
8 Apr 2017 5:43PM
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About 6 x 500ml cans of these for the last 9 days

VIC, 2870 posts
8 Apr 2017 8:27PM
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McGuane said..

Nozza said..
This is a worry.
I was about to repeat a post I made a month ago.
Still on Coopers Mild, substituting for Sparkling at doctors request.
I guess no one else is drinking beer any more.

You should consider substituting doctors, Nozza. Love the Coopers Sparkling and the Pale.
I'm in the middle of one of my dry periods. I like to stop for a few weeks now and then, just to pretend i'm in charge... and to shed a couple of kg. Very much looking forward to an icy cold Tooheys New sometime in the not too distant future though. Need beer to watch the footy properly.

Love the Sparkling - that's the problem. Blood sugars going too high.
Doctor has more concern for my wellbeing than I do.
Doctor's orders rather than request too.
Orders are made to be disobeyed!

8266 posts
8 Apr 2017 8:01PM
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haha it is a beer worth sacrifice bro, maybe just cut sugars out from other areas of your diet...Blood Sugar levels are very important to health though...gotta be careful myself too

VIC, 2870 posts
13 May 2017 6:42PM
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Had a Phillip Island Brewery "Shipwreck" IPA today at lunch.
OK, I had 4.
Rather nice, but at 6.5% they were 1.5 std. dinks per (annoyingly small) 330ml stubby.
Knew I'd had them after.

VIC, 2870 posts
19 May 2017 9:52PM
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Coopers Sparkling in a new stubby holder.

9106 posts
20 May 2017 4:28PM
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9106 posts
20 May 2017 4:33PM
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WA, 2520 posts
21 May 2017 12:21PM
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Kona Fire Rock Pale Ale whilst sitting overlooking Ke Iki beach, North Shore Oahu (20 min stroll West of Pipeline - which is flat today, was head high yesterday).

8266 posts
21 Jul 2017 2:49PM
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After a couple of night shifts without a drink, I'm feeling thirsty

Had a pint of Rose to kick off, topped up my coopers pale ale supply & picked up a 6 pack $10 promotion of this beer. I will leave the final say to a comment by another bloke with more fancy descriptinationing. I will just say its a great buy, 6 for $10, however I would not pay $40 a carton when I could get coopers pale ale for $45 or Steamrail Pale Ale for $40. Its almost as good as Steamrail pale ale. Smells great, tastes nice, just not as good mouth feel. Just seems a bit thin for mouth feel. It does suit my taste though, I like a toffee/malty flavoured beer & it does smell great. However like the Steamrail, its carrying on the trend of the hell poxy less than 375ml trend & loses points for that, as does the steamrail. If your gonna slug the punters way too much for a bloody beer, at least give them a full stubby you tight azz farks...

Pretty much what this bloke at said, "Bottle from a Melbourne Liqourland. poured a clear medium amber with a broken white head. The aroma is toffee caramel malt, light floral hop. The flavour is moderate bitter with a crisp, watery light fruity, woody metallic hop bitter palate. Medium bodied with average carbonation".

NSW, 3487 posts
26 Jul 2017 9:12AM
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Is there any truth to the rumour that VB are going to take action against this company for some sort of patent infringement

251 posts
26 Jul 2017 9:27AM
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8266 posts
26 Jul 2017 4:35PM
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LOL OBCT & great pic Rabs

Gotta day off tomorrow, gonna enjoy a few Coopers Pale Ales

251 posts
27 Jul 2017 7:45PM
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Same dog,....Different beer

9106 posts
31 Jul 2017 9:55AM
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That Stella add makes me laugh every time I watch it.
So the beer was started in 1300s and he sold everything to start a brewery.
i didn't know they had TV in the 13 hundreds.

9106 posts
31 Jul 2017 9:56AM
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484 posts
3 Nov 2017 3:24PM
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Very refreshing... and 6.9%.

VIC, 2870 posts
3 Nov 2017 6:30PM
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McGuane said..
Very refreshing... and 6.9%.

We went through a stage of drinking heaps of Mercury Cider when we were 18 or 19.
Gave rise to "Mercury throat" the next morning.
Think I'll stick to the Coopers Sparkling.
But good thread re start...

9106 posts
3 Nov 2017 3:45PM
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**** the beer.

QLD, 21948 posts
3 Nov 2017 5:47PM
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Cobra said..
**** the beer.

Cobra we need to get together one day

WA, 9675 posts
3 Nov 2017 3:50PM
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Macaha said..

Cobra said..
**** the beer.

Cobra we need to get together one day

I would rather drink the arse sweat of a crack whore than go near the devils fighting brew

9106 posts
3 Nov 2017 3:57PM
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Queenslanders when born go from sucking mums tit to sucking bundy
its the Queensland way

13831 posts
3 Nov 2017 3:59PM
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Cobra said..
Queenslanders when born go from sucking mums tit to sucking bundy
its the Queensland way

Youre a farkin Vicco

9106 posts
3 Nov 2017 4:00PM
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thePup said..

Cobra said..
Queenslanders when born go from sucking mums tit to sucking bundy
its the Queensland way

Youre a farkin Vicco

I was a visitor .

13831 posts
3 Nov 2017 4:01PM
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QLD, 21948 posts
3 Nov 2017 6:10PM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said..

Cobra said..
**** the beer.

Cobra we need to get together one day

I would rather drink the arse sweat of a crack whore than go near the devils fighting brew

Nah its the the gods drink I love god

9106 posts
3 Nov 2017 4:11PM
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Macaha said..

chrispy said..

Macaha said..

Cobra said..
**** the beer.

Cobra we need to get together one day

I would rather drink the arse sweat of a crack whore than go near the devils fighting brew

Nah its the the gods drink I love god


NSW, 1125 posts
3 Nov 2017 7:22PM
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I've been bad this week so I'm giving myself..... 50 Lashes

9106 posts
3 Nov 2017 4:34PM
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What's wrong with crack whore arse, I've never heard complaints before chrispy.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"What beer are you drinking atm ?" started by NewScotty