Forums > Surfing Longboarding

the official beer garden experiment movie

Created by chrispychru > 9 months ago, 8 Aug 2012
NSW, 1132 posts
22 Feb 2013 8:56PM
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asea said...
DUDE said...
Cool,Warning taken."Don't push Him"........

So **** the people who have a vested interest.I won't push nor will I ask again,The coin is gone....

As for the push,when someone has a go at me with no ****ING idea about personal situations,I will ****ING push back...


Dude i'd be sleeping with 1 eye open, i'm sure you don't mean what you are saying.

At 25a Towoon Bay Road Toowoon Bay....

Don't ****ing threaten me,,,

TAS, 2249 posts
22 Feb 2013 9:21PM
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Long as the board goes to the surfing for the disabled I am happy .

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Feb 2013 9:22PM
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The concept involved giving to charity first and foremost with the joy of a surfboard being thrown in for us all to play on. Lets not forget this. Great concept. Clearly it has not gone as speedy as some hoped but its not the end of the world. Chrispy went out of his way to try and line up some BIG deals that would have seen all of those who contributed benefit but more importantly the CHARITY was going to benefit BIG TIME! He also turned down people who were trying to get on the band wagon...he put a lot of time and effort into bringing this concept to fruition and then taking it far beyond.

I think he should be shown a bit more respect for his efforts. In recent times he has started a new business and it has taken most of his time up. Ask him when he last had more than a single surf in a week let alone several. He has also recently moved house - something that we all know is not a lot fun - let alone the time and effort required before hand to find your new house to live.

I still think its a great idea. The board has been made and it will go ahead. If anyone wants out feel free to send me your details and I will send you your $50 donation back. I am happy to make a larger donation to the disabled surfers as I have a very fortunate life compared to many of them. You probably do as well.....but I bet you do not hear many of them complaining about their situation.

Dude - I just got soaked (still pissing down here) heading down to the garage to check on yr tie-downs - they are there. I had completely forgot about them. I will drop them off next time I am driving past yr side of the Lake.

For the record I speak with Chrispy often. Last time I was on the Gold Coast he came and picked me up from the train station and took me surfing with asea. I had a blast. We had not met previously. He then took me all over the Goldie to all the factory shops so I could chase down some decent savings and grab a few bargains. He treated me to lunch. He then dropped me back at the Train station. For the majority of the 6 hours I spent in his company I laughed my asse off. Top bloke.

WA, 15849 posts
22 Feb 2013 6:34PM
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TAS, 2249 posts
22 Feb 2013 9:46PM
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Plus 1 Ted , have yet to get up to the gold coast and yet to meet Mac and Chrispy but both have offered me the use of boards while I am up there .pretty generous of both of them .

The original concept has been a bit lost but I thought the main deal was to get the board and any spare cash to the disabled Surfers .if I get to surf the board all good if I don't it's all good too .I get to surf my own gear most days so can't complain .

This isn't meant as a dig at Dude who is a long long time member on here , it's just the way I see it .

10979 posts
22 Feb 2013 6:50PM
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doggie said...

August 8th what a beautiful day..

And spot on Ted.

WA, 6913 posts
22 Feb 2013 7:17PM
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I think a big breathe, and it will all seem better

I don't think any offense was ment from either side but times are tight, business are slow, people are time poor and some of us have health issues.

We all have a reason to need to blow of some steam from time to time and i think a simple missunderstanding has occured and i think a shaking of hands and we can move on

Preferably with out people trying to make this something its not..

At least thats my take on it..If im wrong flame away, cause im going home

WA, 24860 posts
22 Feb 2013 7:20PM
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Spoken like a true Prez,well said.

Dude for the record I did thank you for the posters however failed to re the sticker,sorry and wish you well.

10979 posts
22 Feb 2013 7:22PM
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Excellent post JB and Ted.

NSW, 5510 posts
22 Feb 2013 10:36PM
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All should be good,as Ted said Chrispy took this on when not working now past month or so he is starting his business which i am sure we all wish him well,he has moved house which imo is stressfull,so as winter approaches and we get those lovely clean lines to ride things will happen.I for one am waiting for the day we film our local break which we have have the pleasure of Ted, Simondo and dotcom to join us.The BBQ board will be moving south in the coming months and you know what ? at the end of its journey it will be worth the wait in the meantime keep logging.

WA, 24860 posts
22 Feb 2013 7:42PM
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Asea your longestand best post to date mate well said,I knew the nice guy would come out

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Feb 2013 9:45PM
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62mac said...
Asea your longestand best post to date mate well said,I knew the nice guy would come out

now that you've said that and made your presence know

what this space.

WA, 24860 posts
22 Feb 2013 7:47PM
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He knows I rate him highly Lacey

NSW, 5510 posts
22 Feb 2013 10:50PM
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62mac said...
He knows I rate him highly Lacey

Mac fk off

WA, 24860 posts
22 Feb 2013 7:52PM
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The forum is a much better place when your on it Asea,seriously

NSW, 5510 posts
22 Feb 2013 10:55PM
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62mac said...
The forum is a much better place when your on it Asea,seriously

Mac fk off

WA, 6913 posts
22 Feb 2013 7:57PM
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62mac said...
The forum is a much better place when your on it Asea,seriously

The longboard room is full of so much s---/love its no wonder people will have little tiffs from time to time

We all need a good surf, at least i know i do, i've only had three this week

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Feb 2013 10:59PM
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asea said...
62mac said...
The forum is a much better place when your on it Asea,seriously

Mac fk off and spend some time with yr family

Fixed it for you

WA, 24860 posts
22 Feb 2013 8:02PM
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Bonded with Matt todayas the girls shoppedthere all here faceless booking and stuff before dinner.

QLD, 5396 posts
22 Feb 2013 10:04PM
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doggie said...

Hey doggie you said you never wanted to get involved....... whats this

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Feb 2013 10:05PM
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62mac said...
Bonded with Matt todayas the girls shoppedwe're all faceless drinking and stuff before dinner.

NSW, 5510 posts
22 Feb 2013 11:07PM
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62mac said...
Bonded with Matt todayas the girls shoppedthere all here faceless booking and stuff before dinner.

QLD, 1538 posts
22 Feb 2013 10:11PM
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Hi all,

Just wanted to let everyone know that all (every cent by everybody) of the funds donated are safe and sound earning 4.5% with the big Red W waiting for the appropriate direction to the charity of choice. I spoke with Chrispy today and all good. Hopefully catch up with Chrispy and ASEA over the weekend.



PS That looks like some nasty **** going on for you Dude. Mate I hope it comes together for you but please if you haven't sought some medical advice yet, it is time to go.

WA, 24860 posts
22 Feb 2013 8:16PM
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Good work Daneli and thanks for your work in controlling the funds, catch up on my return.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Feb 2013 11:22PM
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62mac said...
Bonded with Matt today

Is that like the type of bonding you do if you are in the 100m relay team? I thought you did that at night? I think that you should be careful doing recreational pharmaceuticals in Bali.....

Good work Daneli - you are a true professional.

WA, 15849 posts
22 Feb 2013 8:29PM
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weiry said...
doggie said...

Hey doggie you said you never wanted to get involved....... whats this

Just sayin

QLD, 5396 posts
22 Feb 2013 11:00PM
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doggie said...
weiry said...
doggie said...

Hey doggie you said you never wanted to get involved....... whats this

Just sayin

i'm sure someone super glued a spoon to your paw[}:)]

WA, 15849 posts
22 Feb 2013 9:03PM
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weiry said...
doggie said...
weiry said...
doggie said...

Hey doggie you said you never wanted to get involved....... whats this

Just sayin

i'm sure someone super glued a spoon to your paw[}:)]


QLD, 7932 posts
23 Feb 2013 7:40PM
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wow. i have not read all the posts as im pretty offended by it all really.
first thing. this all started as a experiment when i was not working and only studying. to do something cool and something really good by helping people who need a hand to enjoy the stoke. plus have a cool movie that the generations could watch

i agree that things have not gone as fast as what i/we all wanted(yet i will post why later)but it is still all good and will end up great(i have ripped out to much hair to fail) i have always posted openly and honestly, and have offered the board and camera to ever wants it.

the money thing...that is a big ****ing wow. i have not touched one cent as daneli has opened a nice interest earning account to look after it. i will say this now. i asked steve del to say nothing. yet i payed for the deck inlay, i paid the difference for the blank shape. i paid for the board bag. i also paid for the beer garden bbq. so yes im pretty pissed that my name has been slushed.

doggie i was a fence sitter as i never really judge someone till i have met them...but you are a piece off ****.

dude,you have not paid one cent into nuff said there. yet dude,when your life was falling apart and you needed to talk... well my shoulder was always there and i stuck by my word to you. so **** off now.

i still want this to be a bionically cool thing. so i will lift my game and start a un trashed thread.

QLD, 7932 posts
23 Feb 2013 7:53PM
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i have now read it all. thankyou to all the cool folk who have spoken kindly. im pretty humbled actually


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"the official beer garden experiment movie" started by chrispychru