Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Ders. Dewars. Durs

Created by mocha1 > 9 months ago, 19 Jan 2016
WA, 6913 posts
1 Feb 2016 12:46PM
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Surf69 said..
What's REALY sad is that when this went to council only one surfer rocked up to voice a concern.....ONE ( Onya Mogga!)
as far as the council are concerned if only one suffer cares enough about it to turn up there's no opposition to the track closure. That's how stuff works.

Actually when it first hit the council and they closed it the council meetings were filled to the point of standing room outside. People maybe didn't have their surfboards waving but were still their non the less..

It was simply a negative dollar issue(Due to ongoing maintenance) and now its closed, it a positive dollar issue as they can fine people..

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
1 Feb 2016 4:14PM
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You fellas should join / contact Surfrider Foundation - they are doing some good work in WA already - try and work with them to get yourselves some access.

Thats their mandate - Surfrider Foundation Australia is a not for profit sea-roots organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia’s waves and beaches through Conservation, Activism, Research and Education C.A.R.E.

WA, 598 posts
1 Feb 2016 1:20PM
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jbshack said..

Surf69 said..
What's REALY sad is that when this went to council only one surfer rocked up to voice a concern.....ONE ( Onya Mogga!)
as far as the council are concerned if only one suffer cares enough about it to turn up there's no opposition to the track closure. That's how stuff works.

Actually when it first hit the council and they closed it the council meetings were filled to the point of standing room outside. People maybe didn't have their surfboards waving but were still their non the less..

It was simply a negative dollar issue(Due to ongoing maintenance) and now its closed, it a positive dollar issue as they can fine people..

5724 posts and that is the most intelligent thing you have ever said

WA, 883 posts
1 Feb 2016 9:01PM
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jbshack said..

Surf69 said..
What's REALY sad is that when this went to council only one surfer rocked up to voice a concern.....ONE ( Onya Mogga!)
as far as the council are concerned if only one suffer cares enough about it to turn up there's no opposition to the track closure. That's how stuff works.

Actually when it first hit the council and they closed it the council meetings were filled to the point of standing room outside. People maybe didn't have their surfboards waving but were still their non the less..

It was simply a negative dollar issue(Due to ongoing maintenance) and now its closed, it a positive dollar issue as they can fine people..

Cool, were you there?

WA, 6913 posts
2 Feb 2016 9:49AM
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Surf69 said..

jbshack said..

Surf69 said..
What's REALY sad is that when this went to council only one surfer rocked up to voice a concern.....ONE ( Onya Mogga!)
as far as the council are concerned if only one suffer cares enough about it to turn up there's no opposition to the track closure. That's how stuff works.

Actually when it first hit the council and they closed it the council meetings were filled to the point of standing room outside. People maybe didn't have their surfboards waving but were still their non the less..

It was simply a negative dollar issue(Due to ongoing maintenance) and now its closed, it a positive dollar issue as they can fine people..

Cool, were you there?

There was three meetings. The first one were they tried to close it completely i was. That was the one were a few people called for more info as they felt they couldn't vote with out more info. I didn't make the others though.

I did however send in letters, submitted to a few surveys and i did send in a submission when they were open for consultation from the public..

I also spoke directly to Tracey Roberts regarding it on one occasion at a local council meeting at Gum blossom hall..
It was always a given it was going to be closed, because of the financial reason though not the safety avenue they pushed/peddled in the media

My point is the meetings were standing room only inside and out, they even made comment on the crowd at the meeting i attended, but no people didn't take their surfboards along. A have spoken to a few local surfers and they are happy with the closure.

WA, 883 posts
2 Feb 2016 12:44PM
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yep, it was always going to be closed there's no doubt. They did have options available but couldn't (or wouldn't ) justify the quite significant expenditure.

I guess that's why everyone gave up and only one person rocked up when the council voted There certainly wasn't much in the way of lobbying is my understanding, but I can only go off what I was told and what I've read.

Its great to hear that some people got involved initially, as Ted the Kiwi said it's great to get someone like Surfrider onboard with these types of issues, you get some coordination a direction, plan and focus.

If the Locals are happy with the result thats the main thing. It's going to have a huge impact on the primary dune system in the near future and that's a bit sad.

WA, 6913 posts
2 Feb 2016 4:25PM
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Surf69 said..
yep, it was always going to be closed there's no doubt. They did have options available but couldn't (or wouldn't ) justify the quite significant expenditure.

I guess that's why everyone gave up and only one person rocked up when the council voted There certainly wasn't much in the way of lobbying is my understanding, but I can only go off what I was told and what I've read.

Its great to hear that some people got involved initially, as Ted the Kiwi said it's great to get someone like Surfrider onboard with these types of issues, you get some coordination a direction, plan and focus.

If the Locals are happy with the result thats the main thing. It's going to have a huge impact on the primary dune system in the near future and that's a bit sad.

I don't know why you so only one person turned up. Every meeting were the track was discussed was packed. Your argument only one person turned up is not valid I'm sorry.. So they didn't have their surfboards waving them around. There was a big push by 4wd groups and their still is one ongoing, but to say only 1 surfer showed up is not right..

Im curious did you go to any of the meetings Surf69 Its just for me you seem to be judging others for not attending or making any effort to keep the track open

WA, 6913 posts
2 Feb 2016 4:44PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
You fellas should join / contact Surfrider Foundation - they are doing some good work in WA already - try and work with them to get yourselves some access.

Thats their mandate - Surfrider Foundation Australia is a not for profit sea-roots organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia’s waves and beaches through Conservation, Activism, Research and Education C.A.R.E.

Your right Ted Surfrider do some great work. The track currently suffers from a few issues. Cost of maintenance is the short term issue. The next part is if it remains in place when the development extends through the area, it will be problematic for the site also.

When they first called for the closure the council was caught out in a technicality and their hand was forced to repair and upgrade. At that meeting it was expected to be a simple tick and flick but word got out and the council meeting had a lot of people attending in the public viewing and a few councillors got nervous and it was closed to be postponed for more thought and consultation. They had a period to work to and the job couldn't be done in the time allowed so it was repaired and re opened.

Council then worked away behind the scenes waiting for their moment and when it was time they moved to close it. Voted through under the guise that it was dangerous for track users because of anti social behaviour. Rubbish control and they did mention the cost but it was never down played as not the reason.

The entire area has plans drawn already for residential extensions.

It was always a given and although some people are still fighting it, the next roads through that area will be bitumen and have houses alongside them

If you google maps on your iPhone for the area it even shows details of the extension..

1196 posts
3 Feb 2016 12:34PM
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Buster fin said...
Surf69 said..

KEARNSY said..

Surf69 said..
What's REALY sad is that when this went to council only one surfer rocked up to voice a concern.....ONE ( Onya Mogga!)
as far as the council are concerned if only one suffer cares enough about it to turn up there's no opposition to the track closure. That's how stuff works.

I would go as far to say that we do care, and we as a surfing community simply "missed the boat".

I for one would have been there at the meetings with a truck load of mates to stand up for my stomping ground, had I paid more attention to the meeting minutes and upcoming topic discussions of the Wanneroo Council

Yea sure , guilty as charged but at least I still have my waves. That's all that really matters at the end of the day I suppose.

I also question if there really were that many complaints from track users, or were they from retires in the area. I remember them all kicking off with a slow down campaign on the roads in the area. The 4wd bogans definitely would have contributed to this closure

Yep definately the 4wd abuse and other anti social behaviour. This type of thing has been going on for years but as the population swells around there so do the whingers and the squeaky wheel wins with governments.

I grew up as a grommet surfing the Spot and Derrs and even back in the late 70's and early 80's there were times when the track (the spot) was threatened to be closed, a result of pressure put on local and state authorities by only a couple of persistent Whingers who hated surfers basically, but 35 years ago a **** load of locals and regulars banded together and made a difference, and hey presto, great result. Way back then there were even respected and generally adhered to Road rules for the track. When they weren't there would be "discussions" if the boof heads stuck around.

They can never take the waves away , so that's at least something, and I think a bit of a treck to get some good waves aint such a bad thing anyway, but keep your eyes out, there's a requirement for local governments to allow access to the coast legally and this may be pursued as an angle to provide desent access. If all the surfers who live in the city of Wanneroo lobbied and all the others that use the place get onboard that would make a difference, but no support, no change.

They can take away the waves.
A marina would be catastrophic.

A marina other than the one that has been there 30 or so years?

WA, 3028 posts
29 Feb 2016 8:59PM
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Oh well I guess they will put a road to it

WA, 6913 posts
29 Feb 2016 9:00PM
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Legion said..

Yep and thats why the road was closed..

Wow imagine how busy the waves will be with that much growth

WA, 883 posts
4 Mar 2016 7:06PM
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jbshack said..

Surf69 said..
yep, it was always going to be closed there's no doubt. They did have options available but couldn't (or wouldn't ) justify the quite significant expenditure.

I guess that's why everyone gave up and only one person rocked up when the council voted There certainly wasn't much in the way of lobbying is my understanding, but I can only go off what I was told and what I've read.

Its great to hear that some people got involved initially, as Ted the Kiwi said it's great to get someone like Surfrider onboard with these types of issues, you get some coordination a direction, plan and focus.

If the Locals are happy with the result thats the main thing. It's going to have a huge impact on the primary dune system in the near future and that's a bit sad.

I don't know why you so only one person turned up. Every meeting were the track was discussed was packed. Your argument only one person turned up is not valid I'm sorry.. So they didn't have their surfboards waving them around. There was a big push by 4wd groups and their still is one ongoing, but to say only 1 surfer showed up is not right..

Im curious did you go to any of the meetings Surf69 Its just for me you seem to be judging others for not attending or making any effort to keep the track open

JB i wasn't there no, i live on the far South Coast nowadays as you know and based my comments only on what I've been told by the sole person who was at the last meeting posting live up dates at the time, the only person there at "decision" time and that was well captured complete with his photo in the local rag, must have been other meetings before that were well attended? According to long time councilor Margret Cockman there wasn't that much in the way of feedback from the surfing community that she was aware of when asked, so my apologies i wasn't there and base my comments purely on the feedback of others who i rate as highly credible. If I've been led up the garden path by that , sorry cant help it. (That's pretty much the long version of "It's my understanding" and " I can only go off what I'm told and what I've read"

Its not just you though, I'm definitely judging others for whining about something they did stuff all about, absolutely nothing worse than a mob of wingers complain about something that has happened and they didn't try and make a difference, however, equally on the other hand i strongly and loudly applaud those that made the effort, who demanded to be heard, those who tried to make a difference should be commended all day long, every single one of them. (and that's the long version of "It's great to hear some people got involved initially")

Anyway looks like it wont be too far away from being opened up to the masses as in time it had to i guess. Still be a long time before you see crowds there like the Super Bank. I bet there's more than one surfer who will be eyeing off the opportunity at a beach side block walking distance fro a great wave???

Andy T
WA, 325 posts
5 Mar 2016 7:47AM
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It's the modern world... We are all takers with little respect for our fellow man...
Evidenced by
Road rage,
Drop ins
Not standing up for the elderly on public transport
In this busy world we live in we have lost tolerance and always expect someone else to do the hard work for us!
Even if a 1000 surfers showed their support its not going to change progress...

WA, 883 posts
5 Mar 2016 1:56PM
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Andy T said..
It's the modern world... We are all takers with little respect for our fellow man...
Evidenced by
Road rage,
Drop ins
Not standing up for the elderly on public transport
In this busy world we live in we have lost tolerance and always expect someone else to do the hard work for us!
Even if a 1000 surfers showed their support its not going to change progress...

You'll never stop progress Andy that's for sure.

For me, i'll always stand for the elderly and encourage others to do the same, i certainly wouldn't sit there and say, "stuff it, no one else is."

WA, 64 posts
18 Mar 2016 8:18PM
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Food for thought,Durs track shut,and the sticks with pink ribbons appear suddenly.They line the beachfront nearly all the way to Durs.Money in the bank......

WA, 1321 posts
19 Mar 2016 5:39PM
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I actually find this very sad. For me its the end of an era but I'm so greatfull for the memories I have .
Geez I remember when I used to surf seldoms all day to myself even back in 2001 during the week. That's 15 years ago now but doesn't seem that long ago really .

Im sure some of you have similar stories also - lets hear em!

FYI my profile pic was taken on this wave I call "the secret bubble" . Its between durrs and the marina and only starts to break in 3+ M of swell. Guess now the developers have moved in my "bubble" has popped

WA, 2222 posts
19 Mar 2016 6:48PM
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What do the sticks represent? Surely not block frontages, that far down?

199 posts
19 Mar 2016 7:15PM
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We can still walk there right?

WA, 2354 posts
20 Mar 2016 9:43AM
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KEARNSY said...
I actually find this very sad. For me its the end of an era but I'm so greatfull for the memories I have .
Geez I remember when I used to surf seldoms all day to myself even back in 2001 during the week. That's 15 years ago now but doesn't seem that long ago really .

Im sure some of you have similar stories also - lets hear em!

FYI my profile pic was taken on this wave I call "the secret bubble" . Its between durrs and the marina and only starts to break in 3+ M of swell. Guess now the developers have moved in my "bubble" has popped

Oh child. I am 45 this year. Take your memories back another 10 years when Burns beach Road was a single lane goat track and the freeway south of south street was a ghost town.

Derrs was always fun mid-week during those halcyon Uni days. The Spot was always crowded and Derrs provided relief.

WA, 6913 posts
20 Mar 2016 11:27AM
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Legion said..
What do the sticks represent? Surely not block frontages, that far down?

Yeah i wondered that myself I wonder how long they expect them to stay..

Yesterday we took a long slow drive around Club Capricorn, Yanchep surf club, Two rocks and the spot. That place has been vandalised beyond understanding. The new subdivision is literarily right up to the old toilet blocks and will soon encroach the park in total.

On the way home i pulled into and had a drive around Alkimos (i think it was, were the shopping precinct is being built ) and honestly (No disrespect to anyone living their) but wow those houses and streets are so small For a subdivision they will be living directly on top of their neighbours and the nose from each house will echo down the tight streets. Kids ridding around on bikes will be an absolute danger.. Massive shame IMHO, but i guess thats progress..

WA, 3477 posts
20 Mar 2016 12:41PM
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thedrip said..
KEARNSY said...
I actually find this very sad. For me its the end of an era but I'm so greatfull for the memories I have .
Geez I remember when I used to surf seldoms all day to myself even back in 2001 during the week. That's 15 years ago now but doesn't seem that long ago really .

Im sure some of you have similar stories also - lets hear em!

FYI my profile pic was taken on this wave I call "the secret bubble" . Its between durrs and the marina and only starts to break in 3+ M of swell. Guess now the developers have moved in my "bubble" has popped

Oh child. I am 45 this year. Take your memories back another 10 years when Burns beach Road was a single lane goat track and the freeway south of south street was a ghost town.

Derrs was always fun mid-week during those halcyon Uni days. The Spot was always crowded and Derrs provided relief.

Oh child. I am 55 this year. Take your memories back another 10 years
I was living in Wanneroo when I got my licence and so it was just as quick to get to the Spot as Triggs but being a natural footer I would often venture further on to Ders.

Those were the days.
I'm sure heaps of you will remember when you could drive to the top of the hill to check the surf.
Does anyone remember the old longer track (before Dame Pattie Dve or the whole subdivision North of the Marina was there) that instead of doing a 90degree left turn around a corner in a fence line you would do a banked 270 degree RH turn for a bit of fun.

WA, 47 posts
20 Mar 2016 4:13PM
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WA, 3028 posts
20 Mar 2016 4:18PM
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tightlines said..

thedrip said..

KEARNSY said...
I actually find this very sad. For me its the end of an era but I'm so greatfull for the memories I have .
Geez I remember when I used to surf seldoms all day to myself even back in 2001 during the week. That's 15 years ago now but doesn't seem that long ago really .

Im sure some of you have similar stories also - lets hear em!

FYI my profile pic was taken on this wave I call "the secret bubble" . Its between durrs and the marina and only starts to break in 3+ M of swell. Guess now the developers have moved in my "bubble" has popped

Oh child. I am 45 this year. Take your memories back another 10 years when Burns beach Road was a single lane goat track and the freeway south of south street was a ghost town.

Derrs was always fun mid-week during those halcyon Uni days. The Spot was always crowded and Derrs provided relief.

Oh child. I am 55 this year. Take your memories back another 10 years
I was living in Wanneroo when I got my licence and so it was just as quick to get to the Spot as Triggs but being a natural footer I would often venture further on to Ders.

Those were the days.
I'm sure heaps of you will remember when you could drive to the top of the hill to check the surf.
Does anyone remember the old longer track (before Dame Pattie Dve or the whole subdivision North of the Marina was there) that instead of doing a 90degree left turn around a corner in a fence line you would do a banked 270 degree RH turn for a bit of fun.

Yep and doing it in a ford escort lol

WA, 375 posts
21 Mar 2016 8:31PM
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datsun 120Y yew!

WA, 883 posts
22 Mar 2016 8:52PM
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Datsun 1200's, type 3 VW station wagons and obviously old fords and Holdens with LS Diff a must.

i grew up surfing the spot and remember the day it all changed. Dave Kennedy (RIP , who later became my boss) mentioned the spot on the 96 fm morning surf report and from that following weekend on it wasn't hard to find as there was a grass ski park being set up that he used a reference point. before that , week days were locals only + a couple from Wanneroo and Quinns way at worst, occasionally there would be some fisho crew from Freo of Lancelin who were in with the local crowd anyway.

there were rules and they were respected, the track had to be driven a certain way, use the Burma, toot horn on blind corners, no speeding etc, but there were a couple of family's of brothers, one local and one from Wanneroo who flogged pHark out of the track And Karma played its part seeing more than one of their cars wrecked. We kept the place clean, and orderly.

Then after Daves broadcast ....they came, so weekends we started surfing Durs, as many hadn't cottoned onto that yet and summer we hit the 3 mile reef or down to Alkimos after a party with the Quinns mob.

505 posts
24 Mar 2016 12:00AM
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Steamers used to be pretty good fun on occasion too with the right tide and swell direction when the Spot and Derrs were overcrowded.

Surf69....I can remember surfing The Spot for the first time with my older sisters then boyfriend and he said I had to pick up a piece of rubbish for each wave I caught. I couldn't find that much rubbish in the carpark :) I was 11 and the place was midweek epic and I was on holidays. He relegated me to the left to the north, breaking on the reef then sandbar. One of my favourite memories of surfing still.

8266 posts
24 Mar 2016 6:15AM
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Think this was the last time I surfed there in '93. My little sister was taking photos for her year 11 photography class. We used to get up there 3 or 4 times a week from '86 to '93. So many good memories, only saw it flat once & even then we had a waist high grovel. We'd bash our up that last hill out with a Holden or Ford station wagon when things got boggy after having no rain for a while. Carefully managing speed round the bottom corner to get momentum for the hill. Sometimes with a couple of blokes waiting in the difficult parts to give a bit of an extra push

WA, 1403 posts
24 Mar 2016 9:23AM
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Too far north for me to bother with (easier to head south) but this thread Reminds me of surf beach of old (pre 1995) where we'd 4x4 through the dunes and park on the beach with well shaped peaks everywhere.
Progress SUX!

WA, 1403 posts
24 Mar 2016 9:24AM
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WA, 6913 posts
24 Mar 2016 12:21PM
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Ctngoodvibes said..
Too far north for me to bother with (easier to head south) but this thread Reminds me of surf beach of old (pre 1995) where we'd 4x4 through the dunes and park on the beach with well shaped peaks everywhere.
Progress SUX!

Surf beach was great. In the mid 80's We would get dropped of with our Honda Oddessy before licenses and spend all day surfing, playing in the dunes. Then when we got our drives licenses myself a a mate had Subarus that would eat up the dunes. Once i swamped my Pajero in a cut out track that was flooded. Depth wasn't an issue but the bow wave hit the walls and washed back in through the windows completely filling up my car. Had to wait a few hours for it to dry out and of it went again.

The sand was pitch white and so pristine. Sadly i remember the day the dozers all pushed through to the beach. The sand blowing was so fine, it coated our lungs and made breathing rather difficult..

Yep thats progress, but those trees on the drive in always still make me smile..


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Ders. Dewars. Durs" started by mocha1