Forums > Surfing Longboarding

the official beer garden experiment movie

Created by chrispychru > 9 months ago, 8 Aug 2012
WA, 6913 posts
13 Aug 2012 2:59PM
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I think the whole product for us (supporters) is a bit hard. We really want to IMHO just raise coin for Disabled surfers and i guess secondly recognition to those companies involved. SO that they get more bang for buck. Obviously product used is important, Board, Camera

If its about coin then many of us could prostitute the idea out to local retailers for a simple donation as well That way we'd get cover all over Aus and i believe we can have a two fold result. Footage to make a great film, from the investment in time and energy as well as Money for a great charity. There for adding further value to the sponsor's for steeping up.

As for t-shirts for all in and that kind of thing it may get a bit messy, difficult to distribute. Maybe any product like that donated could be auctioned for coin

Note: I have no issue with the organisers getting some gear for nicks as its there hard work that will benefit others fro there good deeds

WA, 24860 posts
13 Aug 2012 3:07PM
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I don't want anything in return,the more money raised the better imo,say a clothing company chipped in some dollars and gave us all a tee to wear during filming well that's all fine.Gives them something for their bucks.

NSW, 5510 posts
13 Aug 2012 5:11PM
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62mac said...

I don't want anything in return,the more money raised the better imo,say a clothing company chipped in some dollars and gave us all a tee to wear during filming well that's all fine.Gives them something for their bucks.

The only thing i want in return is to see The Prez on dvd doing his well renowned back dismount off the mal

QLD, 7932 posts
13 Aug 2012 5:16PM
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^^^^jb mate im not asking anyone to do anymore than what they have already done.
what im asking really is do you all care that your heads could end up on the idiot box or a mag in order to make more money for charity,because thats what will happen in order to keep our sponsors happy.

im stoked either way,this was a drunken idea that has turned into something i believe will be unreal either way we go.

But im more than happy to spend the time(which i have) to approach potential sponsors and make some big coin for the cause.

look im really getting a buzz out off this and want everybody else to as well. this might have been my idea,yet it would not happen if it wasnt for ALL OFF US being good blokes and our love of surfing. so in reality its not about me,its all about want we all want to do

QLD, 7932 posts
13 Aug 2012 5:20PM
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62mac said...

I don't want anything in return,the more money raised the better imo,say a clothing company chipped in some dollars and gave us all a tee to wear during filming well that's all fine.Gives them something for their bucks.

yep this is not about us at all when it comes to gifts. yet some products go hand in hand with getting the sponsors name there. oh im asking for $500 for a sticker and a $1000 for a bigger sticker on the board

WA, 24860 posts
13 Aug 2012 3:29PM
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asea said...

62mac said...

I don't want anything in return,the more money raised the better imo,say a clothing company chipped in some dollars and gave us all a tee to wear during filming well that's all fine.Gives them something for their bucks.

The only thing i want in return is to see The Prez on dvd doing his well renowned back dismount off the mal

Thank fk I'm not the Prez,just about to head home slam some Bears which will be enjoyable knowing asea will be at work the next two weeks and me not

WA, 6913 posts
13 Aug 2012 3:38PM
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chrispychru said...

62mac said...

I don't want anything in return,the more money raised the better imo,say a clothing company chipped in some dollars and gave us all a tee to wear during filming well that's all fine.Gives them something for their bucks.

yep this is not about us at all when it comes to gifts. yet some products go hand in hand with getting the sponsors name there. oh im asking for $500 for a sticker and a $1000 for a bigger sticker on the board

I reacon you've got it by the horns Chrispy. I reacon it would unreal to raise big bucks. $10000 would be amazing check to hand over.

I just want a smile at the end and i'll be happy

NSW, 5510 posts
13 Aug 2012 5:38PM
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62mac said...

asea said...

62mac said...

I don't want anything in return,the more money raised the better imo,say a clothing company chipped in some dollars and gave us all a tee to wear during filming well that's all fine.Gives them something for their bucks.

The only thing i want in return is to see The Prez on dvd doing his well renowned back dismount off the mal

Thank fk I'm not the Prez,just about to head home slam some Bears which will be enjoyable knowing asea will be at work the next two weeks and me not

Have you been told today Prez .........

10979 posts
13 Aug 2012 3:44PM
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chrispychru said...

^^^^jb mate im not asking anyone to do anymore than what they have already done.
what im asking really is do you all care that your heads could end up on the idiot box or a mag in order to make more money for charity,because thats what will happen in order to keep our sponsors happy.

im stoked either way,this was a drunken idea that has turned into something i believe will be unreal either way we go.

But im more than happy to spend the time(which i have) to approach potential sponsors and make some big coin for the cause.

look im really getting a buzz out off this and want everybody else to as well. this might have been my idea,yet it would not happen if it wasnt for ALL OFF US being good blokes and our love of surfing. so in reality its not about me,its all about want we all want to do

Do what you can, my head is that funking ugly no way they'll use it...

now the charity thing has taken off we should go down that path and maybe put the same smile that is on our faces after surfing on someone elses.

QLD, 1538 posts
13 Aug 2012 7:57PM
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jbshack said...

chrispychru said...

62mac said...

I don't want anything in return,the more money raised the better imo,say a clothing company chipped in some dollars and gave us all a tee to wear during filming well that's all fine.Gives them something for their bucks.

yep this is not about us at all when it comes to gifts. yet some products go hand in hand with getting the sponsors name there. oh im asking for $500 for a sticker and a $1000 for a bigger sticker on the board

I reacon you've got it by the horns Chrispy. I reacon it would unreal to raise big bucks. $10000 would be amazing check to hand over.

I just want a smile at the end and i'll be happy

Mmmmm $10 Gorillas is starting to get lot of money. Which is cool.

If we want to pimp it for all it is worth, maybe we should think about this a bit more and consider attaching ourselves to a registered charity with an ABN and DGR (deductable gift recipient status). This will keep it all legit for the sponsors and also allow those that are donating to get a tax deduction.

I think the concept is fantstic and has limitless potential, but maybe we keep the first one small and easy, and under the radar !!!

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
13 Aug 2012 8:04PM
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Good ideas there Daneli - make this the dry run so to speak and then go for gold next time around? I am a hoping we can do this more than once. I am sure that if we do a good job it would not be hard to get similar support.

But I am happy to go with the flow - I think it can be big or small - the main thing is that we are going to hopefully put a smile on the faces of a few people less fortunate than ourselves. However we achieve this I do not mind - as long as we give the smiles to some well deserving people.

6657 posts
13 Aug 2012 6:16PM
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plus 1 and one for the above too - good thinking.

NSW, 5510 posts
13 Aug 2012 8:27PM
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BulldogPup said...

plus 1 and one for the above too - good thinking.


cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
13 Aug 2012 8:48PM
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I'm all for raising as much money as possible as long as it's managable.

QLD, 7932 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:11PM
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ok, we have a split decision here

ok if we get approval to be associated with the disabled surfers(im hoping they will say yes) i already have $7000 from potential sponsors,hence why i think 10 g will be easy. im loving the fact everyone i speak to is willing to give some coin. so $10,000 will be easy for me to raise (imo)

im happy to keep it small and grow as ted has pointed out......but im a all in or all out kind of pig(hence my life) so me, im happy to go out and go hard for the coin......
only if you lads let me and are willing to get your heads out there on the big screen ready
hey if we do $10,000 this year,wow what can we be making in 20 years

at the end of the day i just wanted a cool movie for my grand im stoked no matter what

6657 posts
13 Aug 2012 7:17PM
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absolutely mate - gotta admire ya passion , probbly raise more & have more contributors being aligned officially.
Teddy has a good point in a dry run too - organisations would soon see the potential

NSW, 5510 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:21PM
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Chrispy sounds good how much can you raise for me to get a Barrister

QLD, 7932 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:23PM
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asea said...

Chrispy sounds good how much can you raise for me to get a Barrister

mate i will do it for free. or did you want a proper one.....

anyway a hitman would e cheaper than those bastards

6657 posts
13 Aug 2012 7:23PM
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NSW, 5510 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:24PM
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BulldogPup said...

Are you that cheap

6657 posts
13 Aug 2012 7:28PM
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No he'd just do it

NSW, 5510 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:31PM
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Its going to be huge with Chrispy Mangels at the helm

6657 posts
13 Aug 2012 7:33PM
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Farken oath - I vote chrispy

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:47PM
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Chrispy if you have 7k lined up already then the answer is there in front of us - GO LARGE !!!!!!

Well farrrrken done to you. We had now better get our stuff together and produce an epic film to match!!!! Do we know any film fellas who would like to edit it? We could get the movie thrown in to the Aust Surf movie festival...perhaps....from my first effort with my Samoan movie I can assure you that there is a great deal of skill and experience required fro good one ......and we need to be careful with how much footage we shoot. 5 and 10 second shots make life easy for editing. Its not often you will use a big long sequence. Loads of footage of crap that you think looks good when you film it and then when you re-look at it sucks! Makes the editing task a mission.

We need a good plan with this sort of cashola on the table

6657 posts
13 Aug 2012 7:49PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Chrispy if you have 7k lined up already then the answer is there in front of us - GO LARGE !!!!!!

Well farrrrken done to you. We had now better get our stuff together and produce an epic film to match!!!! Do we know any film fellas who would like to edit it? We could get the movie thrown in to the Aust Surf movie festival...perhaps....from my first effort with my Samoan movie I can assure you that there is a great deal of skill and experience required......and we need to be careful with how much footage we shoot. 5 and 10 second shots make life easy for editing. Its not often you will use a big long sequence. Loads of footage of crap that you think looks good when you film it and then when you re-look at it sucks! Makes the editing task a mission.

We need a good plan with this sort of cashola on the table

a plan ???? - fark we're in the shiz now

NSW, 5510 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:52PM
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yes Ted its getting serious now a lot of constructive thought has to be had by all.Keep it simple.

QLD, 7932 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:55PM
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BulldogPup said...

Ted the Kiwi said...

Chrispy if you have 7k lined up already then the answer is there in front of us - GO LARGE !!!!!!

Well farrrrken done to you. We had now better get our stuff together and produce an epic film to match!!!! Do we know any film fellas who would like to edit it? We could get the movie thrown in to the Aust Surf movie festival...perhaps....from my first effort with my Samoan movie I can assure you that there is a great deal of skill and experience required......and we need to be careful with how much footage we shoot. 5 and 10 second shots make life easy for editing. Its not often you will use a big long sequence. Loads of footage of crap that you think looks good when you film it and then when you re-look at it sucks! Makes the editing task a mission.

We need a good plan with this sort of cashola on the table

a plan ???? - fark we're in the shiz now


ted,it will be sweet mate.. we will make everyone that surfs looks good..even if we collate it pic by pic not really,got to have stacks and smacks

if someone is a expert at putting proposals me put one together for an arts grant please

NSW, 5510 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:58PM
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Chrispy you might have to meet up with the reps from the other states and have a conference over a weekend to get things sorted

6657 posts
13 Aug 2012 7:58PM
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Calling simgromdo calling simgromdo - where are you simgromdo

Edit - yesp - thas what a good acting Prez would do Asea

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
13 Aug 2012 10:13PM
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I'm up for hav'in my mug in it - though I'll be on the blooper reel


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"the official beer garden experiment movie" started by chrispychru