Smiko going bananas and standing UP!
Or is it suba on a bank at Trooms
Or Mocha at woofskis hillarys marina sth side during NW swell event
Or some dude with cohunes sponsered by OREO wetties
Rabbit Hill????
Whoops red thumbs named a secret wave in a secret village near a secret car park located in mythical wave rich region of south western australia also known for its wine and overpriced accom and food
Zuke would ve surfed it by himself and Legion knows but aint telling, buster knows but has been sworn to secrecy..... So it must be in WA
Smikos got an old book about it, Gracia punched out a few punters who dared surf it, PoCocko n Arkegee have shaped boards just for it, subas seen sharks there and made love to them whilst surfing it in boardies mid winter, lucyslane and 62mac have hung 10 on it, pup has nude photos of it, jbshack has THE boat for you to get to it and newguy cant wait to kook on it...although secretly...he will prob shralp the bags out of it and i can GUARENTEE katana has dropped in on someone there
Doggies got a set of fins for it, sharky gives it the thumbs up, solemans prob pissed someone off on it, bakesy got a photo and video of for his students to do a thesis on, and Laurie wants directions to it so WE cant swear F$&kn c$&t sh@t
About it being a secret........
Name it for gawds sake
by boat eh? Zuke's been holding out on us, sends us the crap pics and keeps the bomb sets for himself But seriously no idea, Barrier Reef mysto is my clueless guess but the wetties tell me Tasmania.