You fellas should join / contact Surfrider Foundation - they are doing some good work in WA already - try and work with them to get yourselves some access.
Thats their mandate - Surfrider Foundation Australia is a not for profit sea-roots organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia’s waves and beaches through Conservation, Activism, Research and Education C.A.R.E.
yep, it was always going to be closed there's no doubt. They did have options available but couldn't (or wouldn't ) justify the quite significant expenditure.
I guess that's why everyone gave up and only one person rocked up when the council voted There certainly wasn't much in the way of lobbying is my understanding, but I can only go off what I was told and what I've read.
Its great to hear that some people got involved initially, as Ted the Kiwi said it's great to get someone like Surfrider onboard with these types of issues, you get some coordination a direction, plan and focus.
If the Locals are happy with the result thats the main thing. It's going to have a huge impact on the primary dune system in the near future and that's a bit sad.
It's the modern world... We are all takers with little respect for our fellow man...
Evidenced by
Road rage,
Drop ins
Not standing up for the elderly on public transport
In this busy world we live in we have lost tolerance and always expect someone else to do the hard work for us!
Even if a 1000 surfers showed their support its not going to change progress...
Food for thought,Durs track shut,and the sticks with pink ribbons appear suddenly.They line the beachfront nearly all the way to Durs.Money in the bank......
I actually find this very sad. For me its the end of an era but I'm so greatfull for the memories I have .
Geez I remember when I used to surf seldoms all day to myself even back in 2001 during the week. That's 15 years ago now but doesn't seem that long ago really .
Im sure some of you have similar stories also - lets hear em!
FYI my profile pic was taken on this wave I call "the secret bubble" . Its between durrs and the marina and only starts to break in 3+ M of swell. Guess now the developers have moved in my "bubble" has popped
Datsun 1200's, type 3 VW station wagons and obviously old fords and Holdens with LS Diff a must.
i grew up surfing the spot and remember the day it all changed. Dave Kennedy (RIP , who later became my boss) mentioned the spot on the 96 fm morning surf report and from that following weekend on it wasn't hard to find as there was a grass ski park being set up that he used a reference point. before that , week days were locals only + a couple from Wanneroo and Quinns way at worst, occasionally there would be some fisho crew from Freo of Lancelin who were in with the local crowd anyway.
there were rules and they were respected, the track had to be driven a certain way, use the Burma, toot horn on blind corners, no speeding etc, but there were a couple of family's of brothers, one local and one from Wanneroo who flogged pHark out of the track And Karma played its part seeing more than one of their cars wrecked. We kept the place clean, and orderly.
Then after Daves broadcast ....they came, so weekends we started surfing Durs, as many hadn't cottoned onto that yet and summer we hit the 3 mile reef or down to Alkimos after a party with the Quinns mob.
Steamers used to be pretty good fun on occasion too with the right tide and swell direction when the Spot and Derrs were overcrowded.
Surf69....I can remember surfing The Spot for the first time with my older sisters then boyfriend and he said I had to pick up a piece of rubbish for each wave I caught. I couldn't find that much rubbish in the carpark :) I was 11 and the place was midweek epic and I was on holidays. He relegated me to the left to the north, breaking on the reef then sandbar. One of my favourite memories of surfing still.
Think this was the last time I surfed there in '93. My little sister was taking photos for her year 11 photography class. We used to get up there 3 or 4 times a week from '86 to '93. So many good memories, only saw it flat once & even then we had a waist high grovel. We'd bash our up that last hill out with a Holden or Ford station wagon when things got boggy after having no rain for a while. Carefully managing speed round the bottom corner to get momentum for the hill. Sometimes with a couple of blokes waiting in the difficult parts to give a bit of an extra push
Too far north for me to bother with (easier to head south) but this thread Reminds me of surf beach of old (pre 1995) where we'd 4x4 through the dunes and park on the beach with well shaped peaks everywhere.
Progress SUX!