I think the conversation about quivers was refering to surfing. Not standing up and paddling.
Yes a 6'4 is good though.
A quiver should be made up of as many boards as you can afford/get past the minister for finance....I just keep mine now and save up if I need a new one...the last board I sold I am still regretting it...current setup at the moment is :
6'2 x 21 1/2 x 3 CI Biscuit
6'6 x 21 1/4 x 3 Lost Mini Driver
6'6 x 20 1/2 x 2 3/8 Spider HO shortie
6'6 x 21 x 2 3/8 Island Single Fin
7'0 x 21 x 2 3/8 Full Circle HP shortie
7'0 x 21 x 3 CI Black Beauty
7'0 Lamont Single Fin
7'6 x 18 1/2 x 2 1/2 Rusty Indo Gun
9'4 Ashley Nose Rider
and a couple of SUP''s for the flat/tiny days
......gotta love a bit of variety
No, still being built.
Monday huh? Oh yeah, early to mid-morning? 'Twas kind of fun until the wind started to swing in. Sharky, to stay on theme. Should've said hi, I've got no idea what you look like. Funny, I thought I might've been next to you today between Contacio's/3rds.
I thought maybe I almost met suba too - there was a "solid" looking guy in boardies on a (red?) mal. Was that suba?
^ I always wonder when I paddle around if anyone from here is out. If you see someone with a super stylish nosedive, well, you've found me
Secret hand shake/special ring time?