That third shot is a cracker. Had some pretty tasty waves myself yesterday arvo before it turned into a circus. On another note I saw some pics from Scabs from yesterday morning and it looks like a few crazies were getting some big evil bombs. There must have been a few beatings dealt out
A dear friend is in the NW right now, I am awaiting photo updates of last couple days...............................Im working, weds thurs am off hopefully it hangs around for a few more days?????
Started off 5hit at Trigg this morning then had a solid period of great waves. Arms are knackered and body temp slowly recovering.
Pretty sure I had a toothy friend swing under me. Who knows, maybe it was our mate from Toms.
Fun waves at my local last night till dark. Swell had dropped to a more suitable range and with lines stretching out some. Managed to cop my board to my wrist on a flyaway but for once was thankful of the cold aiding in reducing the swelling to a minimum..
Drove ti lbb did not go out waisthigh junky sse,.it was.830 when i left there but its probably good now just couldnt wait all day
Was a bit hit and miss at a northern beachie, but overall I probably had the best weekend of metro surf I have had for weeks and weeks... over 2hrs yesterday and nearly 3hrs today... I waited for the tide to drop and the swell to settle so got out about 9:00am. Got some nice overhead bomb take-offs for a 20m run across some big straight-handers, but when you found them, the shoulder sized ones were the best for holding up and providing a wall and a decent length ride... 6.5/10.
Surfed at Perths premier Northern Spot It was nice to surf gentlemens hours but it was a little slow between sets and that made a few scurry for every wave they could get. Managed a few really fun waves over a 2 hour period. Biggest crowd I've surfed in for months but nice temp and well worth the drive
I was sweating in my 3/2 wetsuit though..Cant wait for summer warmth
Jeepers JB - sweating?! I was starting to shiver in the last half hour - even though the sun was out and it was 19 degrees... I think I must have had a lazy 15min or so and started to get cold. I am over the winter water temp - and YES before anyone suggests it - I am getting old and soft
Cycled Sorrento to City Beach and the swell has dropped heaps - and there's lots of reef sitting above the water... (around 2:30pm).
I put in some long hours in the car on Saturday and was rewarded with 2 hrs with only a couple of seals for company. Well worth the early trip as 8 guys paddled out in the last 10 minutes before I came in.
No Razz, the right wasn't much chop. There was the odd one but the left was way better. I'm guessing you may know my mate Dazza?