Forums > Surfing Longboarding

.... cough ..... Roadtriiiiiiiip

Created by thePup > 9 months ago, 11 Nov 2016
13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 2:33PM
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Mark III ..... ..... bookings paid for we have boards to throw our Greenroom bones upon farken you bewdy maaaaaaaate off into God's backyarder again

PM sent Al ..... dates & where the digs are

Oh and farken Asea ....... get a big fat Mango up you old cock

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 2:45PM
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look out mister Fish ...... two frothers will be in town sometime Saturday 19th champion

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Nov 2016 5:42PM
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thePup said..
look out mister Fish ...... two frothers will be in town sometime Saturday 19th champion

Shhhhhit Vanders was going to call me back about this trip but that was days ago I'm currently screwed with that dam back issue again.

NSW, 5510 posts
11 Nov 2016 6:44PM
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Macaha said..

thePup said..
look out mister Fish ...... two frothers will be in town sometime Saturday 19th champion

Shhhhhit Vanders was going to call me back about this trip but that was days ago I'm currently screwed with that dam back issue again.

Thats it Grace is on the market too heavy for the Prez

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Nov 2016 5:50PM
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asea said..

Macaha said..

thePup said..
look out mister Fish ...... two frothers will be in town sometime Saturday 19th champion

Shhhhhit Vanders was going to call me back about this trip but that was days ago I'm currently screwed with that dam back issue again.

Thats it Grace is on the market too heavy for the Prez

Your the Prez mate Grace is getting a new cover this week so its staying,it was a bit of a joke between Lacey and I,see Grace came with a sock cover which is a right pain,Lacey mentioned so its not a keeper because it has a sock cover.

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Nov 2016 5:51PM
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I'm serious when I say this,I'm thinking of jumping on a plane for Bali on Monday so how long is this trip gong to last Pup.

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 3:53PM
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Macaha said..
I'm serious when I say this,I'm thinking of jumping on a plane for Bali on Monday so how long is this trip gong to last Pup.

Leave Thurs morning early brother & head back Sunday early I can pick you up if you wanted

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 4:07PM
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asea said..

Macaha said..

thePup said..
look out mister Fish ...... two frothers will be in town sometime Saturday 19th champion

Shhhhhit Vanders was going to call me back about this trip but that was days ago I'm currently screwed with that dam back issue again.

Thats it Grace is on the market too heavy for the Prez

Go hard you magnificent bastard of a thing

NSW, 249 posts
11 Nov 2016 7:13PM
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thePup said...
look out mister Fish ...... two frothers will be in town sometime Saturday 19th champion

It's very rare for me to be out of town but Sat 19th I will be driving to brizzy, need to see family before the madness of school hols, should be back in paradise on the 23rd, I hope there maybe some surf left :-) see you when I get back, if time....

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 4:18PM
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LanceF said..

thePup said...
look out mister Fish ...... two frothers will be in town sometime Saturday 19th champion

It's very rare for me to be out of town but Sat 19th I will be driving to brizzy, need to see family before the madness of school hols, should be back in paradise on the 23rd, I hope there maybe some surf left :-) see you when I get back, if time....

Good idea .......hmmmmm looks like I might be stopping in early Thursday for a fang down the local with you brother see you early Thursday

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
11 Nov 2016 7:25PM
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I'm in Pup,Maaate,got a bed for me?I'll be up on the 18th early hopefully as per PM

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 4:32PM
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Al G said..
I'm in Pup,Maaate,got a bed for me?I'll be up on the 18th early hopefully as per PM

Yep - just rang them & got the room attendants to do the White Euro Lace thing ..... I told ém a classy HK wagon was hitting it Friday we might get lucky if they're under 60

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
11 Nov 2016 7:38PM
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thePup said..

Al G said..
I'm in Pup,Maaate,got a bed for me?I'll be up on the 18th early hopefully as per PM

Yep - just rang them & got the room attendants to do the White Euro Lace thing ..... I told ém a classy HK wagon was hitting it Friday we might get lucky if they're under 60

hahahaha ,Classic,I might even do the trip on Thursday arvo yet
BTW,could be meeting up with Ted tommorow

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Nov 2016 6:40PM
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Whats the plan Pup date and stops please and people you've teed up.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
11 Nov 2016 7:42PM
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Macaha said..
Whats the plan Pup date and stops please and people you've teed up.

Come down Mac,if ya can, will be good to catch up!...

381 posts
11 Nov 2016 4:43PM
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Pup ..sent ya a Turnbull.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
11 Nov 2016 7:44PM
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unclethirsty said..
Pup ..sent ya a Turnbull.

Or is that a Malcolm,Uncle

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 4:56PM
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Macaha said..
Whats the plan Pup date and stops please and people you've teed up.

Thursday 17 - leave 4am , rock up at Woopi & hook up for a surf with the legendary LFish esquire before Xmas ..... leave some time in the arvo to get to Crescent & book our stuff into the Jacuzzi Suite ..... get out ..... stretch .... pass wind ..... get the boards unloaded again and hit Crescent for a late arvo blat if it's good ..... there's a good Fish & Chippy in town too ..... few sherbets with the Greenie crew all good in the night ..... Friday ..... surf .... book out Saturday after an early surf to kiss the joint goodbye for now

In so far:

Vanders Friday
I'm in
Al G
Unclethirsty might be sniffing around the Brewery I hear

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Nov 2016 7:09PM
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Are you heading home Sat or Sun?

381 posts
11 Nov 2016 5:20PM
Thumbs Up've got a malcolm..not the "life wasn't meant to be easy"..type.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
11 Nov 2016 8:25PM
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unclethirsty said..'ve got a malcolm..not the "life wasn't meant to be easy"..type.

Fraser,"nah "Uncle, I've got a pretty good one

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
11 Nov 2016 8:28PM
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If there is some swell I will come up to Crescent on the Friday

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
11 Nov 2016 8:30PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
If there is some swell I will come up as well

Hey Ted,How you lookin for tomoz morning at the golf coarse

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 5:30PM
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Macaha said..
Are you heading home Sat or Sun?

Probbly very early after a surf Sunday mate be home lunch time easy

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 5:31PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
If there is some swell I will come up to Crescent on the Friday

Bed sorted already champion - see ya Friday

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Nov 2016 7:31PM
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thePup said..

Macaha said..
Are you heading home Sat or Sun?

Probbly very early after a surf Sunday mate be home lunch time easy

So your staying at Crescent 3 nights

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 5:36PM
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Macaha said..

thePup said..

Macaha said..
Are you heading home Sat or Sun?

Probbly very early after a surf Sunday mate be home lunch time easy

So your staying at Crescent 3 nights

3rd night is available - originally it was a surf with Lance on sunday but he's got to nip up to Brissie .... play it by ear for Saturday night can do what we want really mate

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
11 Nov 2016 8:56PM
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I will stay at a Cresent for the whole weekend Mac. Love that Bakery - it misses me

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Nov 2016 8:02PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
I will stay at a Cresent for the whole weekend Mac. Love that Bakery - it misses me

Crescent or Seminyak bakery

QLD, 3808 posts
11 Nov 2016 8:09PM
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Ok I didn't think I was going to be able to make it due to work travel but I'm 90% sure I'll be able to cut my work trip short by a day and be able to head off early Friday morning.

Sorry for the lack of call back mac, poo hit the fan after that call I took and has been taking all my attention since. You need to come down just for a break and if the back's no good we need an official photographer.

13831 posts
11 Nov 2016 6:14PM
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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

".... cough ..... Roadtriiiiiiiip" started by thePup